

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Reacting to social discrimination? : Men's individual and social risk behaviors in the context of a male marriage squeeze in rural China

RationaleIn China, a large number of men are being squeezed out of the marriage market due to a shortage of marriageable women. Previous research has largely discussed the consequences of gender imbalances and focused on the behavior of marriage-squeezed men that threatens public safety. No empirical studies explored the impact of the social environment on risky behaviors of marriage-squeezed men.


Proteomics can be defined as the studies of protein properties on a large scale to obtain a global view of biological processes at the protein level. Essentially, proteomics requires protein separation and identification, and in many cases quantification. The cornerstones in proteomics are protein/peptide separation by gel electrophoresis and/or different chromatographic techniques, and identifica

Search for the Higgs boson decays H → ee and H → eμ in pp collisions at s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector

Searches for the Higgs boson decays H→ee and H→eμ are performed using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139fb−1 collected with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at s=13 TeV at the LHC. No significant signals are observed, in agreement with the Standard Model expectation. For a Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV, the observed (expected) upper limit at the 95% confidence level on the bran

Male factor infertility and risk of death : a nationwide record-linkage study

STUDY QUESTION: What is the risk of death among men with oligospermia, unspecified male factor and azoospermia in the years following fertility treatment? SUMMARY ANSWER: No significantly elevated risk was observed among men with oligospermia and unspecified male factor, while an increased risk was found among men with azoospermia. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: Previous studies have shown associations be

Measurement of flow harmonics correlations with mean transverse momentum in lead–lead and proton–lead collisions at √sNN=5.02TeV with the ATLAS detector

To assess the properties of the quark–gluon plasma formed in ultrarelativistic ion collisions, the ATLAS experiment at the LHC measures a correlation between the mean transverse momentum and the flow harmonics. The analysis uses data samples of lead–lead and proton–lead collisions obtained at the centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of 5.02 TeV, corresponding to total integrated luminosities of

Individuell betygsättning av grupparbeten inom högre utbildning

Det finns många fördelar med att låta studenter vid högre utbildning gruppvis genomföra projektarbete med öppna frågeställningar. Det finns emellertid problem med att sätta individuella betyg i en kurs som till stor del examineras genom det gruppvisa projektarbetet. I kursen EEMA01 Medicinteknisk design ges valet av undervisningsform naturligt av lärandemålens karaktär men betygssättningen böravsp

''Studenterna lär sig det de får arbeta med. Ge dem ett bra arbetsmaterial!''

En viktig faktor för studenternas lärande i en kurs är uppgifterna de arbetar med. Idealt ska de träna studenterna på olika kompetenser, belysa teorin på olika sätt och samtidigt motivera och väcka intresse. Sedan några år tillbaka använder vi ett omfattande arbetsmaterial ''Räkna med variation'' för att undervisa i grundläggande sannolikhetslära och statistisk inferens. Vi kommer att presentera a

Interactions and coherences in electron transport through serially coupled quantum dots

This thesis is considering various aspects of electronic transport through quantum dots, with the focus on two or three dots coupled in series.In paper I, we study the impact of electron-electron interactions on transport in a system of triple quantum dots with spin. We show that due to electron-electron scattering processes, transport is possible beyond the common single-particle transmission cha

Improved Tracking Performance in High Frame Rate Imaging Using Iterative Phase Tracking

High frame rate ultrasound imaging is necessary to enable tracking of rapid dynamic events such as the carotid pulse wave velocity. Several studies have shown that it is feasible to use motion tracking methods that are applied on standard ultrasound frame rates also on very high frame rates. However, few studies have addressed the issue of accumulated tracking errors over vast numbers of frames du

Comment on "The global tree restoration potential"

Bastin et al (Reports, 5 July 2019, p. 76) claim that 205 gigatonnes of carbon can be globally sequestered by restoring 0.9 billion hectares of forest and woodland canopy cover. Reinterpreting the data from Bastin et al, we show that the global land area actually required to sequester human-emitted CO2 is at least a factor of 3 higher, representing an unrealistically large area.

Eukaryote hybrid genomes

Interspecific hybridization is the process where closely related species mate and produce offspring with admixed genomes. The genomic revolution has shown that hybridization is common, and that it may represent an important source of novel variation. Although most interspecific hybrids are sterile or less fit than their parents, some may survive and reproduce, enabling the transfer of adaptive var

Amyloid and tau accumulate across distinct spatial networks and are differentially associated with brain connectivity

The abnormal accumulation of amyloid-β and tau targets specific spatial networks in Alzheimer’s disease. However, the relationship between these networks across different disease stages and their association with brain connectivity has not been explored. In this study, we applied a joint independent component analysis to18F-Flutemetamol (amyloid-β) and18F-Flortaucipir (tau) PET images to identify

Full Judicial Review or Administrative Discretion? A Swedish Perspective on Deference to the Administration

Swedish administrative law has not devoted much attention to the con-cepts of discretion or deference with respect to the administration. This is explained by the historically founded competence of administrative courts conducting a full review under the so-called administrative-judicial form of appeal. Here, the administrative court has the same decision-making competence as the deciding administ

The response of lake area and vegetation cover variations to climate change over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during the past 30 years

Lakes and vegetation are important factors of the Earth's hydrological cycle and can be called an “indicator” of climate change. In this study, long-term changes of lakes' area and vegetation coverage in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and their relations to the climate change were analyzed by using Mann-Kendall method during the past 30 years. Results showed that: 1) the lakes' area of the QTP

Estimation of reservoir discharges from Lake Nasser and Roseires Reservoir in the Nile Basin using satellite altimetry and imagery data

This paper presents the feasibility of estimating discharges from RoseiresReservoir (Sudan) for the period from 2002 to 2010 and Aswan High Dam/Lake Nasser(Egypt) for the periods 1999-2002 and 2005-2009 using satellite altimetry and imagerywith limited in situ data. Discharges were computed using the water balance of thereservoirs. Rainfall and evaporation data were obtained from public domain dat