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Konferensbidrag (sida 41 av 78)
- Ranta, M. (2012). An Exploratory Pilot Study on Pictorial Narrativity and Eye Scan Patterns. I Chan, J. C.-H. (Red.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 66-87). National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU)/ Intternational Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA).
- Roll, M. & Horne, M. (2012). A slow time constant in the neurophysiology of language processing. Neuroscience Day, Medical Faculty. Lund University.
- Roll, M. & Horne, M. (2012). Neural evidence for a slow time constant in language processing.
- Schötz, S. (2012). A phonetic pilot study of vocalisations in three cats. Proceedings from FONETIK 2012, 45-48. University of Gothenburg.
- Schötz, S., Frid, J. & Löfqvist, A. (2012). A comparative study of kinematic and acoustic age-related variability in speech. Proceedings from FONETIK 2012, 61-64. University of Gothenburg.
- Sonesson, G. (2012). A Final Move in Chess: Beyond the Picture Sign in Visual Semiotics. I Couto Cantero, P., Enríquez Veloso, G., Passeri, A. & Paz Gago, J. M. (Red.) Culture of communication/Communication of culture – Comunicación de la cultura/Cultura de la comunicación. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS) (pp. 1397-1408). Universidade de Coruña.
- Sonesson, G. (2012). The Phenomenological Road to Cognitive Semiotics. I Couto Cantero, P., Enríquez Veloso, G., Passeri, A. & Paz Gago, J. M. (Red.) Culture of communication/Communication of culture – Comunicación de la cultura/Cultura de la comunicación. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS) (pp. 855-866). Universidade de Coruña.
- Splendido, F. (2012). Le développement de la liaison obligatoire prénominale chez des apprenants précoces suédophones : Une étude de cas multiples.
- Stjernholm, E. (2012). Visions of Europe : European Parliament's Film Prize LUX and the Production, Representation and Circulation of Cultural Identities.
- Svensson, J. (2012). Alba Amicorum at Lund University Library.
- Svensson, J. (2012). Latin and Identity.
- Tenngart, P. (2012). Swedish Justice in English.
- Topczewska, A. (2012). “La parte de los crímenes”: una snuff movie literaria.
- Touati, P. (2012). Bertil Malmberg, titulaire de la première chaire de phonétique de Suède. Évaluations d’experts. I CHISS, J.-L., SAVATOVSKY, D., CANDEL, D. & LEON, J. (Red.) Actes du colloque SHESL-HTL/ Supplément électronique à la revue Histoire Epistémologie Langage, Les dossiers de HEL. Société d’Histoire et d’Épistémologie des Sciences du Langage et le Laboratoire d’Histoire des Théories Linguistiques (UMR 7597 du CNRS, Univ Paris Diderot, Univ Sorbonne Nouvelle). Avec la collaboration de l’EA 2288 DILTEC (Univ Sorbonne nouvelle).
- Touati, P. (2012). Controversy and epistolary mediation in the construction of phonetic knowledge. I Eriksson, A. & Abelin, ?. (Red.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 105-108). The Authors and the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and.
- Toyota, J. (2012). Dialect Mixing as a Language Contact in the History of English. Theories and Practices, 3, 95-110. Tomas Bata University in Zlín.
- Turner, E. (2012). Camping in the Sahara: Desert Romance Meets Desert Reality.
- Uneson, M. (2012). Interactive unfolding networks: a proposed experimental design. [Publication information missing].
- Uneson, M. (2012). The Swedes are late as usual: On stress placement in parallel words in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish. I Eriksson, A. & Abelin, ?. (Red.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 17-20). University of Gothenburg/Philosophy, Linguistics, and Theory of science.
- van de Weijer, J., Paradis, C. & Willners, C. (2012). Antonyms and evaluative polarity.
- van de Weijer, J., van de Weijer, J. & Beili, Y. (2012). Proper-Name Identification. [Host publication title missing], 729-732. Tongji Univ Press.
- Vilkaite, L., Gyllstad, H. & Schmitt, N. (2012). Validation evidence for and against the Vocabulary Size Test – A closer look at the 3K, 6K and 9K bands.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2012). Back to the Past: Screenings of Swedish Films in the Swedish-American Diaspora until 1950.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2012). Projektpresentation i gruppen Sverige och Nordamerika: migration, språk, kultur.
- Wendt, B. (2012). Ordfrekvens och ordboksutrymme. I Eaker, B., Larsson, L. & Mattisson, A. (Red.) Nordiska studier i lexikografi 11 (pp. 621-628). Nordiska föreningen för lexikografi.