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Bokkapitel (sida 26 av 97)
- Thomas, A. (2016). Syntactic priming in second language corpus data—testing an experimental paradigm in corpus data. Advancing Methodology and Practice: The IRIS Repository of Instruments for Research into Second Languages, 176-194. Taylor & Francis.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2016). Eastern Europe, Western Europe, New Europe or Just Europe? : Changes of Identities in Post-Cold War Europe. I Madsen, P. (Red.) Routledge Advances in Sociology, Challenging Identities : European Horizons (pp. 185-201), 174. Routledge.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2016). Introduction : Beyond the History of Ethnic Cleansing in Europe. I Törnquist-Plewa, B. (Red.) Studies in Contemporary European History, Whose Memory? Which Future? : Remembering Ethnic Cleansing and Lost Cultural Diversity in Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe (pp. 1-15), 18. Berghahn Books.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2016). Local Memories under the Influence of Europeanization and Globalization : Comparative Remarks and Conclusions. Studies in Contemporary European History, Whose Memory? Which Future? : Remembering Ethnic Cleansing and Lost Cultural Diversity in Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe, 18, 208-226. Berghahn Books.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2016). The Europeanization of the Memory and Heritage of the Second World War and the Holocaust in Sweden. I Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Kowalski, K. (Red.) Europeanisation of Heritage and Memories in Poland and Sweden (pp. 133-162). Jagiellonian University Press.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Igor, P. (2016). Clashes between National and Post-national Views on Commemorating the Past : The Case of the Centennial Hall in Wroclaw. I Andersen Sindbaek, T. & Törnquist-Plewa, B. (Red.) Media and Cultural Memory, Disputed Memory : Emotions and Memory Politics in Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe (pp. 320-351), 24. De Gruyter.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Igor, P. (2016). Wroclaw Changes in Memory Narratives. I Törnquist-Plewa, B. (Red.) Studies in Contemporary European History, Whose Memory? Which Future? : Remembering Ethnic Cleansing and Lost Cultural Diversity in Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe (pp. 17-48), 18. Berghahn Books.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Kowalski, K. (2016). Heritage and Memory in a Changing Europe : Introductory Remarks. I Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Kowalski, K. (Red.) The Europeanization of Heritage and Memories in Poland and Sweden (pp. 15-32). Jagiellonian University Press.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Tea, A. S. (2016). Introduction : Disputed Memories in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. I Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Sindbaek Andersen, T. (Red.) Media and Cultural Memory, Disputed Memory : Emotions and Memory in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (pp. 1-20), 24. De Gruyter.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2016). To be in Dialogue with the Film : With Neil Brand and Lillian Henley at the Masterclasses at Pordenone Silent Film Festival. I Donnelly, K. J. & Wallengren, A.-K. (Red.) Today's Sounds for Yesterday's Films : Making Music for Silent Cinema (pp. 192-215). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Wallengren, A.-K. & Donnelly, K. J. (2016). Music and the Resurfacing of Silent Film : A General Introduction. I Donnelly, K. J. & Wallengren, A.-K. (Red.) Today's Sounds for Yesterday's Films : Making Music for Silent Cinema (pp. 1-9). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Zillén, E. (2016). Frödings "Säf, säf, susa" als Ballade, Musikvideo und Comic. I Heitmann, A. & Yngborn, K. (Red.) "Rider ud saa vide" : Balladenspuren in der skandinavischen Kultur (pp. 147-170), 22. Rombach Verlag. Rombach Wissenschaften - Reihe Nordica.
- Zillén, E. (2016). Frödings "Säf, säf, susa" som ballad, musikvideo och tecknad serie. Gustaf Fröding-sällskapets skriftserie, Kanhända jag tror att jag vet, 48, 31-47. Gustaf Fröding-sällskapet.
- Zillén, E. (2016). Redistributed Bodiliness : The Reception of French Fable Comedies in Eighteenth-Century Scandinavia. I Müller, K. & Schröder, S. M. (Red.) Kosmopolitismus und Körperlichkeit im europäischen Theater des 18. Jahrhunderts (pp. 49-66). Herbert Utz Verlag.
- Zlatev, J. (2016). Mimesis : The role of bodily mimesis for the evolution of human culture and language. Human Lifeworlds: The Cognitive Semiotics of Cultural Evolution, 63-82. Peter Lang Publishing Group.
- Zlatev, J. (2016). Prerequisites in human embodiment for the evolution of symbolic communication. I Etzelmüller, G. & Tewes, C. (Red.) Embodiment in Evolution and Culture. Mohr Siebeck.
- Ågren, M. (2016). Second language teaching from the perspective of second language acquisition research. I Corti, A. & Wolf, J. (Red.) Romanistische Fachdidaktik : Grundlagen – Theorien – Methoden (pp. 89-102). Waxmann Verlag.
- Akujärvi, J. (2015). An epic battle : Aesthetic and poetical struggles over the Swedish Iliads. I Goldwyn, A. (Red.) Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Graeca Upsaliensia, The Trojan Wars and the making of the Modern World (pp. 161-183), 22. Uppsala universitet.
- Akujärvi, J. (2015). Svenska filologer och översättning inom och utanför universitetet : Exemplet tragediöversättning på 1800-talet. I Cullhed, E. & Lindberg, B. (Red.) Konferenser / Kungl. Vitterhetens historie och antikvitets akademien, Klassisk filologi i Sverige : Reflexioner, riktningar, översättningar, öden (pp. 158-175), 89. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Ambjörn, L. (2015). Qusṭā b. Lūqā On protection against rheum and catarrhs that occur in the winter. Edition and English translation of the Arabic text preserved in the manuscript Ayasofya 3724. I Edzard, L. (Red.) Arabic and Semitic Linguistics Contextualized. A Festschrift for Jan Retsö (pp. 274-298). Harrassowitz Verlag.
- Bareis, A. (2015). Fictional Truth, Principles of Generation, and Interpretation. Or: Why it is Fictionally True that Tony Soprano was Shot Dead. I Bareis, A. & Nordrum, L. (Red.) How to Make Believe : The Fictional Truths of the Representational Arts (pp. 165-183), 49. De Gruyter.
- Bareis, A. (2015). Käte Hamburgers Begriff der Wahrheit und der ästhetischen Wahrheit. I Albrecht, A. & Löschner, C. (Red.) Käte Hamburger. Kontexte, Theorie und Praxis (pp. 269-286). De Gruyter.
- Bergman, K. (2015). From Conflicted Mother to Lone Avenger: Transformations of the Woman Journalist Detective in Liza Marklund's Crime Series. I Anderson, J., Miranda, C. & Pezzotti, B. (Red.) Serial Crime Fiction: Dying for More. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Bernhardsson, K. (2015). Medical Humanities. I Sigurdson, O. (Red.) Culture and Health : A Wider Horizon (pp. 91-135). LIR, University of Gothenburg.
- Bernhardsson, K. (2015). Open access : en utvidgning från artiklar till böcker?. I Björkman, J. & Fjaestad, B. (Red.) Tänka vidare : Forskning, finansiering, framtid : RJ:s årsbok 2015/2016 (pp. 177-188). Makadam förlag.