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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91207 hits

Exchange students coming to Sweden

Lund University was founded in 1666 and is one of the oldest universities in Scandinavia. The combination of old traditions and history together with the bustling student life makes Lund a great place to live and study. Lund University is ranked as one of the top twenty universities in Europe for student exchange and receives more than 1500 exchange students per year from all over the world. Welco - 2025-03-14

Diagnoses of schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders among people with intellectual disabilities compared to the general population: A register study in Skåne, in southern Sweden

EAMHID 2023 – Helsinki, September 21 – 23 2023 Magnus Sandberg, Jimmie Kristensson, Anna Axmon [Presentation (pdf)] [Project main site] Background: People with intellectual disabilities (ID) may be at higher risk of psychiatric disorders than the general population. However, few studies investigate the role of demographic factors. Methods: This register-based study includes all people living in Sk - 2025-03-14

Healthcare utilization among older people with intellectual disabilities compared to the general population – A Swedish register study before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology – Stockholm, June 12-14 2024 Magnus Sandberg, Jimmie Kristensson, Anna Axmon [View poster] [Project main site]Introduction: Older people with intellectual disabilities (ID) have higher levels of comorbidities and overall healthcare utilization than the general population. A known healthcare need would imply high levels of planned healthcare, while unplanned heal - 2025-03-14

Pregnancy outcomes in women with intellectual disability. A cohort study using linked Swedish population-based registers (IDcare)

IASSIDD 2024 - Chicago (USA), August 5-8 2024 Kristina Edvardsson, Ingrid Mogren, Anna Axmon [View presentation] [Project main site]Due to changes in the definition of the gPop cohort as well as the chosen statistical methodology, the numbers below and in the presentation differ slightly from those that were provided in the book of abstracts.Background: Women with intellectual disability (ID) may - 2025-03-14

Exchange students leaving Sweden

Information about student exchange and studying abroad. You will also find information regarding where you can go. About student exchangeAs a student at the Department of Political Science, you have many opportunities to go on exchange studies at universities abroad.To study one or two terms abroad is a great way to gain experience, practice language skills and make contacts. Your student exchange - 2025-03-14

The Higher Research Seminar: ‘Sweden’s Grand Strategy: Predicaments of a Small Liberal State in a Hostile World’

2 April 2025 13:15 to 14:30 | Seminar The Higher Research Seminar is the main collective seminar of the Department. The research staff and invited national and international leading scholars present ongoing research and analyses of a broad range of exciting topics of relevance for Political Science. DatePresenter & Affiliation (if from outside our department) Title / BackgroundChair02 AprilDouglas - 2025-03-14

Grand Seminar - Implementing International Agreements on Biodiversity in Sweden

24 March 2025 09:00 to 15:30 | Seminar Welcome to this seminar where we will learn about how research and policy interact and discuss potential consequences for future research and collaboration, if we are to reach the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework and the EU Nature Restoration Law. The national implementation of biodiversity conservation and restoration strategies and plans rests on - 2025-03-14

Programme The 5th Swedish Meeting for Cohort Studies 8-9 September 2022 FINAL 0 This lunch-to-lunch meeting will take place at Elite Hotel Ideon, Scheelevägen 27, Lund. The meeting is arranged by SRA EpiHealth, Lund University and it will be held in English. Participation is free of charge. Registration for conference and acco- modation to: Miriam Sjödahl Jakobsen, Registration includes free coffee breaks and free lunch a - 2025-03-14