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Artiklar (sida 45 av 86)
- Møller-Olsen, A. (2013). Den daoistiske ædedolk : Daoisme og spisning i Ah Chengs novelle 'Kongen af skak'. Chaos. Skandinavisk tidsskrift for religionhistoriske studier, 1, 185-198. Forlaget Chaos.
- Möller, D. (2013). ”Mandråpare. Horkarl. Tjuf. Lögnare. Och. Syndare.” : om parodisk, politisk och ärekränkande begravningspoesi under 1600- och 1700-talen. Glänta, 83-92. Glänta förlag.
- Mörte Alling, A. (2013). Le désir mimétique dans Illusions Perdues de Balzac. Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 42, 18-34. University of Nebraska Press.
- Nykvist, K. (2013). Barnet: en dröm. Arche - tidskrift för psykoanalys, humaniora och arkitektur.
- Nykvist, K. (2013). Taget af teksten. Den kvindelige læser fra Marias bønnebog til Mummy Porn. Kritik, 14-21. Gyldendal Akademisk.
- Ohlsson, A., Forslid, T., Steiner, A. & Helgason, J. (2013). Att förhandla litterärt värde – Sami Said och Väldigt sällan fin. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, 121-134. Föreningen för utgivande av Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap.
- Paradis, C. & Eeg-Olofsson, M. (2013). Describing Sensory Experience: The Genre of Wine Reviews. Metaphor and Symbol, 28, 22-40. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Parthemore, J. (2013). The Unified Conceptual Space Theory: An Enactive Theory of Concepts. Adaptive Behavior, 21, 168-177. SAGE Publications.
- Parthemore, J. & Whitby, B. (2013). When is any agent a moral agent?: reflections on machine consciousness and moral agency. International Journal of Machine Consciousness, 5, 105-129. World Scientific Publishing.
- Persson, M. (2013). Asyndetic clause combining in Gulf Arabic dialects. Auxiliary, adverbial and discourse functions. Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik, 57, 5-39. Harrassowitz Verlag.
- Persson, R. (2013). Intonation and sequential organization: formulations in French talk-in-interaction. Journal of Pragmatics, 57, 19-38. Elsevier.
- Ranta, M. (2013). (Re-)Creating Order: Narrativity and Implied World Views in Pictures. Storyworlds, 5, 1-30. University of Nebraska Press.
- Ranta, M. & Erzen, J. (2013). Report on the XIXth International Congress of Aesthetics: “Aesthetics in Action”, Jagiellonian University Kraków, Poland 21-27 July 2013. Contemporary Aesthetics, 11. Arnold Berleant.
- Roll, M., Gosselke Berthelsen, S., Lindgren, M. & Horne, M. (2013). Time-driven effects on processing grammatical agreement. Frontiers in Psychology, 4. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Roll, M., Söderström, P. & Horne, M. (2013). Word-stem tones cue suffixes in the brain. Brain Research, 1520, 116-120. Elsevier.
- Sandgren, O., Andersson, R., van de Weijer, J., Hansson, K. & Sahlén, B. (2013). Impact of cognitive and linguistic ability on gaze behavior in children with hearing impairment. Frontiers in Psychology, 4. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Shtyrov, Y., Goryainova, G., Tugin, S., Ossadtchi, A. & Shestakova, A. (2013). Automatic processing of unattended lexical information in visual oddball presentation: neurophysiological evidence. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Sonesson, G. (2013). Aspects of ‘physiognomic depiction’ in pictures : from macchia to microgenesis. Culture & Psychology, 19, 533-547. SAGE Publications.
- Sonesson, G. (2013). New rules for the spaces of urbanity. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 10.1007. Springer.
- Sonesson, G. (2013). Spaces of urbanity revisited : from the boulevard to the mobile phone network. Degrés, 41, 1-16. Degrés, Bruxelles.
- Sonesson, G. (2013). The natural history of branching : approaches to the phenomenology of firstness, secondness, and thirdness. Signs and Society, 1, 297-326. University of Chicago Press.
- Sonesson, G. (2013). Two strands of rhetoric in advertising discourse. International Journal of Marketing Semiotics, 1, 6-24. University of Kassel.
- Svensson, J. (2013). The Pastor's Communion in Scania in the Seventeenth century : New information from a collection of Latin letters. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 3-4, 168-178. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Thormählen, M. (2013). In Memoriam Claes Schaar (1920-2012). English Studies, 94, 118-119. Taylor & Francis.
- Turner, E. (2013). Exercise is Murder: Physical Culture in Josephine Tey’s Miss Pym Disposes and Gladys Mitchell’s Laurels are Poison. European Studies in Sports History, 6.