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Bokkapitel (sida 42 av 96)
- Holmberg, B. (2011). Västasien: 1500-1800. I Petersson, M. (Red.) Världens litteraturer: en gränsöverskridande historia (pp. 130-132). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Holmberg, B. (2011). Västasien: 1800-1950. I Petersson, M. (Red.) Världens litteraturer: en gränsöverskridande historia (pp. 200-205). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Holmberg, B. (2011). Västasien: 1950-. I Petersson, M. (Red.) Världens litteraturer: en gränsöverskridande historia (pp. 281-291). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Holmer, A. (2011). Formosanska språk, relativisering och språktypologi. Årsbok, Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund. Årsbok 2011, 37-58. Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund.
- Hult, F. & King, K. (2011). Global and local connections in educational linguistics. I Hult, F. & King, K. (Red.) Educational linguistics in practice: Applying the local globally and the global locally. Multilingual Matters.
- Jonsson, B. (2011). "'Ärade damer!' Den Svenske Nationalsocialisten som kvinnotidskrift". Tidskrift för Classiska studier, 1/2011, 196-201. Absalon.
- Jönsson, A. (2011). Mångspråkig poet i språkpatriotisk debatt. I Jönsson, A., Lindgärde, V. & Göransson, E. (Red.) Wår lärda Skalde-fru (pp. 304-328). Skåneförlaget.
- Kupisch, T. & Rinke, E. (2011). The diachronic development of article-possessor complementarity in the history of Italian and Portuguese. I Siemund, P. (Red.) Linguistic Universals and Language Variation (pp. 92-127). Mouton de Gruyter.
- Kärrholm, S. (2011). Loving You Is Like Loving the Dead. Eroticizing the Dead Body. I Larsson, M. & Steiner, A. (Red.) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twilight. Studies in Fiction, Media, and a Contemporary Cultural Experience. Nordic Academic Press.
- Kärrholm, S. (2011). Swedish Queens of Crime: the Art of Self-Promotion and the Notion of Feminine Agency. Liza Marklund and Camilla Läckberg. I Arvas, P. & Nestingen, A. (Red.) Scandinavian Crime Fiction. University of Wales Press.
- Larsson, B. (2011). Censur av litteratur. I Margareta, P. (Red.) Världens litteraturer. En gränsöverskridande historia. Studentlitteratur AB.
- Larsson, B. (2011). Den vita gudinnan. I Niklas, S. (Red.) Tidskrift för Classiska studier. Nr 1 2011 (pp. 98-102). Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lunds universitet.
- Larsson, B. (2011). Mes bouts du monde. I Jean-Pierre, P. (Red.) Nouvelles du bout du monde (pp. 105-115). Hoëbeke.
- Lennhag, M. (2011). Understanding Post-Soviet Petty Corruption : Informal institutions, Legitimacy, and State Critisism. I Pleines, H. & Mansfeldova, Z. (Red.) Changing Europe, Informal relations from democratic representation to corruption : Case studies from Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 73-87), 8. Ibidem-Verlag.
- Ljungqvist, M. (2011). Mutual manifestness and the pragmatic marker ne in Mandarin Chinese. I Turner, K. (Red.) Current Research in the Semantics / Pragmatics Interface, Making Semantics Pragmatic (pp. 165-181), 24. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Lutas, L. (2011). Narrative Metalepsis in Detective Fiction. I Kukkonen, K. & Klimek, S. (Red.) Metalepsis in Popular Culture (pp. 41-64), Series: Narratologia / Contributions to Narrative Theory 28. De Gruyter.
- Mark, D. M., Turk, A., Burenhult, N. & Stea, D. (2011). Landscape in language: An introduction. I Mark, D. M., Turk, A., Burenhult, N. & Stea, D. (Red.) Landscape in language: Transdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 1-24). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Marklund, A. (2011). The Shining in Jotunheimen Der Norwegische Berg-Slasher Fritt vilt (2006) und die Voraussetzungen für einen lokalen Horrorfilm-Zyklus. I van Bebber, J. (Red.) Dawn of an Evil Millennium Horror/Kultur im neuen Jahrtausend (pp. 335-344). Büchner-Verlag.
- Mortensen, A. (2011). Trevnadens provokation. I Bernhardsson, K., Kärrholm, S., Ljung, P. E., Mortensen, A. & Schiöler, N. (Red.) Tidskrift för Classiska studier. Festtidskrift till Claes-Göran Holmberg (pp. 141-145), 1. Absalon.
- Mortensen, A. & Conrad Thing, N. A. (2011). Ekelöf holder hellere øje med, hvad der falder ned fra træet. I Conrad Thing, N. A. (Red.) Nordens fyrste (pp. 86-108). Multivers.
- Nowak, M. (2011). The Polish Christian Right and the idea of the West. I Tornquist-Plewa, B. & Stala, K. (Red.) Cultural Transformations After Communism: Central and Eastern Europe in Focus. Nordic Academic Press.
- Paradis, C. (2011). A dynamic construal approach to antonymy. Proceedings of the 19th symposium on theoretical and applied linguistics.
- Paradis, C. (2011). Metonymization : A key mechanism in semantic change. I Benczes, R., Barcelona, A. & Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, F. J. (Red.) Human Cognitive Processing, Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics : Towards a consensus view (pp. 61-88), 28. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Paradis, C. (2011). Reinforcing adjectives : A cognitive semantic perspective on grammaticalisation. Generative Theory and Corpus Studies : A Dialogue from 10 ICEHL, 233-258. De Gruyter.
- Paradis, C. (2011). Where does metonymy stop? Senses, facets and active zones. I Hanks, P. & Giora, R. (Red.) Metaphor and Figurative Language. Routledge.