

Din sökning på "*" gav 534376 sökträffar

Management of Events Over Time: The Paradox of Brand Continuity and Change

Aim: The purpose of this paper is to understand how events manage change over time and the paradox of managing brand continuity while staying relevant. Method: Qualitative research based on secondary data. A multiple case study is conducted where three events are analyzed over two time periods by applying a core value framework and a corporate brand identity matrix. Findings: Each of the analyzed

Psychological Safety as a Potential Predictor of Turnover Intention

Voluntary employee turnover is a large cost factor for organizations. This fact justifies the research, development, and deployment of effective interventions. About four dozen predictors of voluntary employee turnover have been studied so far, but the construct of psychological safety has largely been ignored as a potential predictor of turnover in prior research of voluntary employee turnover. I

Exploring an alternative metabolic pathway for production of adipic acid - a study on homocitrate synthase

Adipic acid is considered as the most valuable dicarboxylic acid with industrial use; however, its production is heavily petroleum-based. This non-natural metabolite can be produced de novo through different metabolic pathways, one of which is the alpha-ketoacid elongation pathway. This investigation revolved around the study of the enzyme that catalyses the first +1C elongation reaction of the pa

Industry 4.0 and Swedish SMEs: An assessment of current maturity level and challenges

Background In a world where the rate of technological change is constantly accelerating, it is getting more and more important for companies to adopt new technologies and processes to stay competitive. Most recently, the concept of Industry 4.0 has emerged as the newest technological paradigm within industrial management and has its roots in the German government’s technological strategy. On a hig

Väg 111, Helsingborg. Undersökning huruvida ombyggnation behövs.

Väg 111 är en viktig sammanknytande väg till ett större vägnät för de orter och områden som vägen slingrar sig mellan utanför Helsingborg. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka om det behövs en åtgärd ur ett framkomlighetsperspektiv och ge ett förslag på lämplig åtgärd. Arbetet begränsar sig till sträckan mellan trafikplats Brohult och avfarten till Mariastaden som ligger norr om trafikplatsen. FöThe road 111 that runs past Helsingborg is an important connecting road to a larger road network for the towns and areas outside of Helsingborg. The purpose of this essay is to do a research to see whether a measure is needed from an accessibility perspective and to give a proposal for an appropriated measure. The analysis is limited to the distance between the traffic point Brohult and the exit p

The Effect of Natural Resource Dependence on Education in Indonesia

Empirical evidence on the effect of natural resource dependence on education so far has revealed mixed results. As a result of the ongoing controversy, this examination offers the opportunity to extend knowledge about the relationship between natural resource dependence and education. Using a panel dataset of 26 Indonesian provinces from 1996 to 2012 a fixed effects regression is performed to inve

Kamp och ”coloring”: jämställdhetspolitik i det övergripande fredsavtalet mellan SPLM/A och Sudan

This thesis is an examination of constructions of women in the comprehensive peace agreement between Sudan and SPLM/A (Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Sudan People’s Liberation Army) between the years of 2002-2005. The analysis is based in the comprehensive peace agreement and the discourse analysis of the agreement. I use a concept of discourse from the method of critical feminist discourse an

Isolation of nanoplastics in fish from the North Aegean sea

The breakdown of plastics in our oceans is one of our times biggest challenges. What happens when these plastics are broken down into pieces too small to see is still a mystery. Nanoplastics is a relatively new area of research and much more studies need to be done before we can get a perspective of how big the problem is. To be able to study these plastics we need a way to attain nanoplastic samp

Socialisation via Instagram - En netnografisk studie av #hållbarkonsumtion

Bakgrund: ​Några av de viktigaste aspekterna att ta hänsyn till i vår nutid är att konsumera hållbart och minska mängden avfall vi efterlämnar. En del enskilda individer har börjat ta aktivt ansvar för sin egna miljöpåverkan och sociala medier har visat sig vara ett viktigt verktyg i att engagera sig i hållbarhet. Detta för att nå ut till andra, engagera dem, sprida medvetenhet och kommunicera medBackground: ​Some of the most important aspects to take into account in our present time are to consume sustainably and reduce the amount of waste we leave behind. Some individuals have begun to take active responsibility for their own environmental impact and social media has proved to be an important tool in engaging in sustainability to reach out to others and engage them, spread awareness and

The development of non-binary gender identities – an example from the muxes of Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca, Mexico

The growing complexity of the concept of gender highlights the importance for a deeper understanding of the diversity underlying this construct. Recent studies have shown large numbers of individuals experiencing non-conforming feelings with their sex assigned at birth, emphasising the need to gain a better understanding of gender identities outside the binary system, one of these being non-binary

Authoritarian Past, Dystopian Present - Identity in Conflicted "North" Macedonia

This thesis in Anthropology researches the identity of Macedonians in the wake of a controversial name change to solve a long standing dispute with Greece. The dispute is based on rivalring historical narratives and the legacy of antique king and conqueror Alexander the Great of ancient Macedon, a region currently shared by Greece and the newly renamed republic of North Macedonia, who both claim d

A Better Version of Yourself: Sweat, Smiles and Muay Thai Tourism

This ethnographic study investigates the functions of BestFighter Muay Thai and Mixed Martial Arts training camp in Koh Samui, Thailand, as a successful actor in a booming self-improvement economy. In this thesis I explore the entanglements with locality and power which enable what satisfied participants refer to as augmented experiences of self-improvement. Combining theoretical concepts such as

YouTubers: An Anthropological Exploration of YouTube Content Creators

YouTube is today one of the most popular video hosting services on the Internet. With over a billion users all over the world it is an immensely active website. It is also a major platform for video content creators also referred to as YouTubers. These YouTubers, through their practice of content creating, can be said to be the heart and soul of this website. However, very little seems to be known

Clandestine Power Legitimised: Explaining Trust in the Algerian Armed Forces

Although there is a well-researched theoretical tradition to explain institutional trust, very little research has been done in authoritarian countries in general, and MENA countries more specifically. This study aims to fill this gap in the literature by identifying the factors that explain institutional trust in Algeria, focused more specifically on Algeria’s armed forces as one of the powerbrok

Your thinking matters: Promoting climate-responsible attitudes and behaviour using the choice blindness manipulation

This pre- and post-measure interventional study attempted to create a positive attitude shift in environmental attitudes of 80 students using the choice blindness (CB) manipulation. It is a novel approach that first manipulates the participants’ answers and secondly asks the subjects to justify the answer they did not choose, to elicit attitude change. The second condition utilised a persuasive te

Improving the security of exposed safety critical systems using SDN

The purpose of this thesis is to study if software defined networks (SDN) can function as a second layer of defence in safety critical sensor networks. SDNs are controlled and topologically defined by a logically centralised control unit. The centralised control logic makes it possible to control the behaviour of the network, and react to network events. In this thesis we examine if and how SDNs c