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Artiklar (sida 12 av 86)
- Akujärvi, J. (2021). Choquerar den moderne läsaren : Aristofanes Aves på svenska: översättarna, översättningarna och det kroppsliga. Aigis. Nordisk tidsskrift for klassiske studier, 21, 1-43. Köpenhamns Universitet * Saxo-Institutet.
- Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M., Ghorbani, A., Bravo, G., Farjam, M., van Weeren, R., Forsman, A. & De Moor, T. (2021). Long-Term Dynamics of Institutions : Using ABM as a Complementary Tool to Support Theory Development in Historical Studies. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 24. University of Surrey.
- Allassonnière-Tang, M., Lundgren, O., Robbers, M., Cronhamn, S., Larsson, F., Her, O.-S., Hammarström, H. & Carling, G. (2021). Expansion by migration and diffusion by contact is a source to the global diversity of linguistic nominal categorization systems. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 8, 1-6. Springer Nature.
- Arshamian, A., Sundelin, T., Wnuk, E., O'Meara, C., Burenhult, N., Garrido Rodriguez, G., Lekander, M., Olsson, M. J., Lasselin, J., Axelsson, J. & Majid, A. (2021). Human sickness detection is not dependent on cultural experience. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288. Royal Society Publishing.
- Bagiu, L. V. (2021). Amândoi by Liviu Rebreanu : multicultural settings and sources of suspense. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 4, 87-110. Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Bagiu, L. V. (2021). Yukio Mishima, "Tumultul valurilor". Incursiuni în imaginar, 12, 221-236. Universitatea "1 Decembrie 1918" Alba Iulia.
- Berglund, K., Jansson, O. & Rahm, L. (2021). Digital humaniora, datorisering och litteraturvetenskap i en digitaliserad värld. Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, 51, 266-284. Föreningen för utgivande av Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap.
- Blomberg, J. & Zlatev, J. (2021). Metalinguistic relativity : Does one's ontology determine one's view on linguistic relativity?. Language and Communication, 76, 35-46. Elsevier.
- Blomqvist, J. (2021). Erasistratos och den mänskliga kroppens fysiologi. Aigis. Nordisk tidsskrift for klassiske studier, 2021. Köpenhamns Universitet * Saxo-Institutet.
- Bobrowicz, R. & Nowak, M. (2021). Divided by the Rainbow : Culture War and Diffusion of Paleoconservative Values in Contemporary Poland. Religions, 12. MDPI AG.
- Carling, G. & Cathcart, C. (2021). Evolutionary dynamics of Indo-European alignment patterns. Diachronica, 38, 358-412. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Carling, G. & Cathcart, C. (2021). Reconstructing the Evolution of Indo-European Grammar. Language, 97, 561-598. Linguistic Society of America.
- Colonna Dahlman, R. (2021). The non-saying of what should have been said. Acta Analytica. Springer.
- De Moor, T., Farjam, M., van Weeren, R., Bravo, G., Forsman, A., Ghorbani, A. & Ale Ebrahim Dehkordi, M. (2021). Taking sanctioning seriously : The impact of sanctions on the resilience of historical commons in Europe. Journal of Rural Studies, 87, 181-188. Elsevier.
- Dellert, J., Erben Johansson, N., Frid, J. & Carling, G. (2021). Preferred sound groups of vocal iconicity reflect evolutionary mechanisms of sound stability and first language acquisition : evidence from Eurasia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376. Royal Society Publishing.
- Delsing, L.-O. (2021). Pronominal case in Västerbottnian. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia. Routledge.
- Domazakis, N. (2021). On the date of composition of Additions B and E to LXX Esther. Journal for the Study of Judaism, 52, 330-358. Brill.
- Dunér, D. (2021). Человеческий разум в пространстве и во времени : пролегомены к когнитивной истории. Istoriya, 12. Ltd "Integration: Education and Science".
- Enell Nilsson, M. & Rahm, H. (2021). Genremönster i Ministern har ordet : Regeringar rapporterar om bolag med statligt ägande. VAKKI Publications, 46-62.
- Epps, P. & Obert, K. (2021). Multilingual Networks Past and Present : Insights from Naduhup Languages of Northwest Amazonia. Anthropological Linguistics, 63, 422-450. Indiana University Anthropological Linguistics.
- Erben Johansson, N., Carr, J. W. & Kirby, S. (2021). Cultural evolution leads to vocal iconicity in an experimental iterated learning task. Journal of Language Evolution, 6, 1-25. Oxford University Press.
- Erteschik-Shir, N., Josefsson, G. & Köhnlein, B. (2021). Variation in Mainland Scandinavian Object Shift : A Prosodic Analysis. Linguistic Inquiry, 52, 711-746. MIT Press.
- Farjam, M., Bianchi, F., Squazzoni, F. & Bravo, G. (2021). Dangerous liaisons : an online experiment on the role of scientific experts and politicians in ensuring public support for anti-COVID measures. Royal Society Open Science, 8. Royal Society Publishing.
- Forsman, A., De Moor, T., van Weeren, R., Farjam, M., Dehkordi, M. A. E., Ghorbani, A. & Bravo, G. (2021). Comparisons of historical Dutch commons inform about the long-term dynamics of social-ecological systems. PLoS ONE, 16, 0256803-0256803. Public Library of Science (PLoS).
- Friis, E. (2021). ‘I see a similarity between myself and potatoes’ : Reproductive labour in Scandinavian poetry. Eurozine – Network of European cultural journals, 1-17.