

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Nedskrivning av Webben : en mediearkeologisk analys av Heritrix

There is no doubt that the the Web constitutes an important channel and platform for public discourse and cultural exchange, and that our times will be remembered by accessing the archives of the Web. This is also to say, that perception of the web – present and past – is shaped and governed by the media we and our machines perceive it with. So with what media do we archive it? Recording media is

Minority Participation in the Public Sphere – A Critical Analysis of Claim-Making on Muslim Rights and Islam in Swedish News Media

As Muslim communities have become more permanently established in Western European societies, debates around the public practice of Islam in these societies have become more prevalent, while the “global war on terror” rhetoric has aided the construction of Muslim minorities into “Others” along lines of religious and cultural differences. Based on theories of minority participation in the public sp

A New Approach For Detecting Strong Reflections In Rooms

In this thesis the influence of strong reflections in rooms is investigated. A strong reflection can have a negative influence on speech or music that is transmitted from the source to the receiver. Impulse responses including different strength of a reflection are modelled using a statistical model. From the impulse response, different parameters describing the strength of the reflection can be c

Discussing the Complex Relationship between the Mouridiyya Order and the Jamatou Ibadou Rahmane Association in Senegal

This paper discusses the relationship between the Mouridiyya order and the Jamatou Ibadou Rahmane Association- two significant and quite different Muslim organizations in Senegal. This case is illuminated in order to help explain why supposedly opposed groups entertain peaceful relationships. The data analyzed derives from nine interviews conducted between January 2014 and March 2014, in Dakar, Se

Fotbolls-EM och turism

Policy makers and national football associations often emphasize potential benefits of mega-events like the FIFA World Cup or UEFA EURO on tourism (or the economy in general), but empirical studies show no support for this. The effects on tourism, especially of the EUROs, are not well documented in the academic community and it is the purpose of this paper to provide some empirical evidence of the

Opportunities and Challenges in the Implementation of Dynamic Shelf Life in a Food Supply Chain

DynahMat is an ongoing project at the Packaging Logistics department at Lund University, which aims to reduce food waste by establishing the true quality and shelf life of chilled goods through a dynamic shelf life prediction (DSLP) service. The idea behind the service is, throughout the entire supply chain, to measure temperature and microbial growth using sensors attached to the package. The inf

På säkert avstånd

Twitter har beskrivits som ett relevant verktyg för svenska politiker för att hålla sig uppdaterade kring vad som händer inom den politiska världen. Twitter som kanal har tidigare benämnts som ett elitmedium, då det finns en stark närvaro av opin-ionsbildare av olika slag. Det är alltid viktigt att granska makthavares kommuni-kation och hur detta kan påverka demokratin. Vi har genomfört en kvalitaTwitter has been described as a must-have tool for Swedish politicians, to not fall behind in the constant flow of information. Previous research has defined Twitter as an elitist channel, due to its dense population of opinion-makers. It is important to keep a critical approach towards how people in power communicate and what possible effect their communications might have on the democratic proce

Nature and Effects of Barriers to Innovation in Healthcare Service Companies

The purpose of this thesis is to identify barriers to innovation faced by firms delivering healthcare services and to analyse their effects on healthcare service firms' innovation process. This thesis therefore aims to close a gap in literature. Insights gained can help policy-makers understand how their actions impede innovation in the healthcare industry and how they can remove or reduce spe

The Effects of FDI on Economic Growth in Central and Eastern Europe: Mergers & Acquisitions, and Greenfield Investment

In the last decade Central and Eastern Europe faced surge in foreign capital inflows and economic growth. Foreign direct investment played significant role in forming government policies, development in the infrastructure and national income generation. While most research has been done on FDI impact on per capita real GDP growth, this paper takes alternative approach and examines the effects of t

Den manliga horan Offer, promiskuös eller entreprenör?

Den här kandidatuppsatsen handlar om män som säljer sex till män. Syftet är att ur ett antropologiskt perspektiv undersöka hur män som säljer sex till män framställs i den svenska prostitutionsdiskursen och hur några av de manliga sexsäljarna uppfattar sig själva. Mina huvudfrågor är: Hur upplever manliga sexsäljare relationen mellan motiv, sex och arbete? Hur regleras manliga sexsäljares sexualit

Kvinnliga meningsskapare - en feministisk och intersektionell analys av två nya svenska filmer

Uppsatsen analyserar två nya svenska filmer: Återträffen (2013) och Nånting måste gå sönder (2014). Hur förhåller sig de kvinnliga huvudkaraktärerna i respektive film till de patriarkala konventioner, som Laura Mulvey beskrev för nästan 40 år sedan? Med utgångspunkt i Mulveys teorier och kompletterat av såväl amerikanska som svenska film- och genusforskare, diskuteras karaktärernas framställning, This essay analyzes two new Swedish movies: The Reunion (Återträffen, 2013) and Something Must Break (Nånting måste gå sönder, 2014). How do the female leading characters in these movies relate to the patriarchal conventions described by Laura Mulvey nearly 40 years ago? Based on Mulveys theories, and supplemented by american as well as swedish scholars, the depiction, hierarchy and object/subject

Allt för dig (och mig) - Varför delar vi reklamfilm?

Titel: Allt för dig (och mig) - Varför delar vi reklamfilm? Författare: Kitty Jönsson & Kristin Magnusson Handledare: Asta Cepaite Nilsson Nyckelord: Viral Marknadsföring, Social Identitet, Word of Mouth, Sociala Relationer Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka och belysa varför konsumenter delar reklamfilm via digitala kanaler. Metod: Med utgångspunkt i ett tolkande perspektiv har det geTitle: Everything for you (and me) - Why do we share commercials? Authors: Kitty Jönsson & Kristin Magnusson Advisor: Asta Cepaite Nilsson Keywords: Viral Marketing, Social Identity, Word of Mouth, Social Relations Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate and illustrate why consumers share commercials through digital channels. Methodology: Based on an interpretive perspective, thir

De aktiebolagsrättsliga generalklausulerna - En analys

Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka och utreda innebörden av generalklausulerna i 7:47 och 8:41 1 st. ABL. För att underlätta denna analys har fokus riktats på att undersöka vad som utgör en otillbörlig fördel enligt generalklausulerna, att se huruvida en företagsekonomiskt riktig eller försvarlig åtgärd kan ses som otillbörlig, samt även huruvida generalklausulerna kThe main purpose of this thesis has been to examine the meaning of the general clauses in 7:47 and 8:41 1st sentence of the Swedish company act. To fulfil this purpose, focus has been aimed at investigating what constitutes an unfair advantage according to the general clauses, to see whether an economically correct or justifiable measure can be seen as unfair, as well as seeing whether the general

Är piller lösningen? - En studie om ADHD-medicineringens möjligheter och hinder för personer med både en ADHD-diagnos och ett beroende av alkohol eller narkotika.

The aim with this study is to investigate the disadvantages and advantages with ADHD medication for adults with both an ADHD diagnosis and an addiction to alcohol or drugs. In our study we have used qualitative methods through semi structured interviews with professionals from different organizations, including Addiction Centres, Probation, Social Services and treatment centres. The result showed

EmoTouch: Nästa generations analysverktyg för mobilapplikationer

This thesis explores the possibility to develop a tool for mobile analytics, which maps user behavior with the intent to detect frustration. The project was carried out in cooperation with the company Tactel AB. They see a great commercial potential in a tool that can provide application publishers with information about users’ frustration levels in real-time. The objective of the project was to d

Transnational Entrepreneurs: Implications of the dual background on opportunity recognition

Transnational entrepreneurs are migrant business owners, traveling abroad for business purposes and engaged in business activities, based on ties to a foreign country. Operating in two countries exposes the entrepreneur to more sources of information and can increase the ability of the entrepreneur to make connections and discover opportunities. Using dual habitus and theory of practice as the mai

Choosing Sustainable Transport : unraveling the factors of human behavior that influence Sony Mobile Communication employees and Emporia shoppers transport mode decisions

Transportation is a necessary part of our daily lives and the environment would greatly benefit if the majority of people used sustainable transport. The current mechanisms set in place to change people’s behaviors, however, have lacked an in depth psychological understanding of how people make transport decisions. The aim of this thesis is to explore the world of psychology and behavior and to at