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Konferensbidrag (sida 21 av 78)
- Grenner, E., Johansson, V., van de Weijer, J., Asker-Árnason, L. & Sahlén, B. (2016). Writing intervention and observational learning : The relation between text quality, working memory capacity and reading comprehension.
- Gustafsson, A. W. & Hommerberg, C. (2016). Metaphors in palliative cancer care (MEPAC) : a Sweden-based three-year interdisciplinary research project.
- Gyllstad, H. (2016). Comparing L1 and L2 phraseological processing : free combinations, collocations and idioms.
- Gyllstad, H. (2016). Processing Specificity in Learning Collocations.
- Gyllstad, H. (2016). Using measures of lexical knowledge as proxies for general language proficiency.
- Hartman, J. & Paradis, C. (2016). Like God’s own Sneeze : Force as a basis for comparative and contrastive construal in narratives on Tourette Syndrome.
- Hedling, O. (2016). A Clash with the System : Experiences of teaching film and media production in the south of Sweden.
- Hedling, O. (2016). A Note on the Changing Geography of European Film and Television Production since 1989.
- Hedling, O. (2016). Some Notes on Present European and Scandinavian Co-production Practices Through the Prism of ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ (2009).
- Heinat, F., Klingvall, E., Tutunjian, D. & Wiklund, A.-L. (2016). An acceptability study of long-distance extractions in Swedish.
- Heinat, F., Klingvall, E., Tutunjian, D. & Wiklund, A.-L. (2016). Superadditivity, working memory, and island effects.
- Heinat, F., Klingvall, E., Tutunjian, D. & Wiklund, A.-L. (2016). The status of relative clause extractions in Swedish: : data from an offline study.
- Helsing, D. (2016). Evolution, Fiction, and Popular Science.
- Holm, L. (2016). Lexikala profiler i några nutida romaner. I Gustafsson, A. W., Holm, L., Lundin, K., Rahm, H. & Tronnier, M. (Red.) Lundastudier i nordisk språkvetenskap A, Svenskans beskrivning 34 : Förhandlingar vid trettiofjärde sammankomsten. Lund den 22–24 oktober 2014 (pp. 201-213), 74. Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lunds universitet.
- Hommerberg, C., Gustafsson, A. W., Benzein, E., Sandgren, A., Semino, E. & Koller, V. (2016). Rendering the ungraspable graspable : the use of metaphors in Swedish palliative cancer care. Palliative Medicine, 30. SAGE Publications.
- House, D., Karlsson, A. & Svantesson, J.-O. (2016). When epistemic meaning overrides the constraints of lexical tone : a case from Kammu.
- Hult, F. (2016). The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals : Opportunities for multi-sited language policies.
- Hult, F. (2016). Ways of seeing linguistic landscapes : Applying theories of representation old and new.
- Hult, F. & Kelly Holms, H. (2016). Spectacular language and creative marketing in a Singapore tailor shop.
- Hult, F., Glanz, C. & Hanemann, U. (2016). Multilingual literacy and the strategic development goal for quality education.
- Johansson, V. (2016). Lärare, handledare och läslyftare.
- Johansson, V. (2016). Senare syntaktisk utveckling : en studie av satstyp och fundament i berättelse och sakprosa.
- Johansson, V. & Smedberg Bondesson, A. (2016). Skriva, läsa, tänka, ändra.
- Johansson, V., Gustafsson, P. & Johansson, R. (2016). From knowledge transformer to knowledge crafter : the making of a skilled writer.
- Karlsson, A., House, D. & Svantesson, J.-O. (2016). Tonal cues to topic and comment in spontaneous Japanese and Mongolian.