

Din sökning på "*" gav 534686 sökträffar

Why people with an eye toward the future are more moral: The role of abstract thinking

Why do future-oriented people show greater moral concern than present-oriented people? Consistent with Construal Level Theory (CLT; Trope & Liberman, 2003), we find that future-oriented people construe morally relevant actions at a higher level of abstraction, which clarifies their larger implications. Importantly, we show that level of construal partially explains the relationship between ind

Transformative Narratives: The Impact of Working With War and Torture Survivors

There is growing interest in how helpers working with severely traumatized individuals are affected by their work. A sample of 69 persons working with war and torture survivors across specialized centers throughout Sweden filled out questionnaires evaluating negative (i.e., compassion fatigue—composed of secondary traumatic stress [STS] and burnout—depersonalization, and impairment of functioning)

Developing a Collection of Immobilized Nucleoside Phosphorylases for the Preparation of Nucleoside Analogues: Enzymatic Synthesis of Arabinosyladenine and 2,3-Dideoxyinosine

The use of nucleoside phosphorylases (NPs; EC 2.4.2.n) represents a convenient alternative to the chemical route for the synthesis of natural and modified nucleosides. We purified four recombinantly expressed nucleoside phosphorylases from the bacterial pathogens Citrobacter koseri, Clostridium perfringens, and Streptococcus pyogenes (CkPNPI, CkPNPII, CpUP, SpUP) and their substrate specificity wa

Late Ordovician (Katian) spores in Sweden : oldest land plant remains from Baltica

A palynologial study of the Ordovician-Silurian boundary (Katian–Rhuddanian) succession in the Röstånga-1 drillcore, southern Sweden, has been performed. The lithology is dominated by mudstone and graptolitic shale, with subordinate limestone, formed in the deeper marine halo of southern Baltica. The palynological assemblages are dominated by marine microfossils, mainly chitinozoans and acritarchs

Formation of nanogaps in InAs nanowires by selectively etching embedded InP segments

We present a method to fabricate nanometer scale gaps within InAs nanowires by selectively etching InAs/InP heterostructure nanowires. We used vapor-liquid-solid grown InAs nanowires with embedded InP segments of 10-60 nm length and developed an etching recipe to selectively remove the InP segment. A photo-assisted wet etching process in a mixture of acetic acid and hydrobromic acid gave high sele

Standardisation—the end of professional discretion?

This article analyses and discusses standardisation in human service organisations and its implications for professionals and for professionalism in social work. The theoretical framework derives from neo-institutional theory and theories regarding professionalism. By highlighting the role of professionals within a field influenced by organisational demands and market endeavour, this article contr

Sharing Dreams: Frequency, Motivations, and Relationship Intimacy

The study investigated aspects of dream sharing and dream recall in an adult sample (N = 667). It explored with whom dreams are shared and why, as well as the relation between relationship intimacy and dream sharing frequency with the partner. A significant, positive correlation was found between dream sharing frequency in couples and perceived relationship intimacy. Further, the findings supporte

Weight stability in Parkinson's disease

Objectives: Parkinson's disease (PD) has traditionally been associated with weight loss. However, recent studies have not found any evidence of underweight in PD. Nevertheless, few studies have addressed nutritional status changes over time in relation to other clinical PD features. Here, we explore changes in nutritional status and motor and non-motor PD features (including dopaminergic drug ther

Nuclear magnetic relaxation induced by exchange-mediated orientational randomization: Longitudinal relaxation dispersion for a dipole-coupled spin-1/2 pair.

In complex biological or colloidal samples, magnetic relaxation dispersion (MRD) experiments using the field-cycling technique can characterize molecular motions on time scales ranging from nanoseconds to microseconds, provided that a rigorous theory of nuclear spin relaxation is available. In gels, cross-linked proteins, and biological tissues, where an immobilized macromolecular component coexis

Freezing and thawing of montmorillonite - A time-resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction study

The evolution of phases over time during freezing and thawing of unconfined Na- and Ca-montmorillonites (Wyoming, MX-80) was studied with time-resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction. The clay samples were: (i) powder equilibrated to ambient atmosphere and (ii) pastes of 30 mass% montmorillonite in pure water. The phases were characterised in-situ using a stream of nitrogen gas for temperature cont

A Risk Assessment Perspective of Current Practice in Characterizing Uncertainties in QSAR Regression Predictions

The European REACH legislation accepts the use of non-testing methods, such as QSARs, to inform chemical risk assessment. In this paper, we aim to initiate a discussion on the characterization of predictive uncertainty from QSAR regressions. For the purpose of decision making, we discuss applications from the perspective of applying QSARs to support probabilistic risk assessment. Predictive uncert

Quantification of the electrostatic properties of the glomerular filtration barrier modeled as a charged fiber matrix separating anionic from neutral Ficoll

Oberg CM, Rippe B. Quantification of the electrostatic properties of the glomerular filtration barrier modeled as a charged fiber matrix separating anionic from neutral Ficoll. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 304: F781-F787, 2013. First published January 9, 2013; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00621.2012.-In the current study we explore the electrostatic interactions on the transport of anionic Ficoll (aFicoll)

Leukemia associated mutant Wilms' tumor gene 1 protein promotes expansion of human hematopoietic progenitor cells.

The transcription factor Wilms' tumor gene 1 (WT1) is highly expressed in the majority of leukemias, suggesting a role in leukemogenesis. Acquired WT1 mutations are reported as an independent predictor of poor clinical outcome, and mutations resulting in deletion of the entire DNA-binding zinc-finger domain (WT1delZ), is the most common type. The aim of this study was to study cellular effects of

Comparison of three different techniques for application of water solutions to Finn Chambers®.

BACKGROUND: With regard to contact allergy, the dose of a sensitizer per unit skin area is an important factor for both sensitization and elicitation, and therefore a known amount/volume of test preparation should be applied at patch testing. OBJECTIVES: To compare three different techniques for the application of aqueous solutions to Finn Chambers, in order to determine the precision and accuracy