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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90623 hits

Parental self-efficacy after a Child-Centred Health Dialogue

Published 21 September 2022 Inger Kristensson Hallström and Mariette Derwig, two of the researchers behind the study. New article: Changes in perceived parental self-efficacy after a Child-Centred Health Dialogue about preventing obesity Abstract Aim This randomised controlled trial evaluated changes in parental self-efficacy and children's weight, after a Child-Centred Health Dialogue about preve - 2024-06-25

Wanted! Suggestions for joint SRA projects and funding for infrastructure (LU internal)

Published 1 July 2016 Photo: Pixabay Lund University has an open internal call for 7 million SEK aiming at Strategic Research Areas (SRAs) as for example BECC. All 7 million comes from SRA-funding. Send in your suggestion before August 19! In shortA call for 5 millions for research infrastructure (Forskningsinfrastruktur) and 2 millions for joint SRA projects (Gemensamma projekt).Funding needs to - 2025-01-31

Similarities between oil drilling and the extraction of personal data

Published 31 August 2020 This past spring, Sociology of Law Department postdoc Jannice Käll published a critical study of property control in the online edition of Harvard International Law Journal. In “The Materiality of Data as Property”, Jannice Käll examines how in modern culture personal data is being conceived as objects separate from people – similar to how some consider the mind and the bo - 2025-01-31

ERC Starting Grant to NanoLund

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 3 September 2020 Less damage is done to samples studied in X-ray microscopes – when rotating is not required. This technique will be developed by Pablo Villanueva Perez from NanoLund, ERC Starting Grant awardee 2020, and his team. NanoLund’s affiliated member Pablo Villanueva Perez from Synchrotron Radiation Physics has been awa - 2025-01-31

Karin Tran-Lundmark receives Prince Daniel's grant for Young Promising Researchers

Published 4 December 2023 From left: Kristina Sparreljung, General secretary Hjärt-Lungfonden, Karin Tran-Lundmark, pediatric cardiologist and docent at Lund University, H.K.H. Prins Daniel Congratulations to Karin Tran-Lundmark who has been awarded the Prince Daniel grant for Young Promising Researchers! She receives the grant for her research on the incurable cardiopulmonary disease Pulmonary hy - 2025-01-31

SEK 31 million to enhance the effect of immunotherapy in the treatment of cancer patients

Published 21 October 2022 Illustration of T cell attack on cancer cell. Illustration: iStock/luismmoling Göran Jönsson, professor of molecular oncology, receives SEK 31 million from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation to enhance the effect of immunotherapy in the treatment of cancer patients. About 30 per cent of patients with metastatic melanoma benefit from immunotherapy. At the same time, - 2025-01-31

LUCSUS researchers analyse how billions of EU farming funding subsidies are being spent

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 4 September 2020 Murray Scown and Kimberly Nicholas, researchers at LUCSUS, have analysed in detail how EU agricultural subsidies flow down to the local level. The new data show that most income support payments go to intensively farmed regions already above median EU income, while climate-friendly and biodiverse farming regio - 2025-01-31

New research on extreme weather

Published 26 February 2019 Algal sample. Photo: Karin Rengefors. Work is going ahead on several new research projects about extreme weather in the light of last summer’s extreme drought. Three of these projects concern extreme weather’s impact on algal blooms, its consequences for bumble bee colonies, and the use of climate models to investigate effects on political, legal and social engagement. T - 2025-01-31

How to become a better speaker - February

Published 2 January 2020 The objective of this half-day workshop is to show and discuss strategies and methods how to become a better speaker, in order to understand and improve your presentation skills. These skills are essential when it comes to presenting research and achievements on conferences and meetings all over the world. The workshop is aimed for both new and experienced staff. The tools - 2025-01-31

BECC annual meeting November 7-8

By hanna [dot] holm [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Hanna Holm) - published 11 October 2017 Welcome to BECC annual meeting at Radisson Blu Metropol, Helsingborg. Day 1:             The Ecosystem Service Concept in Science10.00                Registration and coffee10.45                Introduction and the aim of the meeting11.00                Plenary lecture 1: Professor Janne Bengtsson, SLU Uppsala1 - 2025-01-31