Uppsatser (sida 3 av 16)
- Kandidatuppsats: Are they all victims?
Författare: Elisabeth Kynaston
År: 2020 - Kandidatuppsats: A Story Without Names: The Function of Nameless Characters in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road
Författare: Theodor Myrestrand
År: 2020 - Kandidatuppsats: What loving Gatsby does to the narration of a novel
Författare: Elna Olofsson
År: 2020 - Masteruppsats: Linguistic approaches to Swedish authorities' web-based information in English
Författare: Lena Persbeck
År: 2020 - Kandidatuppsats: Transformative literature transferring power: An analysis of authorial control in Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, Circe by Madeline Miller and Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood
Författare: Kajsa Reinholdsson
År: 2020 - Kandidatuppsats: “Ha ha ha. Looks like the case is closed, ha ha ha” A Corpus Study of Imitative Interjections in the English Language
Författare: Sigrid Sundmark
År: 2020 - Kandidatuppsats: The True Cost of Womanhood: A study of women's mental health in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" and Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar
Författare: Monika Truncyte
År: 2020 - Kandidatuppsats: We thought ourself thy lawful king: The representation of royal legitimacy in Shakespeare's History plays
Författare: Viktor Wahlström
År: 2020 - Kandidatuppsats: "Why Did I Live"
Författare: Tora Åsling
År: 2020 - Kandidatuppsats: Otherness and Exclusion in A Single Man: Reading Christopher Isherwood from the Perspective of Queer Theory
Författare: Malin Annby
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: Staying True to You: Finding the Feminist in Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea and Anne of the Island by L. M. Montgomery
Författare: Cecilia Bernroth Overton
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: Exploring the Places that Language and Nature Converge. Ethics and Aesthetics in Jody Gladding’s Poetry
Författare: Kristina Csiki Helg
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: The Dream of Morpheus: A Character Study of Narrative Power in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman
Författare: Astrid Dock
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: Brothers and Arms: How Two Brothers Reflect the Abandonment of Past Heroic Ideals and the Development of Future ones in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Författare: Estrid Ericson Borggren
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: Aspects of Control in Donna Tartt's The Secret History
Författare: Maria Grip
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: A Room Without a View: The Concept of Space in James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room
Författare: Hannah Hogan
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: A Study in Flim-Flam: Reduplicative Ablaut Ideophones in English
Författare: Ted Jansson Wallace
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: “Unmoreable unlessable unworseable evermost almost void”: Word-(re)formation in Samuel Beckett’s Worstward Ho
Författare: Peter Jarlvik
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: Dealing with Death: The Romanticising of Tuberculosis in Three Victorian Novels
Författare: Lotta Larsson
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: A Golden, Empty Shell: The Depiction of Venice in Henry James's "Travelling Companions", The Aspern Papers and The Wings of the Dove
Författare: Michela Maraga
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: Sloppy, slab and slender: a comparative study of the phonaestheme sl- in English and Swedish
Författare: Christoffer Modig Forser
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: Who am I and where am I? The idea of identity and place in Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea and Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre
Författare: Matilda Nordin
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: References to Darkness : A study of darkness in a selection of poems by Wendell Berry
Författare: Lars Norén
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: No (Wo)man's Land - The Making of a Room of One's Own in Monica Ali's Brick Lane
Författare: Wallentin Richardsson
År: 2019 - Kandidatuppsats: Margaret and the ideal woman: An analysis of the heroine of Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South in relation to the female ideal of the Victorian era
Författare: Gustav Rönnhede
År: 2019