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Your search for "swedish" yielded 89485 hits

New collaboration agreement with UC Berkeley provides new opportunities

Published 11 October 2023 Today, we are signing a university-wide collaboration agreement with UC Berkeley. This opens the door to new collaboration opportunities for the entire University. From 11 to 13 October, University management will host a unique visit from UC Berkeley. Among the guests are representatives for research, education, international issues, innovation and entrepreneurship. The a - 2025-01-16

Medvetenskapens Hus – an interdisciplinary focus on human science

Published 11 April 2023 Medvetenskapens Hus is a cross-faculty initiative that aims to accommodate creative meetings between science and human science. The activities are to be based on the complex issues of our time which in a natural way affect all faculties and subject areas. Medvetenskapens Hus highlights the importance of insights above the formation of opinions and creates conditions for joi - 2025-01-16

More efficient exam management with the ‘Coordinated examination service’ project

By elin [dot] engman [at] ldc [dot] lu [dot] se (Elin Engman) - published 21 June 2022 The Vice-Chancellor has decided that the first part of the ‘Coordinated examination service’ project will start with a budget of SEK 13.8 million. The project is tasked with initiating coordinated administration and scheduling, organising a pool of exam invigilators and starting work on the construction of a ded - 2025-01-16

#Odeum intervjuar: Emilio Audissino

Publicerad 5 april 2023 Emilio Audissino och John Williams, december 2022. Foto: J. Richardson. #Odeumintervjuar presenterar människor bakom Odeums kulisser och ger röst åt våra tre studentbaserade ensembler Akademiska kapellet, Lunds akademiska kör och Palæstra vokalensemble, samt inbjudna gäster. Här intervjuas filmmusikologen Emilio Audissino, världsledande film- och medieforskare och docent vi - 2025-01-15

Nyhetsbrev (februari) - emedia och LUBsearch

Publicerad 8 februari 2019 Elsevierförhandlingarna Vad som hänt i vinter är att man har haft ett ”högnivåmöte” den 18 december där man försökt enas om gemensamma principer för fortsatta förhandlingar. Bibsam skriver följande i sin information efter mötet ”Dock står det klart att parterna fortfarande står väldigt långt ifrån varandra.”. Så någon snar öppning vad gäller tillgång till Elseviertidskri - 2025-01-15

Ny metod gör det möjligt att screena för autoimmuna sjukdomar i stor skala

Av petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - publicerad 19 juni 2024 En ny metod kan användas för storskalig screening av typ 1-diabetes. Testet kan göras i hemmet och innebär att den som testar sig lämnar ett litet blodprov. Foto: Petra Olsson Intresset för att screena för typ 1-diabetes växer i takt med att metoderna blir bättre och nya bromsläkemedel blir tillgängliga för f - 2025-01-16

Omtanke om andra viktig när svenskarna följde pandemirestriktionerna

Av louise [dot] larsson [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise Larsson) - publicerad 30 september 2021 Stödet för den svenska strategin och viljan att följa restriktioner minskade mellan april och december förra året. Oron för att själv bli smittad ökade. Personer med hög tillit, tålmodighet, normfoglighet och altruism följde i högre grad rekommendationer. När nyheterna om snar vaccinering kom i decem - 2025-01-16

Faculties regrouping after RQ20

By maria [dot] lindh [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Lindh) - published 27 May 2021 Increased collaboration within the faculties and a general revitalisation.  This is already a clear result from the RQ20 research evaluation that was presented in March. “We have caught sight of each other” was a frequent comment heard in a round of telephone calls to the deans and research managers. Mo - 2025-01-16

Critical and Pedagogical Studies - Exam Projects 2017

Publicerad 23 februari 2017 This spring students in the Critical & Pedagogical Studies Programme at Malmö Art Academy will present their exam projects towards the completion of a Master of Fine Arts degree. The exam projects will lead to several weeks of diverse activities which will discuss and reflect different critical and pedagogical aspects from the perspective of the artist. Activities will - 2025-01-15

From science to start up: developing a gene therapy for a rare blood disorder

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 18 November 2024 Johan Flygare and the remarkable story of the genesis of Apriligen, a company which aims to find a cure for the rare blood disease, Diamond–Blackfan Anemia, DBA. Photo: Johan Persson. After 20 years of research on gene therapy and the rare blood disease, Diamond-Blackfan Anemia, DBA, researcher Johan Flygare h - 2025-01-15

What makes stem cells transform into cancer? The answer may lie in our RNA.

By alexis [dot] bento_luis [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexis Luis) - published 29 March 2022 Photo of Dr. Cristian Bellodi and Dr. Sowndarya Muthukumar Researchers from Lund University, building on previous studies, have been working to understand why stem cells are transforming into cancer. Previously they revealed that small RNA molecules, long considered “junk” or degradation byproducts of RNA - 2025-01-15

New method allows for large-scale screening for autoimmune diseases

By petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - published 19 June 2024 A new method can be used for large-scale screening for type 1 diabetes. The blood test can be done at home. Photograph: Petra Olsson. Interest in type 1 diabetes screening is growing as methods improve and new treatments become available to more patients. New research at Lund University demonstrates how screen - 2025-01-15

Two young physicists receive the Sten von Friesen Prize

By johan [dot] lindskoug [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Lindskoug) - published 4 December 2024 Armin Tavakoli and Korinna Zapp. Photo: Johan Lindskoug. Korinna Zapp and Armin Tavakoli, two young researchers at the Department of Physics, have been awarded the Sten von Friesen Prize 2024. The prize was presented at the Royal Physiographic Society's annual meeting on 2 December in Lund. Korinna - 2025-01-15

IIIEE podcast “Advancing Sustainable Solutions” receives honorary mention

By li [dot] strandberg [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se (Li Strandberg) - published 9 May 2022 Steven Curtis and Sofie Sandin Lompar, co-hosts and founders of the podcast Advancing Sustainable Solutions. Photo: Li Strandberg The Lund University Agenda 2030 Award was handed out for the first time at a ceremony in Lund on May 5. The award wants to promote innovative and interdisciplinary research on sus - 2025-01-15

Persson on the playing of online chess

Published 10 September 2015 Anders Persson has published an article in Vetenskapssocietetens årsbok 2015 titled: "Online chess and chat interaction – game and gaming conditions in face to face and online chess”. The article aims to answer if, how and why the game of chess changes when played online on the Internet.The author distinguishes between chess played face to face (f2f) and the role assume - 2025-01-15

Prize for the best scientific article in Scandinavia

Published 13 June 2011 Sofia Enhörning is the younger researcher in Scandinavia who wrote the best scientific article of the year within diabetes research. This means the Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes (SSSD) which gives away the prize to her at the recent congress in Reykjavik.  - Really positive. And an acknowledgement that we have discovered something that others also find impor - 2025-01-15

Welcome back, Classical Archaeology and Ancient History!

Published 10 April 2024 The real deal: Dionysos statue at Pufendorf IAS. Photo: K. Ruona Gifted and enthusiastic students work with the "layers of history" in our beautiful Sculpture Hall. Pufendorf IAS is situated in one of the most beautiful buildings in Lund (if we may say so ourselves), originally built in 1886. The last major renovation of the former Department of Physics and Classical Depart - 2025-01-15