

Din sökning på "*" gav 526629 sökträffar

Dual-pump dual-broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering in reacting flows

A dual-pump, dual-broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering system for simultaneous measurements of temperature and concentrations of N-2, O-2, and CO2 in reacting flows is demonstrated. In this system pure rotational transitions of N-2-O-2 and rovibrational transitions of N-2-CO2 are probed simultaneously with two narrowband pump beams, a broadband pump beam, and a broadband Stokes beam. Th

The Use of Photo-elicitation in Tourism Research - Framing the Backpacker Experience

The aim of this paper is to elucidate the use of photo-elicitation as a method for data collection as well as a method for analysis. By using a study on backpacker tourism where the respondents’ own photographs were used in in-depth interviews as an example, the immersion of data collection and analysis is illustrated through the backpackers’ narratives and experiences of travel photography. The t

Pulsating Combustion - Combustion Characteristics and Reduction of Emissions

In the search for high efficiency combustion systems pulsating combustion has been identified as one of the technologies that potentially can meet the objectives of clean combustion and good fuel economy.Pulsating combustion offers low emissions of pollutants, high heat transfer and efficient combustion. Although it is an old technology, the interest in pulsating combustion has been renewed in rec

Integrating Management and Engineering Processes in Software Product Development

The intangible nature of software means that traditional processes for managing product development are not sufficiently effective. This, in combination with the increasing share of software in technical products, has had the effect of making it difficult to identify improvement proposals for engineering processes in many cases. This thesis uses both qualitative and quantitative research methods t

Structure of a thin oxide film on Rh(100)

The initial oxidation of Rh(100) has been studied using high resolution core level spectroscopy, low energy electron diffraction, surface x-ray diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy, and density functional theory. We report a structural study of an oxygen induced structure displaying a c(8x2) periodicity at an oxygen pressure above 10(-5) mbar and using a sample temperature of 700 K. Our expe

Culture and International Mediation: Exploring theoretical and empirical linkages

Culture is undoubtedly one of the most significant aspects of identity, yet our understanding of the concept and particularly of its consequences for international conflict management is underdeveloped. In this article, we test the hypothesis that cultural differences between parties reflect diversity and contradictions, and that these differences compound the difficulties faced by conflicting par

Cyclin E overexpression and associated events in human breast cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bröstcancer är den vanligast förekommande cancerformen hos kvinnor och årligen drabbas ungefär 6000 kvinnor i Sverige. I de flesta fall uppstår bröstcancer spontant, men viss ärftlighet ligger bakom ca 10 % fallen. Det finns kopplingar till faktorer som ökar risken för bröstcancer. Till riskfaktorer hör bl.a. långvarig exponering för hormoner: tidig mens och sent klimakUnrestrained proliferation is a hallmark of cancer and genetic defects within G1/S-phase regulation and the pRb pathway occur frequently. Proliferation control can be circumvented either by excess cyclin D1 or cyclin E, alterations that can define two alternative tumour biologic pathways in breast cancer. By overexpressing cyclin E in a cell line model system we demonstrate that the capacity of ce

The extent of linkage disequilibrium in Arabidopsis thaliana

Linkage disequilibrium (LD), the nonrandom occurrence of alleles in haplotypes, has long been of interest to population geneticists. Recently, the rapidly increasing availability of genomic polymorphism data has fueled interest in LD as a tool for fine-scale mapping, in particular for human disease loci(1). The chromosomal extent of LD is crucial in this context, because it determines how dense a

Intestinal adaptation in atrophic rat ileum is accompanied by supersensitivity to vasoactive intestinal peptide, pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide and nitric oxide

BACKGROUND: Intestinal inactivity leads to atrophic changes and concomitant alterations in the expression of neurotransmitters in the enteric nervous system. In atrophic rat ileum neurones expressing vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) decrease in number while nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expressing neurones increase. Since little is known

Alkali-silica reactions in Scania, Sweden : a moisture problem causing pop-outs in concrete floors

Problemen med alkali-kiselsyrareaktioner i Sverige ('AKRIS') är nya och började uppträda då ett cement med högre alkalihalt ersatte det tidigare lågalkalicementet som använts i södra Skåne, där betonggrus normalt innehåller alkalireaktiva korn av opalflinta och opalsandsten.Bara på 'fuktiga inomhuskonsruktioner', som har haft en speciell fukthistoria, har pop-outs uppkommit.

Effects of low molecular weight heparin and unfragmented heparin on induction of osteoporosis in rats

A comparison between the effect of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) and unfragmented heparin (UH) on induction of osteoporosis was made in 60 rats treated with either UH (2 IU/g bw), LMWH in 2 doses (2 XaI U/g or 0.4 XaI U/g) or placebo (saline) for 34 days. Studied variables were: bone mineral mass in femora; fragility of humera; zinc and calcium levels in serum and bone ash and albumin in pla

Maximizing the Use of Computational Resources in Multi-Camera Feedback Control

In vision-based feedback control systems, the time to obtain sensor information is usually non-negligible, and these systems thereby possess fundamentally different timing behavior compared to standard real-time control applications. For many image-based tracking algorithms, however, it is possible to trade-off the computational time versus the accuracy of the produced position/orientation estimat