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Artiklar (sida 77 av 86)
- Håkansson, G. (1997). Ett ordföljdsproblem. Sprogforum, 7, 24-30. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
- Molnár, V. & Rosengren, I. (1997). Zu Jacobs' Explikation der I-Topikalisierung. Linguistische Berichte, 211-247.
- Palm, A. (1997). Den gækkende 'skygge'. Mangetydighedens strategi i H.C. Andersens eventyr'. BUM; Børne og ungdoms-litteraturmagasinet.
- Sofos, S. (1997). Towards the New Millennium: the politics of identity in contemporary Europe. Journal of Area Studies, 5, 7-13.
- Svantesson, J.-O. (1997). Reduplication in Mongolian phonology. Phonum, 5, 133-136. Umeå University.
- Thormählen, M. (1997). 'The Lunatic and the Devil's Disciple: The "Lovers" in *Wuthering Heights*'. Review of English Studies, N.S. XLVIII, 183-197. Oxford University Press.
- Zola Christensen, R. (1997). Den fiktive sandhed og Peter Høeg. Spring. Forlaget Spring.
- Zola Christensen, R. (1997). Vandrehistorien - en ny genre eller et genopdaget folkesagn?. Nord-Nytt. Inst. for europaeisk folkelivsforskning.
- Berglund, B. (1996). Mrs Radcliffe and "Rebecca". Studia Neophilologica, 73-81. Taylor & Francis.
- Egerland, V. (1996). Exceptional Case Marking, the Minimalist Program, and the Aspect Phrase. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, 21, 57-66.
- Enkvist, I. (1996). Videokonferensundervisning - pedagogik eller teknik?. REK Direkt. Riksföreningen för elektronisk kunskapsöverföring.
- Gullberg, M. (1996). Gesture as a communication strategy in learners of French and Swedish. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 55, 63-73.
- Holmberg, B. (1996). Aposteln Tomas förde kristendomen till Indien. Sydasien, 12-13. Tidskriftsföreningen Sydasien.
- Håkansson, G. & Nettelbladt, U. (1996). Similarities between SLI and L2 children. Evidence from the acquisition of Swedish word order. Children's Language, 9, 135-151. Gardner Press.
- Jönsson, A. (1996). On the so-called Tractatus de summis pontificibus. Birgittiana, 1, 12-27.
- Jönsson, A. & Roos, B.-A. (1996). A Note on Aeneid 6.893-8. Eranos, 94, 21-28.
- Källkvist, M. (1996). A Review of Recent Research on Age-Related Differences in Second Language Acquisition. Moderna Språk, 90, 155-158. Lärarna i moderna språk.
- Salameh, E.-K., Håkansson, G. & Nettelbladt, U. (1996). The acquisition of Swedish as a second language in a group of Arabic-speaking pre-school children: word order patterns and phrasal morphology. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 163-170. Taylor & Francis.
- Schoenhals, M. (1996). The Central Case Examination Group, 1966–79. The China Quarterly, 87-111. Cambridge University Press.
- Sofos, S. (1996). From “Yugoslav” to national cultures: ethnic conflict and the nationalization of the public spheres of former Yugoslavia. Res publica : revue de l'Institut Belge de Science Politique, XXXIX, 70-259.
- Sofos, S. (1996). Inter-ethnic Violence and Gendered Constructions of Ethnicity in former Yugoslavia. Social Identities, 2, 73-92. Taylor & Francis.
- Sofos, S. (1996). Nationalism, mass communications and public rituals in former Yugoslavia: The case of Serbia. Contemporary Politics, 2, 123-132. Routledge.
- Sonesson, G. (1996). An essay concerning images : From rhetoric to semiotics by way of ecologićal physics. Semiotica, 109, 41-140. De Gruyter.
- Wendt, B. (1996). Magnus Erikssons stadslag – en lagspråkets särling?. Arkiv för nordisk filologi, 111, 89-111. ANF.
- Wiberg, E. (1996). Reference to past events in bilingual Italian-Swedish children of school age. Linguistics, 34-5, 1087-1114. De Gruyter.