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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91023 hits

We are back on campus as of 1 November

Published 23 October 2021 As of 1 November, the University returns to being an organisation without limitations imposed by Covid-19 restrictions. This applies in accordance with the vice-chancellor’s decision on 17 June 2021 and means that, as a starting point, activities are to be conducted on campus. Regarding education for which special reasons apply, the return may be completed by 16 January 2 - 2025-03-10

Salary negotiations have resumed

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 14 September 2021 On 1 September the employer (Lund University) and the local union organisations resumed negotiations regarding the implementation of the salary review. Among other things, the negotiations are to establish the timing of the salary review and how such a review is to be carried out, taking into conside - 2025-03-10

Transdemos on difficulties for democracy beyond the nation state

Published 23 October 2015 NEW FROM OUR RESEARCHERS: The recently concluded research programme Transdemos- Democracy Beyond the Nation State? has published a final report for Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ). "Democracy Beyond the Nation State? Transnational Actors and Global Governance", abbreviated “Transdemos”, was a political science research programme with participants from Lund and Stockholm Un - 2025-03-10

Faculty Morning Meeting: How to publish a paper in Science (24/10)

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 22 October 2024 Science, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons All employees are welcome to join our digital Faculty Morning Meeting. At the October meeting you will meet Professor Filipe Pereira, who will give us an update about how to publish a paper in Science and what that entails. NOTE: This meeting will be hel - 2025-03-10

First scenario building workshop of the Post Conflict Futures Initiative

Published 15 September 2016 In the photo, the team from left: Helen Avery (CMES), Rami Iskif, Andrea Cederquist, Taha Haj Ahmad, Tareq Emtairah (IIIEE), Ulrich Goluke. The research project Post Conflict Futures had its first workshop 1-3 September as part of the scenario building project on the future of Syria organised by the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) - 2025-03-10

The winners of the yearly award "Årets framtidsbyggare" announced

Published 15 November 2018 On 14 November, the winners of the yearly award "Årets framtidsbyggare" was announced during a ceremony at Skissernas museum. The yearly award "Årets framtidsbyggare" is a prize (1.2 million SEK) with three categories: 1) "Årets innovatör" (The innovator of the year, 750 000 SEK), 2) "Årets opinionsbildare" (The opinion-former of the year), 3) "Årets talang" (The talent - 2025-03-10

Fossil-free Skåne - Opportunities for a more modern future

Published 15 May 2017 Conference 16 May The transition to a fossil fuel-free society is in full swing and proceeding more easily than many people think. In Skåne there are many good initiatives that show how profitability and prosperity can grow as emissions are reduced.This conference will take place on 16 May at the Academic Society (AF building) in Lund. The focus is on learning for sustainable - 2025-03-10

Handbook on Urban Living Labs

Published 28 September 2017 Handbook on Urban Living LabsThere is a growing trend to involve citizens in city development to make urban areas more sustainable and livable. The urban living labs approach offers a way to foster new collaborative, trans-disciplinary ways of thinking in urban planning and development, and provides a real-world testing ground for urban innovation and transformation. Th - 2025-03-10

24 new charging posts up and running

By stefan [dot] andersson [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (Stefan Andersson) - published 1 September 2022 Lund University has installed 24 new charging points placed in the parking areas outside Kemicentrum, Geocentre 2 and the Department of Electrical and Information Technology. In order to charge your car, you must first pay the relevant parking fee. The price for charging your car does not repla - 2025-03-10

Payment of new salaries in February

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 30 January 2023 The local negotiations with the employee organisations OFR and Seko have been completed, as has the processing of salary-setting appraisals for Saco-S members and non-members of employee organisations, and the new salaries will be paid retroactively from 1 October 2022, in February. Possibility of comp - 2025-03-10

New bank for payment of salary

By Charlotte [dot] Hedin [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (Charlotte Hedin) - published 15 March 2023 In May, Lund University will change its bank for salary payments from Nordea to Swedbank. This means that all employees have to make sure that they have a bank account for salary payments registered in Swedbank’s account register. In order for the bank to be able to run the necessary test before the sala - 2025-03-10

Competence is the best vaccine against crisis

By evelina [dot] linden [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 4 April 2024 Lund Nano Lab at LTH, Lund University, had a prominent visit from Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and his entourage. They got to talk about #semiconductors, #nanoscience, #nanotechnology, and the importance of keeping the competence growing, academia, and industry hand in hand. The Prime minister got an pre - 2025-03-10

The earth is both inundated and drying up

Published 13 April 2015 The earth is both inundated and drying up. Water supply is a complex phenomenon that has probably never been more complicated – or more important – than now. Kenneth M. Persson is a professor of water resources engineering and he took the initiative for Lund University’s Water Portal, which involves over 200 (!) water researchers. “The absolute greatest threat to well-funct - 2025-03-09

How Hidden Genetic Elements Trigger a Rare Neurodegenerative Disorder

By alexis [dot] bento_luis [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexis Luis) - published 25 June 2024 Researchers at Lund University have discovered how a hidden piece of DNA, known as a transposable element, disrupts normal gene function in a disease called X-Linked Dystonia-Parkinsonism (XDP). Image // Science Photo Library Researchers at Lund University have discovered how a hidden piece of DNA, known a - 2025-03-09

Robots – not so smart as we would like to think

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 16 December 2019 Christian Balkenius is not worried about robots taking over and becoming smarter than us. " Not in my lifetime, in any case", he reassures. Photo:Maria Lindh How do you get a robot to behave in an ethical and moral way? Christian Balkenius is giving this a lot of thought, as it is the topic of his - 2025-03-10