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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91120 hits

Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Web-App & Sweden's Coastline Case Study

3 April 2025 13:00 to 14:00 | Seminar Which coastal regions are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change? Is research backed by automated solutions? Coastal Vulnerability Assessments, such as the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI), are systematic evaluation frameworks that quantify coastline susceptibility to the impacts of climate change and environmental hazards. That is achieved by integ - 2025-03-11

The Higher Research Seminar: ‘Sweden’s Grand Strategy: Predicaments of a Small Liberal State in a Hostile World’

2 April 2025 13:15 to 14:30 | Seminar The Higher Research Seminar is the main collective seminar of the Department. The research staff and invited national and international leading scholars present ongoing research and analyses of a broad range of exciting topics of relevance for Political Science. DatePresenter & Affiliation (if from outside our department) Title / BackgroundChair02 AprilDouglas - 2025-03-12