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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91048 hits

RQ20: Research still evaluated despite pandemic obstacles

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maris Lindh) - published 9 November 2020 Daniel Göransson, one of the digital heroes, ensures the technology functions between the external assessors, Pro vice-chancellor Stacey Ristinmaa Sörensen (far bottom left of the screen) and Vice-Chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz (top right) Photo: M Lindh So say Mats Benner and Freddy Ståhlberg afte - 2025-03-06

Who are you at work?

Published 8 October 2019 Calle Rosengren does research on boundaries between working and private life. Photo:Jenny Loftrup Who are you – a separator or an integrator? Mobiles and laptops have created a working life where it is possible to work anytime and anywhere. In a major study, work environment researchers have identified how seven different personality types set boundaries – or not – between - 2025-03-06

UrMax has come home

By Johan [dot] Joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 16 December 2019 Photo:Kennet Ruona It weighs 1 265 kilograms, is nearly 70 years old and gave rise to MAX IV. After collecting dust in a museum warehouse, the University's first electron accelerator is now on show at the Faculty of Engineering. Behind the exhibition 'UrMAX – Light from Lund' are a group of enthusi - 2025-03-06

Perceptive training best way forward

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 16 December 2019 Albert Eriksson and his patient Ronny Karlsson. Photo:Kennet Ruona Despite the early morning, the pool is full of patients exercising in the warm water. There are laminated exercise programmes by the side of the pool depicting different exercises. Ronny Karlsson has been in the hospital for a week. A c - 2025-03-06

“We cannot assume that a doctoral student or researcher is better because they have attended more international conferences”

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 2 April 2020 Hervé Corvellec believes that, in the future, higher education institutions that achieve ‘excellence in minimal carbon dioxide’ will be the most attractive. Photo: Kennet Ruona Currently, a worthy and fast-moving academic career requires extensive travel with high carbon dioxide emissions. Because - 2025-03-06

New app to help people return to work following sick leave due to mental illness

By erika [dot] svantesson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Erika Svantesson) - published 20 May 2021 A new app will make it easier for people on sick leave due to anxiety and depression to get back to work. In the project mWorks, Professor Ulrika Bejerholm and her research colleagues focus on what strengths, abilities and new strategies can help people on sick leave successfully transition back to work - 2025-03-06

A new multipurpose on-off switch for inhibiting bacterial growth

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 8 February 2022 Toxin-antitoxin pairs consist of a gene encoding a toxin that inhibits bacterial growth and an adjacent gene encoding an antitoxin that counteracts the toxic effect. It is like keeping a bottle of poison on a shelf next to a bottle of the antidote. Researchers in Lund have discovered an antitoxin me - 2025-03-06

Rola El-Husseini Dean Interviewed About Lebanese Election in Göteborgs-Posten

By linda [dot] eitrem_holmgren [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se (Original article by TT (English translation: Linda Eitrem Holmgren)) - published 16 May 2022 CMES scholar Rola El-Husseini Dean has been interviewed for an article about the Lebanese election in Göteborgs-Posten. Lebanon’s fraudulent elite predicted to remain in power For the first time since 2018, at a time when one crisis was followed b - 2025-03-06

Long-term measurements show how the climate is changing

Published 21 September 2021 One of the two masts at the research station reaches 150 metres straight up in the air from the dense forest. A staff member climbs the mast every other week. Photo: Adam Kristensson. 20 years of measurements are only the beginning. Long-term measurements over several decades are crucial to enable predictions of how airborne particles affect the future climate, accordin - 2025-03-05

New trends in the fashion industry – from fast and cheap to sustainable?

Published 19 April 2018 Consumers are demanding cheaper clothing while more are becoming aware and reassessing their consumption: second hand rather than “fast fashion”. The sustainability challenges of clothing companies often have to do with long supply chains – and the consumers’ demands. But together, consumers, businesses and politicians can change the fashion industry, according to Johan Jan - 2025-03-05

Top research gathers high-level climate data

Published 25 September 2018 Data gathering for European climate research goes on around the clock at the University’s Hyltemossa research station. The tallest of its two masts reaches as high as 150 metres straight up into the sky. Every other week, the station’s staff must climb to the top of the mast to clean two sensors. Recently, intensive work has been conducted on the lower mast to install e - 2025-03-05

The role of relatives needs to be highlighted in cancer care

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 13 December 2018 Marlene Malmström. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter Although patient influence in healthcare has gradually started to increase, the role of the patient's next of kin is still very limited. Despite the fact that the disease affects the whole family, public healthcare often does not utilise the patient's relatives - 2025-03-05

Vice-Chancellor: “It’s important for managers to be able to make uncomfortable decisions”

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 5 June 2019 Vice-chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz Vice-Chancellor Torbjörn von Schantz is convinced that leadership at the University is a momentous question. “If we are perceived as being incapable of making uncomfortable decisions, there is a risk that we will see the same changes here as in other places such - 2025-03-05

Reversing Muscle Dystrophy

Published 5 September 2019 Kinga Gawlik, researcher at the Dep. of Experimental Medical Science. Photo: Agata Garpenlind A new technology has brought researchers one step closer to a future cure for Congenital Muscular Dystrophy type1A, a devastating muscle disease that affects children. The new findings are based on research by Kinga Gawlik at Lund University, Department of Experimental Medical S - 2025-03-05

Meet our new faculty management

By helena [dot] lind [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (Helena Lind) - published 18 December 2023 New faculty management ready to take over! From the left: Åsa Lundqvist, Charlotte Simonsson, Björn Badersten and Agnes Andersson. On 1 January, the faculty's new deans will take office. Who are they and what is their role? Agnes Andersson, DeanWhich of the faculty management’s areas will you be responsible - 2025-03-05

Ondrej Gomola - alumnus from BSc in Economy and Society 2023

By maria [dot] johansson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Johansson) - published 11 April 2024 Following his graduation from the bachelor's programme in Economy and Society in 2023, Ondrej Gomola bid farewell to the halls of LUSEM and took a quick bike ride downtown Lund to continue his studies at the International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE). His undergraduate studies - 2025-03-06