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Konsten att leva länge-Föreställningar om livets förlängning i handböcker 1700-1930

Popular Abstract in Swedish Drömmen om evigt liv och evig ungdom är inte ny. Föreställningarna om vägen dit är ungefär desamma idag som för 300 år sedan. Men de tekniska möjligheterna har vidgat gränserna. Att förbli ung, eller åtminstone se ung ut, är ett ideal som växer sig allt starkare. Åldrande och död ska bekämpas, att hålla sig ung och att leva länge är viktigt. Det gäller att träna och skThe aim of this thesis is to explore discursive changes in conceptions of life course and ageing. In a sense the Life- Span embodies the boundaries of human existence, but furthermore, it symbolizes a discursive system with distinctive symbols and meaning, that regulates and re-construct a cultural context. Hence, a cultures notion of the Life-Span also reveals its images and apprehensions of agei

Small States and the Art of Influence in the EU

Are there special ways of exerting influence for small states in a complex multi-actor governance system such as the EU? Intergovernmental theories of European integration emphasize great power nota bene the Franco-German axis, but other observers suggest that smaller member states may actually use the EU institutions to their advantage. Based on literature about small states in international rela

Studies of T- and B-cells for the generation of human antigen specific antibodies.

Human antibodies generated in vitro may be highly valuable for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. For a long time most human antibodies produced in vitro have been of the IgM isotype with rather low affinities. In this thesis a method for production of IgG switched antigen-specific human antibodies is presented. This is a two step protocol, in which the first step is a selection procedure of don

On-line quantitation of enzymatic mannan hydrolysates in small-volume bioreactors by microdialysis sampling and column liquid chromatography-integrated pulsed electrochemical detection

Quantitative aspects of on-line microdialysis sampling are investigated with respect to sampling in small-volume bioreactors. Three modes of microdialysis sampling; continuous-flow microdialysis sampling (CFMS), stopped-flow microdialysis sampling with continuous stirring, and stopped-flow microdialysis sampling with stopped stirring were investigated as a possible means for studying bioprocesses.