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Your search for "swedish" yielded 89222 hits

Climathon in Lund 2018

Published 1 November 2018 “Solutions to limit the climate impact of plastics” was the topic of this years Climathon in Lund. The 24 hour hackathon gathered 54 participants and was thereby one of the larger among the 113 Climathons held simultaneous all around the world. Climathon in Lund was organised by a consortia of five very different organisations, Lunds Universitet, Lunds Kommun, Sysav, Ideo - 2025-01-13

Lund´s Fernström prize goes to research on genes

Published 9 September 2010 Marju Orho-Melander, professor of genetic epidemiology in Malmö, has been awarded Lund University’s Fernström prize. Her research is about genetic variants that are associated with blood lipids and lipoproteins and can therefore increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Many genes exist in different variants. Sometimes, some of the variants have a negative effect, in - 2025-01-13

Method which repairs damaged genes

Published 22 May 2013 In recent years, researchers have discovered around 70 genetic risk variants for diabetes, but still TCF7L2, known as the diabetes gene, is the gene that carries with it the largest risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Using a new method called exon skipping, Ola Hansson at Lund University Diabetes Centre (LUDC) wants to learn more about TCF7L2 by studying new ways of delaying - 2025-01-13

44 years with Carbonnier, the stats don’t lie

Published 15 May 2024 A former student had heard that our senior lecturer in statistics, Pierre Carbonnier was about to retire after this semester. Would we do a feature on him? The student remembered him fondly and added that his mother had also had Pierre as a teacher and thought he was pretty awesome. Few, if any statistics teachers can claim to have reached and inspired more students than Pier - 2025-01-13

Ellen Hillbom about a free digital textbook about Africa

Published 16 December 2015 Meet Ellen Hillbom, the economic historian, who, in cooperation with a Dutch and a German colleague, has created an online textbook on trends in Africa’s economic history. The book, which can be downloaded free of charge from the internet, has so far reached over 4,000 readers. Ellen Hillbom. Where did you get the idea for a free digital textbook about Africa? “At a worl - 2025-01-13

“It’s no harder for researchers to combine career and family”

Published 18 March 2016 “Yes, academic life is uncertain and competitive. However, that’s the case even for those who don’t have families. I don’t think it’s any harder to have children if you are a researcher than in any other line of work.” Olga Göransson is also a member in the network WINGS (Women in Great Sciences). So says Olga Göransson, who heads a research group at the Department of Exper - 2025-01-13

The Faculty's quality conference wants to engage more people in teaching quality

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 24 October 2023 Photo: iStock. Are you curious about or want to share experiences about the evaluation of education and get more tools and inspiration? Register for the Faculty's annual quality conference, no later than 1 November. Jenni Erlandsson, Quality Coordinator, who is involved in arranging the Faculty's an - 2025-01-13

Planting Trees in Africa is a Dubious Environmental Strategy: study

Published 22 September 2017 Carbon offsetting is an environmental strategy based on financing climate measures in developing countries to compensate for greenhouse gas emissions in industrialised countries. In recent years, it has become a popular strategy among companies as well as private individuals to reduce their carbon footprint.Tree-planting has become one of the most popular – albeit most - 2025-01-13

When “Challenges” become “Missions” – what will be LU’s share of the pie?

Published 4 June 2018 The next EU framework programme focuses on “missions” rather than the previous “societal challenges”. This in itself will be a challenge for a university focused on basic research such as LU and will require new working methods among funding bodies and researchers applying for grants, according to research liaison officer Sophie Hydén Picasso. Sophie Hydén Picasso Photo:Jenny - 2025-01-13

Five important tips on the way to a thesis

By jenny [dot] loftrup [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Loftrup) - published 18 February 2019 Photo:Jenny Loftrup Åsa Burman is a former doctoral student at LU who has developed a method for efficiency and stress management. In January she held a workshop for doctoral students and has also written a book entitled "Finish on time - the Doctoral Student Handbook". Here are her best tips. - 2025-01-13

The HR Director promises help with tricky salary payments

Published 18 March 2019 HR-director Ann Silbersky Isaksson. Photo:Maria Lindh The transition of the salary and human resources administration to the National Government Service Centre (SSC) is not painless. After just over four months, uncertainty still prevails among administrative staff and managers about processing cases through Primula. “We are happy to come and help people out where there is - 2025-01-13

The future starts in October

By ulrika [dot] oredsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ulrika Oredsson) - published 11 May 2019 Marie Cronqvist Photo:Ulrika Oredsson The University will hold its first Future Week in October. It is to become an annual event in which researchers from the entire University will offer the general public lectures, panel discussions and debates intended to stimulate reflection about major futu - 2025-01-13

Many elite athletes feeling psychological distress during the pandemic

Published 29 September 2020 A large proportion of our elite athletes are suffering psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic, with more women than men reporting adverse reactions. This is demonstrated by the study Psychological Distress and Problem Gambling in Elite Athletes during COVID-19 Restrictions: A Web Survey in Top Leagues of Three Sports during the Pandemic, published in the In - 2025-01-14

Climate change makes carbon sinks more vulnerable

By anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Maria Erling) - published 29 September 2022 Photo: Hans Ott/Unsplash. New data by the research infrastructure ICOS confirms that natural carbon sinks such as the ocean and forests are not stable. Climate change makes these sinks more vulnerable, in some cases even turning them into carbon emitters. This compromises current climate targets - 2025-01-14

Filipe Pereira awarded the Eric K. Fernström Prize for Young Researchers

Published 7 November 2023 Photographer: Tove Smeds Filipe Pereira, professor of molecular medicine at Lund University, is awarded this year's Fernström prize for young, exceptionally promising, and successful researchers. He receives the award for his work on reprogramming blood cells and the development of immunotherapies based on this technology. It was a sheep that determined Filipe Pereira's c - 2025-01-13