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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90801 hits

Turning glia into neurons inside the brain – PhD interview with Jessica Giacomoni

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 7 October 2022 Jessica Giacomoni defends her thesis 14 October 2022. Cell replacement therapy has long been a hope for patients with Parkinson’s disease and efforts are on their way to use stem cell derived-dopaminergic neurons in clinical trials. On 14 October, Jessica Giacomoni defends her thesis. Her project abo - 2025-03-15

WORLD PARKINSON's DAY: Transplantations for Parkinson's disease – A time travel

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 11 April 2023 Behind the ongoing clinical trials are years of basic research in the lab where the new generation of researchers continues where the previous one handed over. Photo: Kenneth Ruona. In the early 1950s, no one knew what caused Parkinson's disease. Then, Arvid Carlsson's discovery of dopamine opened the - 2025-03-15

Development Research Day 2020

Published 8 October 2020 The Development Research Day is an inter-disciplinary arrangement that was initiated in order to form a meeting ground for all researchers and students at Lund University who share an interest in development issues. About Development Research Day, DRD The first DRD The event was launched in 2002 by the Department of Political Science at Lund University. Since then the resp - 2025-03-15

Huntington's disease – a fascinating and touching mystery

By Agata [dot] Garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 16 June 2020 Åsa Petersén works hard at i to find treatment that slows down Huntington's disease. A person who carries the mutant gene will at some point in his or her life develop the deadly Huntington's disease. This brain disease can be inherited from generation to generation and begins insidiously, making it in - 2025-03-16

New University management 2021-2026

Published 21 December 2020 As of the new year, a new University management team will take over the helm. For the next term of office, 2021-2026, the University will be led by vice-chancellor Erik Renström and deputy vice-chancellor Lena Eskilsson, together with five pro vice-chancellors and the University director. “The choice of pro vice-chancellors was based on identifying skilled academic leade - 2025-03-16

Watch out for the predators

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 7 October 2021 The open access market i lucrative. Not all magasines are genuine. Illustration: David Parkins The idea of publishing research findings in open access journals is in many ways an asset in the research community. Unfortunately, it has also entailed the emergence of many unprofessional agents on the market - 2025-03-14

Four new professors at the IIIEE - Transitions to low-carbon and resource efficient eco­nomies.

Published 28 August 2017 From the left: Luis Mundaca, Oksana Mont, Jenny Palm and Nancy Bocken. Photo: Jenny Loftrup The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) was established in 1994 as an international centre at Lund University to address complex environmental challenges. Over the years, the IIIEE has developed into a unique interdisciplinary centre of excellence - 2025-03-14

Sustainability moving forward with grants, innovations and a top ranking

Published 31 October 2022 I and many others are ambivalent when it comes to the ranking of the world’s universities. But Lund University has made the ranking lists and that does have an impact, at the very least for international marketing purposes. We must be active, rather than passive, in relation to the ranking bodies. Small margins can make a university climb or tumble down the lists, so ther - 2025-03-14

Exploring the tomb of a wine-loving queen

By johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 2 April 2024 The Meret-Neith tomb in Abydos. Photo: E. Christiana Köhler Meret-Neith was perhaps the first female ruler of ancient Egypt and one of the most powerful women in the world during her lifetime some 5,000 years ago. Researcher Amber Hood is part of an international research team investigating the royal t - 2025-03-14

Fitness improved after only six weeks of commuting by bike

By nina [dot] nordh [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se (Nina Nordh) - published 27 January 2025 Twenty University staff members participated as test cyclists on the super cycle path between Södra Sandby and Lund over a six-week period in September and October. The results exceeded expectations and most of the test cyclists who had not commuted by bike before improved their fitness and sleep. Are you thin - 2025-03-14

LU scraps plan to relocate chemistry and physics to Science Village

By jan [dot] olsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 13 February 2025 It is unclear which parts of physics and chemistry will move to Science Village. Vision image: Science Village What has been the main option for a long time – i.e. relocating basically all physics and chemistry to Science Village – is no longer relevant. The costs would be too high and the logistics - 2025-03-14

The mystery of the stolen Mars globe

By johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 25 October 2024 Dainis Dravins, professor emeritus of astronomy at the Department of Physics. Photo: Johan Joelsson In March 2015, a valuable globe of Mars was stolen from the Astronomy Library. After disappearing without a trace for almost a decade, it suddenly turned up at an antique dealer in Stockholm. The astr - 2025-03-14

Lessons from Ukraine – running a university while war rages

By tiina [dot] meri [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Tiina Meri) - published 9 May 2023 View of Kyiv – a few years before the capital, Odessa, Kharkiv and Mariupol woke up to dawn attacks. Photo: Tetiana Shevereva/Unsplash Early in the morning there was the sound of explosions and the sky lit up. Since 24 February 2022, Lund University has stood in solidarity with Ukraine’s universities. Are there less - 2025-03-14

What to bear in mind before the summer

Published 7 June 2023 Summer, sun and annual leave! Read through the tips below, so that you will be able to wind down properly during your time off. Some weeks before your vacations Apply for your annual leave into Primula (don't applies for teachers) Submit outstanding travel expense reports Primula Take the opportunity to register your documents before the summer holidays so that your colleague - 2025-03-14

Mechanism behind common heart attack gene is explained - scientific breakthrough in Nature

Published 6 August 2010 For the first time, scientists are able to describe the exact mechanism for how a common genetic variant leads to a disruption in blood lipid levels that significantly increases the risk of heart disease. The one in every three persons who carries both copies of the risk allele engages a 40 percent higher risk of suffering a heart attack than persons who do not carry either - 2025-03-15

Hindrik Mulder is the incoming editor-in-chief of Diabetologia

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 28 May 2020 Research published in the research journal Diabetologia needs to meet a high standard of quality. Most of the manuscripts submitted are rejected. At the start of 2021, Hindrik Mulder, MD and professor at Lund University Diabetes Centre (LUDC), will take over as editor-in-chief of the journal. After just over - 2025-03-15

Meet visiting IIIEE researcher James Evans

Published 7 October 2015 "We need scientific evidence evaluating the impact of Urban Living Labs. We hope to be able to close this gap", says IIIEE Visiting Researcher James Evans, professor at Manchester University. Urban Living Labs: Visiting researcher James Evans in search of success factors Can urban living labs create more sustainable urban development? Manchester researcher James Evans and - 2025-03-15