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Your search for "swedish" yielded 89868 hits
Exchanges of shares and Sweden’s right to tax - An examination of the Swedish exchange of share mechanism for individuals, and its compliance with the Tax Merger Directive
Den här uppsatsen undersöker den svenska implementeringen av andelsbytesmekanismen för privatpersoner, som återfinns i artikel 8 i Fusions-Direktivet, hädanefter FD. Uppsatsen undersöker även hur Sverige har valt att skydda sin beskattningsrätt när aktieägaren emigrerar till en annan EU MS medan hen äger aktier erhållna via ett andelsbyte. Syftet bakom undersökningen är att utreda huruvida om den
Sweden "Go Jimmie go!" : The voices of Sweden Democrat supporters
Swedish musculoskeletal researchers view on a collaborative network and future research priorities in Swedish healthcare
Diagnostic Accuracy of the Swedish Version of the Multicultural Cognitive Examination for Cognitive Assessment in Swedish Memory Clinics
Background: Cognitive assessment for foreign-born individuals is suboptimal. The Multicultural Cognitive Examination (MCE) was developed for use in culturally, linguistically and educationally diverse populations. The MCE includes the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) and performs assessment of memory, verbal fluency, and visuospatial function. Objective: To compare the psychomet
Hypertension in Pregnancy Among Immigrant and Swedish Women : A Cohort Study of All Pregnant Women in Sweden
BACKGROUND: Little is known about risks of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in both first-and second-generation immigrant women in Europe and other Western countries; such knowledge may help elucidate the influence of genetic versus social factors on such risks. We aimed to study both first-and second-generation immigrant women for the presence of all types of hypertension (preexisting hyperten
Contact Allergy to Allergens in the Swedish Baseline Series Over-represented in Diabetes Patients with Skin Reactions to Medical Devices : A Retrospective Study from Southern Sweden
Public Health Agency of Sweden's Brief Report: Pregnant and postpartum women with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection in intensive care in Sweden
Partial Clinical Remission of Type 1 Diabetes in Swedish Children : A Longitudinal Study from the Swedish National Quality Register (SWEDIABKIDS) and the Better Diabetes Diagnosis (BDD) Study
Evolution of Home Mechanical Ventilation in Sweden Over 27 Years : Changing Trends in Incidence, Prevalence, and Patient Characteristics - The Population-Based the Course of Disease in Patients Reported to the Swedish CPAP Oxygen and Ventilator Registry (DISCOVERY) Study
A Swedish dietary guideline index, gut microbial α-diversity and prevalence of metabolic syndrome – observations in the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS)
Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is characterized by coexisting risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Diet is of importance in their aetiology, and gut microbiota (GM) may constitute a link between diet and metabolic health. Understanding the interplay between diet and GM could contribute novel insights for future dietary guidelines, and aid in preventive actions to mot
Incident cases of vision impairment and blindness among adult foreign-born and Swedish-born individuals : A national Swedish study
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) among immigrant groups and Swedish-born individuals : a cohort study of all adults 18 years of age and older in Sweden
Sweden, the USSR and the early Cold War 1944–47: declassified encrypted cables shed new light on Soviet diplomatic reporting about Sweden in the aftermath of World War II
Laparoscopic hernia surgery in Sweden 2010 to 2020—scientifically highlights from the national Swedish Hernia Register
The European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) as governed by EU law and Swedish law : A study on a European Union legal form within the Swedish legal system
Hearing impairment among children in Sweden with foreign-born parents and natives : A national Swedish study
Peer Country Comments Paper – Sweden: Platform work in Sweden: How to improve working conditions and social protection
Physical Performance in Older Cohorts : A Comparison of 81-Year-Old Swedish Men and Women Born Twelve Years Apart - Results from the Swedish Study "good Aging in Skåne"
Introduction/Aim of the Study. One way of investigating health trends at the population level is to study the physical performance and functional ability in different birth cohorts. The information obtained can be used to predict illness, disability, and future needs for care. However, contradictory findings have been reported when comparing the physical performance of older adult birth cohorts. T
Emergency department crowding and mortality in 14 Swedish emergency departments, a cohort study leveraging the Swedish Emergency Registry (SVAR)
Objectives There is evidence that emergency department (ED) crowding is associated with increased mortality, however large multicenter studies of high quality are scarce. In a prior study, we introduced a proxy-measure for crowding that was associated with increased mortality. The national registry SVAR enables us to study the association in a more heterogenous group of EDs with more recent data.