

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

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Abstract in Spanish Un enfoque adecuado para intentar una definición de las tecnologías nos las brinda el término “usabilidad”, es decir las propiedades de un artefacto que afectan a su interacción con el usuario. En ingeniería, la calidad de un artefacto está determinada por dos cualidades: su utilidad y su facilidad de uso o usabilidad. Desde nuestra perspectiva la utilidad depende de la relació

Tissue Perfusion and Oxygenation Evaluated by Measurements of Tissue Gases and pH. An Experiemental Study.

Optimum peripheral perfusion, oxygenation and oxygen utilization is a prerequisite for normal wound healing, resistance to infection and cardiac function. The purpose of this study was to evaluate peripheral oxygen utilization by measurements of subcutaneous tissue gases and pH (PscO2, PscCO2 and pHsc) in comparison to established techniques for measurements of periph-eral tissue oxygenation and o

Balance in Single-limb Stance in Healthy Subjects - Reliability of Testing. Procedure and The Effect of Short-duration Sub-maximal Cycling

Background: To assess balance in single-limb stance, center of pressure movements can be registered by stabilometry with force platforms. This can be used for evaluation of injuries to the lower extremities. It is important to ensure that the assessment tools we use in the clinical setting and in research have minimal measurement error. Previous studies have shown that the ability to maintain stan

ICTs in teaching and learning women's studies : perspectives and practices in Europe : the use of new information and communication technologies in women's studies teaching

This book has come out of the work of the European ‘ATHENA’ Thematic Network, which is a network of higher education institutions involved in feminist research and in delivering Women’s Studies and Gender Studies programmes. Women’s Studies have developed a particular pedagogic focus that values both recognition of the ‘personal’ and critical reflective thinking in learning communities. Feminist

Growth conditions and individual quality in starlings

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom en art finns individer av olika kvalitet dvs. med olika förmåga att föra sina gener vidare till nästa generation. Förutom genetiska skillnader, kan sådana kvalitetsskillnader bero på miljömässigt orsakad variation. Av speciellt intresse är effekter som uppstår genom att den tidiga uppväxtmiljön varierar. Dessa effekter har föreslagits vara av vikt för fåglars överlVariation in growth conditions during ontogeny may result in permanent differences in individual quality. This thesis focuses on how starlings are affected by environmental variation during the nestling period. Both landscape differences in food availability and experimental food supplementation affected survival and growth of nestlings. During benign conditions, nestlings reached a larger morphol

Hankel-norm based interaction measure for input-output pairing

In this paper a new interaction measure for stable multivariablesystems is introduced.The interaction measure, the Hankel Interaction Index,is a dynamic extension of the underlying idea in the classicRelative Gain Array (RGA) and its various extensions. The new index isbased upon the Hankel normof the SISO elementary subsystems built from the original MIMOsystem. The main advantage of the Hankel I

A Catalytic and Mechanistic Investigation of Palladium-Phosphine Catalysed Aqueous Hydroxycarbonylation. Steric and Electronic Properties of the Ligands

Popular Abstract in Swedish Utvecklingen av säkrare och mer miljövänliga processer är en av de största utmaningarna som den kemiska industrin står inför. I det här sammanhanget är katalys i tvåfassystem, bestående av vatten och organiska lösningsmedel, av största intresse eftersom den möjliggör en enkel återvinning av katalysatorn samtidigt som den minskar skadliga utsläpp och kostnader för återviThe steric and electronic properties of eight water-soluble phosphines (1-8) were investigated by different methods. Phosphines 1-6 were tested as ligands in palladium catalysed hydroxycarbonylation of styrene. In line with the proposal that a ligand with low basicity should facilitate nucleophilic attack of water on the acyl complex, the electron rich {4 - [Bis(2 - diethylaminoethyl)] - aminobenz