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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90129 hits
Finnish and Swedish genotypes and risk of cancer in Sweden
Highly-Skilled Migrants in Sweden - A qualitative study of the experiences of non-EU high skilled migrants in the Swedish labour market
The study of the migratory trajectories of high skilled migrants has been a topic of enquiry for decades; nevertheless, in practice, these have not been studied in-depth. Therefore, acknowledging this research gap, this thesis aims to explore the experiences of non-EU high skilled migrants when integrating into the labour market in the context of Sweden. This is of particular relevance given that
Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Sweden: How the ethnic background of entrepreneurs in Sweden affects their financing choices to fund their ventures
Sweden: The First Public Private Partnership in Health and Medical Care in Sweden
Sex in/and Sweden. Sexual rights discourses and radical sexual politics in Sweden
“It is like going to school” - an ethnographical field study of a Swedish supporting program for children who lost a parent : “It is like going to school” - an ethnographical field study of a Swedish supporting program for children who lost a parent
Background A parent’s death is a dramatic event, and it can affect children in many ways, both acutely and long-term. Aim To explore how children who had lost a parent were included, acted, and interacted in a support program focusing on relational and contextual aspect.An ethnographic field study consisting of 82 hours of observations, 25 semi-structured interviews, and one focus group interview.
FGM in Sweden: Swedish Legislation Regarding ”Female Genital Mutilation” and Implementation of the Law.
National report, EC Daphne project ”Evaluating the impact of existing legislation in Europe with regard to female genital mutilation”
The Swedish periodical Tidskrift för hemmet and the Woman Question in Sweden in the 1860s
Legal education reform in the emerging Swedish welfare-state:The discourse of legal theory vs. legal practise in the Swedish legal education during the 1940's and 1950's. An outline
From idealistic to realistic surroundings for Swedish legal actors: Iconography and architecture in Swedish courthouses 1900-1970
14C in Swedish PWRs and BWRs – Measurements on Spent Ion Exchange Resins and Process Water and Estimation of the 14C Inventory in the Swedish Waste Repository.
Ophthalmologic Outcome at 30 Months' Corrected Age of a Prospective Swedish Cohort of Children Born Before 27 Weeks of Gestation The Extremely Preterm Infants in Sweden Study
IMPORTANCE Follow-up at 30 months' corrected age reveals eye and visual problems in one-third of children born extremely prematurely (
The Swedish National Register for lumbar spine surgery: Swedish Society for Spinal Surgery
Traumatic experiences and dissociative symptoms among Swedish adolescents. A pilot study using Dis-Q-Sweden.
Health among long-term survivors of breast cancer-an analysis of 5-year survivors based on the Swedish surveys of living conditions 1979-1995 and the Swedish Cancer Registry 2000
In this paper we examine health among breast cancer 5-year survivors. We raise two questions: (1) how do the health level of this survival group compare to the health level of the general population; and (2) how have the health levels among these survivors changed over time. We found that 5-year breast cancer survivors assess their health lower than the general population, and that having being di