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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90771 hits

Fysik, Kvantinformation och kvantvetenskap - Masterprogram

Att förstå kvantteorin leder till grundläggande insikter om den fysiska världen och det faktum att kvantsystem kan användas för att manipulera informationsbehandling på sätt som inte har någon motsvarighet i klassisk fysik och vanlig teknik. Du kommer att studera kvantteori, fysikens roll i information och dess kopplingar till stora kvantteknologier som kvantdatorer, kvantkommunikation och kvantsiUnderstanding quantum theory leads to fundamental insights about the physical world and the fact that quantum systems can be used to manipulate information processing in ways that have no counterpart in classical physics and mainstream technology. You will study quantum theory, physics' role in information, and its connections to major quantum technologies such as quantum computers, quantum commun

Kemi, Fysikalisk kemi - Masterprogram

Programöversikt Utbildningen ger dig en bred och grundläggande kännedom om fysikalisk och teoretisk kemi samt kemisk fysik. Du utvecklar laborativa färdigheter och får djup teoretisk kunskap om fundamentala, molekylära mekanismer samt god förståelse för praktiska tillämpningar inom exempelvis miljöområdet, materialvetenskap och katalys. Särskild vikt läggs vid att skapa en sammanhängande förståelProgramme overview The programme gives you broad and fundamental knowledge in physical and theoretical chemistry and chemical physics. You will develop your laboratory skills and obtain in-depth theoretical knowledge on fundamental, molecular mechanisms as well as a good understanding of practical applications within the environmental field, materials science and catalysis, for example. Special e

Europastudier med humanistisk profil - Masterprogram

A unique humanist profile The programme's primary goal is to provide a focus on the humanities in the field of European studies, which is a perspective unique to Lund University. The programme specifically targets those who are interested in understanding Europe from a broader, cultural point of view, and who want to apply this perspective in careers related to European cultural politics, identiA unique humanist profile The programme's primary goal is to provide a focus on the humanities in the field of European studies, which is a perspective unique to Lund University. The programme specifically targets those who are interested in understanding Europe from a broader, cultural point of view, and who want to apply this perspective in careers related to European cultural politics, identi

Psykologi: Personlighets- och utvecklingspsykologi

Personlighets- och utvecklingspsykologin är det område inom psykologin som både beskriver och förklarar hur människor förändras och utvecklas på vissa sätt samt hur människor i viss mån förblir konstanta genom livet i sina egenskaper: Kursens fyra delkurser har följande teman: Barn Tonåringar och unga vuxna. Personlighet Vuxna och äldre   Under kursen får du insikt i: Hur människorPersonality and developmental psychology is the field of psychology that both describes and explains how people change and develop in certain ways in life and at the same time how they remain constant in their characteristics to some extent: The four modules of the course have the following themes: Infants and children Teenagers and young adults Personality Adults and the elderly During t

Historia: Tidningar bland andra medier, 1600-1850

Communications through text, sound and image are discussed in their mutual relation to economic, cultural, political and social change. Basic concepts and perspectives of Media History are introduced. The course adopts a broad definition of media and the idea that individual forms of media must be understood in relation to each other. The course deals with the main outlines of Western media historCommunications through text, sound and image are discussed in their mutual relation to economic, cultural, political and social change. Basic concepts and perspectives of Media History are introduced. The course adopts a broad definition of media and the idea that individual forms of media must be understood in relation to each other. The course deals with the main outlines of Western media histor

Naturvetenskapligt kandidatprogram, Fysik (undervisning på engelska)

Fysik handlar om de grundläggande byggstenarna i vår värld och de krafter och lagar som styr dem. Fysiker utforskar materiens egenskaper genom avancerade experiment och utvecklar modeller för att beskriva verkligheten, ofta med hjälp av detaljerade datorsimuleringar. Beroende på din inriktning kan du till exempel arbeta med att undersöka elementarpartiklar eller utveckla nya komponenter för energiPhysics is about the fundamental building blocks of our world and the forces and laws that govern them. Physicists explore the properties of matter through advanced experiments and develop models to describe reality, often with the help of detailed computer simulations. Depending on your specialization, you may for example work on investigating elementary particles or developing new components for

International Marketing & Brand Management - Magisterprogram

This programme allows you to develop advanced-level academic expertise in international marketing and brand management. We provide you with the theory, concepts and skills to operate, build strong brands and successfully market products and services across a range of dynamic and competitive international environments. You will train your ability to analyse societal shifts, trends and their interplThis programme allows you to develop advanced-level academic expertise in international marketing and brand management. We provide you with the theory, concepts and skills to operate, build strong brands and successfully market products and services across a range of dynamic and competitive international environments. You will train your ability to analyse societal shifts, trends and their interpl

Digital arkitektur och framtidsutveckling - Masterutbildning

Studierna fokuserar på framväxande digitala designprocesser. Studenterna lär sig verktyg som programmering och parametrisk modellering och arbetar med digitala tillverkningsmetoder som 3D-utskrift och robotik. Programmet ges i nära samarbete med forskningslabben Biodigital matter och Robotlab vid LTH. Genom ett tvärvetenskapligt tillvägagångssätt och research-by-design-metodik blir du en ansvarsfuThis programme trains future architects to become leaders of a construction industry capable of transformative and sustainable change. The Master's Programme in Digital Architecture and Emergent Futures is part of an emerging community of computational designers and is taught in close collaboration with the bioDigital Matter research group and the centre for construction robotics at Lund Universit

Konstnärligt kandidatprogram i musik, Individuell studiegång

Musikerutbildning, individuell studiegång, syftar till att utbilda musiker med hög konstnärlig och professionell förmåga. Utbildningen riktar sig till den som inte kan söka till andra musikerutbildningar på Musikhögskolan i Malmö på grund av att dennes konstnärliga inriktning eller instrumentala profil eller ensemblemässiga sammansättning inte ryms inom de andra utbildningarna. Utbildningen kan geThe Bachelor’s Programme in Music, Individual Programme, aims to educate musicians that possess good artistic and professional qualities. On completion of the programme, the student must have adequate knowledge and skill in order to comfortably work within the various functions and engagements of the professional musician: either as a soloist, a member of an established ensemble and/or independent

Arkeologi - teori och praktik - Masterprogram

Mastersprogrammet är speciellt utvecklat för att möta kraven inom forskning, fältarkeologi och kulturarvsförmedling. I programmet får du möjlighet att fördjupa dig i något av institutionens fyra ämnen: antikens kultur och samhällsliv, arkeologi, historisk arkeologi eller historisk osteologi. Utbildningen är utformad så att den aktivt kombinerar ämnenas teoretiska, metodiska och praktiska sidor. MaThis programme combines high scientific and theoretical standards with intensive practical training within Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Museology. You will be trained in how to excavate and document the past, how to preserve artefacts and buildings and how to communicate your findings and research results to a wider audience. Special features of the programme: Project-based learning Arc

Litteratur - kultur - medier, Franskspråkig litteratur - Masterprogram

The aim of this programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. You can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural topics ofThe aim of this programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. You can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural topics of

Naturgeografi: Fjärranalys för landskapsstudier

Fjärranalys är ett samlingsbegrepp för olika metoder att studera vår omvärld på avstånd. Exempel på fjärranalysmetoder är fotografering, ekolod och radar. Den här kursen ger dig kunskap om hur man använder framförallt flygbilder för att samla in information om olika företeelser i landskapet. För att kunna tolka en bild måste du förstå hur bilden blir till och vilka faktorer som påverkar inforRemote sensing is the common name for methods used to study the Environment around us without actually being in contact with the study objects. Examples of remote sensing methods are photography, echo sounding and radar. The course gives you knowledge about how to use mainly aerial photographs to collect information about different features of a landscape. In order to be able to interpret what you

Historia: Det moderna mediesamhällets framväxt, 1850-1940

Communications through text, sound and image are discussed in their mutual relation to economic, cultural, political and social change. Basic concepts and perspectives of Media History are introduced. The course adopts a broad definition of media and the idea that individual forms of media must be understood in relation to each other. The course traces the emergence of the modern media landscape, Communications through text, sound and image are discussed in their mutual relation to economic, cultural, political and social change. Basic concepts and perspectives of Media History are introduced. The course adopts a broad definition of media and the idea that individual forms of media must be understood in relation to each other. The course traces the emergence of the modern media landscape,

Historia: Gamla och nya medier, tiden efter 1940

Communications through text, sound and image are discussed in their mutual relation to economic, cultural, political and social change. Basic concepts and perspectives of Media History are introduced. The course adopts a broad definition of media and the idea that individual forms of media must be understood in relation to each other. The course focuses on the new media technologies that have emerCommunications through text, sound and image are discussed in their mutual relation to economic, cultural, political and social change. Basic concepts and perspectives of Media History are introduced. The course adopts a broad definition of media and the idea that individual forms of media must be understood in relation to each other. The course focuses on the new media technologies that have emer

Historia: Från stentavlor till boktryck, tiden fram till 1600

Communications through text, sound and image are discussed in their mutual relation to economic, cultural, political and social change. Basic concepts and perspectives of Media History are introduced. The course adopts a broad definition of media and the idea that individual forms of media must be understood in relation to each other. The course is an introduction to the subject of Media History. Communications through text, sound and image are discussed in their mutual relation to economic, cultural, political and social change. Basic concepts and perspectives of Media History are introduced. The course adopts a broad definition of media and the idea that individual forms of media must be understood in relation to each other. The course is an introduction to the subject of Media History.

Socialantropologi - Masterprogram

Observera att programmet ges på engelska. Sök till programmet under perioden oktober - januari. Programmet startar varje hösttermin. Fullständig information om programmet samt ansökningsinstruktioner hittar du på Lunds universitets engelska webbplats: Kort information om programmet på svenska OBSERVERA: ansökningsinstruktionerna på denna svenska sidaSocial anthropologists seek to understand how people live in societies and how they make their lives meaningful. We investigate the assumptions on which society and culture are based; solid but mostly implicit ideas about the world and its human and non-human inhabitants that vary between social and cultural contexts. The discipline’s holistic and relational perspective provides unique tools not o

Hållbar energiteknik - Masterutbildning

Över hela världen utforskar företag, universitet och forskningsinstitut ny teknik och förbättrar befintlig teknik för att möta nya krav och förordningar. Programmet avser främst energiomvandling och energidistribution, vilket gäller teknisk utrustning som kraftverk, bränsleceller, motorer, batterier och värmepumpar.  Programmet utvecklar framtida yrkesverksamma inom energiteknik och ger djupaThe energy sector is rapidly transforming due to urgent concerns over global warming, the imperative shift towards non-fossil energy sources, and the increasing electrification of transport and industry. These shifts are accompanied by stringent regulations and visionary roadmaps toward a fossil-free future, adopted by nations worldwide.  This programme uniquely integrates technical knowledge

Trådlös kommunikation - Masterutbildning

Lunds universitet har utmärkta resurser och erbjuder studenterna möjlighet att lära av världsledande forskare. Programmet ger studenterna en solid bas för en karriär inom trådlös kommunikation – antingen inom industrin eller den akademiska världen.  Hållbara smarta städer och digitaliseringen av samhället är starkt beroende av sammankopplade system, vilket leder till ett brett utbud av arbetsFuture applications such as the real-time wireless control of autonomous vehicles or collaborating machines (Industry 4.0) will lead to entirely new requirements in terms of reliability and on-time delivery of information. Sustainable smart cities and the digitalisation of society heavily rely on connected systems, leading to a broad range of job opportunities for our graduates. Wireless Communica

Litteratur - kultur - medier, Barn- och ungdomslitteratur - Masterprogram

The aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural toThe aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural to

Litteratur - kultur - medier, Tyskspråkig litteratur - Masterprogram

The aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural toThe aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural to