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Konferensbidrag (sida 63 av 78)
- Holmer, A. (2004). Intraposition and Formosan adverbial heads. I Law, P. (Red.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 120-134). Berlin: Zentrum für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft..
- Håkansson, G., Norrby, C. & Bruzaeus, L. (2004). Svenska i och utanför Sverige. Grammatiska och pragmatiska mönster i inlärarspråket. I Ekberg, L. & Håkansson, G. (Red.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 78-89). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Karlsson, A. & Svantesson, J.-O. (2004). Prominence and Mora in Mongolian. I Bel, B. & Marlien, I. (Red.) Proceedings of International Conference on Speech Prosody 2004 (pp. 65-68). ISCA.
- Karlsson, F., Zetterholm, E. & Sullivan, K. (2004). Development of a Gender Difference in Voice Onset Time. I Cassidy, S., Cox, F., Mannell, R. & Pal, S. (Red.) Proceedings of the Tenth Australian International Conference on SPEECH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (pp. 316-321). Australian Speech Science and Technology Association.
- Källkvist, M. (2004). Does Translation Enhance Accuracy?.
- Källkvist, M. (2004). Leder översättningsövningar till ökad grammatisk korrekthet?.
- Ljungqvist, M. (2004). Aspectuality, temporality and modality: a relevance-theoretic analysis of some pragmatic markers in Mandarin Chinese.
- Nilsson, H. (2004). En hyllningsdikt : "Till Ola Hansson"?. I Ljung, P. E. (Red.) Absalon, Drömmens vin, ordets blod : tolv föredrag om Vilhelm Ekelunds lyrik (pp. 87-98), 20. Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen, Lunds universitet.
- Nilsson, M. (2004). Berättandet i nyare svensk arbetarlitteratur. I Gemzøe, A., Gornitzka, S., Kirkegaard, P. & Mønster, L. (Red.) Fortaellingen i Norden efter 1960 : [den 24. IASS-studiekonference 2002]. Aalborg Universitetsforlag.
- Nykvist, K. (2004). Sverige som lyrisk konstruktion hos Jesper Svenbro.
- Paradis, C. (2004). Metonymization, facetization and the corpus.
- Paradis, C. & Willners, C. (2004). Let's have a look in the margins: antonyms pairs in COBUILD.
- Paradis, C. & Willners, C. (2004). On the interpretation of scalar antonyms and their negated equivalents.
- Paradis, C. & Willners, C. (2004). Polarity and negation of pairs of antonyms: an experiment.
- Ringmar, M. (2004). Älvdalska - en önordisk språkö på fastlandet.
- Sarsenov, K. (2004). Брачная миграция на ТВ-экране: сказка и «реалити».
- Sayehli, S. (2004). Problems in analysing data of language learning beginners.
- Schoenhals, M. (2004). Sinology and Historical Research on Mao's China: Some Personal Observations.
- Schötz, S. (2004). Some Acoustic Cues to Human and Machine Estimation of Speaker Age. Proc. of Fonetik 2004, 40-43. Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
- Schötz, S. (2004). The Role of F0 and Duration in Perception of Female and Male Speaker Age. Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 379-382. Nara.
- Segerup, M. (2004). Gothenburg Swedish word accents - a fine distinction. I Branderud, P. & Traunmüller, H. (Red.) Fonetik 2004 : proceedings (pp. 28-31). Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
- Sonesson, G. (2004). Does Ego meet Alter — in the Global Village? A View from Cultural Semiotics. Cultural identity in transition/Identitate culturalã în transitie, Proceedings of the 1st Semotics of Culture conference, Univesitatea din Bacâu, Romania, November 1 - 4, 2001, 95-119. Universitatee Bacãu, Romania.
- Sonesson, G. (2004). El grado uno bajo cero de la retórica. La imagen como memoria y transformación. Ver y Saber/Voir et savoir.. Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus de la Cuidad de Mexico..
- Svantesson, J.-O. (2004). Syllable boundaries in Kammu. I Branderud, P. & Traunmüller, H. (Red.) Fonetik 2004 : proceedings : the XVIIth Swedish Phonetics Conference, May 26-28 2004 (pp. 152-154). Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
- Svantesson, J.-O. & Karlsson, A. (2004). Minor syllable tones in Kammu. I Bel, B. & Marlien, I. (Red.) Proceedings, International symposium on tonal aspects of languages (TAL2004) (pp. 177-180). Chinese Academy of Sciences.