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DNA Analysis of PCR-Inhibitory Forensic Samples
Popular Abstract in Swedish I Sverige analyseras omkring 40 000 DNA-prover från brottsplatser varje år. DNA-profilerna jämförs mot DNA-profiler från misstänkta personer och kan på så vis användas för att knyta en person till ett brott. Alla typer av kroppsvävnader kan analyseras, såsom blod, saliv och hudceller. Vanliga bevismaterial är cigarettfimpar, flaskor, burkar och kläder. De material som cDNA evidence, linking perpetrators to crime scenes, is central to many legal proceedings. However, crime scene samples often contain extraneous substances that may interfere with the PCR-based forensic analysis, resulting in partial or negative DNA profiles. Extensive DNA purification may remove inhibitors, but involves the risk of DNA loss. In this work, pre-PCR processing was applied to improve
Design of solar system with high solar fraction in an extremely well insulated house
Pharmacoepidemiology of Antibiotics, Weak Opioids and Statins with Special Reference to Socioeconomic Aspects - an Ecological Approach
Popular Abstract in Swedish Entusiasmen över de stora landvinningarna inom läkemedelsområdet skuggas av en ökad medvetenhet om läkemedelsrelaterade problem samt av höga och ökande läkemedelskostnader. De bevisade effekterna i rigoröst kontrollerade kliniska prövningar motsvaras inte alltid av en förbättrad hälsa när läkemedlet når större spridning i samhället och sjukligheten bara blir en av mångaThe influence of socioeconomic factors on drug utilisation has been studied by pharmacoepidemiological analyses involving 1) drugs that are used to cure disease, such as antibiotics, 2) drugs that are used to alleviate symptoms, such as weak opioids, and 3) drugs that are used to prevent disease, such as statins. In a large Swedish city (Malmö), the utilisation of four major drug groups (ATC-grou
Detailed investigation of ignition by hot gas jets
Experimental and numerical investigations of the ignition of hydrogen/air mixtures by jets of hot exhaust gases are reported. An experimental realisation of such an ignition process, where a jet of hot exhaust gas impinges through a narrow nozzle into a quiescent hydrogen/air mixture, possibly initiating ignition and combustion, is studied. High-speed laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) image sequenc
Vad spelar kön och ursprung för roll i rättsliga sammanhang?
Concerted actions in teaching gerontology: Experiences from the Nordic countries.
Black Liquor Gasification. An Assessment from the Perspective of the Pulp and Paper Industry
[abstract missing]
Representation, Contestation and Power: the Artist as Public Intellectual
Humanisten knäcker koden
Identification of parameters in the optimal control model
To change of not to change: is that the question?
Gustavus Schmidt's library: the Swedish connection
Reliability test-retest of the Nordic Assisted Mobility Evaluation (NAME 1.0).
Reclaiming control from advanced driver assistance systems
Automation is increasingly a part of everyday driving in systems such as adaptive cruise control (ACC) or collision warning systems. These systems are not perfect, meaning the driver has to stay vigilant for any faults or warnings, and be prepared to reclaim control. However, humans are not very good at monitoring well-functioning systems, meaning systems may need to offer more support than they c