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Your search for "swedish" yielded 89459 hits

Panel on Hindu Nationalism

Published 25 October 2018 On Wednesday 31 October 16.00-18.00 in room R240, Gamla kirurgen 2nd floor, Sandgatan a panel on Hindu nationalism will address the particular narratives and discourses of populist politics in India in the light of neoliberal politics and globalization. The speakers will focus on how rightwing populist narratives of nativism, religion, tradition, and gender have affected - 2025-01-24

Climate researcher Kevin Anderson visits Lund April 10 and 11

Published 6 April 2017 Professor Kevin Anderson is one of the leading experts in the world on climate change and has written a number of articles on the urgency for action. On April 10 & 11 he is visiting Lund. On Monday April 10, Kevin Anderson will hold a lecture at the public library in Lund from 18.00 to 19.30: Mitigation – but how fast?Politicians and negotiators always seem to use yesterdays - 2025-01-24

Vice-chancellor wishlist: central administrator

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 17 February 2020 Bo Dilton. Photo:private The time has now run out for applications for the vice-chancellor position and it is time for the recruitment group to select suitable candidates for interviews. This work will take place throughout the spring. LUM has talked to staff at different levels within several facu - 2025-01-23

Vice-chancellor wishlist: the students

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 17 February 2020 Jack Senften. Photo:Kennet Rhona The time has now run out for applications for the vice-chancellor position and it is time for the recruitment group to select suitable candidates for interviews. This work will take place throughout the spring. LUM has talked to staff at different levels within seve - 2025-01-23

Jenny Palm - new Director of the IIIEE

By li [dot] strandberg [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se (Li Strandberg) - published 24 January 2022 Jenny Palm has been appointed to the position of Director and Lena Neij, who has temporarily been managing the institute in 2021, will go back to focusing on research. Jenny holds a role as Professor in Sustainable Urban Governance at the IIIEE since 2017 and will start in her new role February 1. Fredr - 2025-01-24

Unique combo lab paves the way for new research breakthroughs

By jessika [dot] sellergren [at] lth [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 2 June 2022 It took four weeks to build the new laboratory. Photo: Erik Andersson After a trip from Portugal, the new exposure chambers have arrived in Lund. LTH’s aerosol and climate scientists welcome the lab delivery with great expectations and are getting ready for a four-week construction project. Several - 2025-01-24

What to bear in mind before your summer vacation!

Published 8 June 2022 Summer, sun and annual leave! Read through the recommendations below so that you will be able to wind down properly during your time off. Some weeks before your vacations Enter your annual leave into Primula (don't applies for teachers) Submit outstanding travel expense reports Primula Take the opportunity to register your documents before the summer holidays so that your col - 2025-01-24

Less noise for more efficient brain work

Published 24 September 2018 We know that noise affects our ability to learn as well as generating irritation and stress. This, in turn, reduces efficiency and well-being in the workplace. Some research findings indicate that workplace efficiency could increase by as much as 50% with the right sound environment.     Memory researchers and cognitive scientists have conducted a lot of research into h - 2025-01-23

Unexpected development: Lund University selected to join European multimillion euro investment in food research

Published 17 June 2019 More healthy food products in the shops and more sustainable production: these are the goals of the EU’s major food initiative which now includes Lund University. It worked out – in the end. The enormous European investment in food development, “Food KIC”, did not go to the consortium of which Lund University was a part in 2016. But that was then. Now the board of the winnin - 2025-01-23

European gold medal in Respiratory Medicine awarded Professor in Lund

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 6 September 2021 Professor Lena Uller was awarded a gold medal. The original ceremony was planned to be held in Barcelona, but had to be downsized to Zoom due to current circumstances. Europe's largest respiratory society, ERS, has awarded its winners for 2021. By doing so the society wishes to recognise the achiev - 2025-01-23

Meet Emil Eriksson…about students as consultants

Published 6 February 2015 … CEO of Lund University’s student consulting company Lunicore, which increased its turnover by 45 per cent last year. As a result, it is now probably the largest student-run consulting company in Scandinavia. Why should students work as consultants during their studies? “Because they get the chance to put their theoretical knowledge into practice while they’re still stud - 2025-01-23

Expensive to publish with Open Access in prestigious journals

Published 13 June 2016 The more reputable the scientific journal, the more expensive it will be to publish an article with Open Access. Research publishers are riding the gravy train, but for the individual researcher the cost often comes as an unpleasant surprise, after they have spent all of their funding. Librarian Aron Lindhagen helps researchers with any questions they have concerning publish - 2025-01-23

How self-reactive immune cells are allowed to develop

Published 11 December 2019 Joan Yuan, research team leader at the Department of Laboratory Medicine. Photo: Åsa Hansdotter Directly after birth, the immune system completes production of a subtype of antibody-producing immune cells, B-1, that are to last for a lifetime. No more B1-cells are formed after that point. However, these cells are self-reactive – they produce not only antibodies against f - 2025-01-23

Striking research images decorate Lund Biomedical Center

Published 20 August 2020 Sofie Mohlin and Maciej Ciesla with their images, currenlty on display at BMC Lund, level D15. Those who find themselves at Lund BMC can now discover exciting new artwork highlighting the visual side of research. Created by researchers from the Faculty of Medicine, these images were part of ‘The invisible body – art in science’ exhibition held in Stockholm. Here, Christine - 2025-01-23

Dung beetles use wind compass when the sun is high

Published 2 July 2019 Photo: Chris Collingridge. Researchers have shown for the first time that an animal uses different directional sensors to achieve the highest possible navigational precision in different conditions. When the sun is high, dung beetles navigate using the wind. The discovery of the dung beetles’ wind compass and how it complements the sun compass was made by an international res - 2025-01-23