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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90182 hits

Evolution of adaptation through allometric shifts in a marine snail

Variation in ontogenetic development among individuals may be a major contributor to morphological variation within species. Evolution of different growth trajectories might, for example, evolve as a response to varying ecological contexts of individuals living in different environments, or by life-stage or gender differences. The intertidal periwinkle Littorina saxatilis is strongly polymorphic i

Pain management in elderly persons who require assistance with activities of daily living: a comparison of those living at home with those in special accommodations.

Objectives: To describe and compare the methods of pain management used by elderly individuals with chronic pain and requiring assistance with activities of daily living, depending on whether they live alone, with someone, at home or in special accommodations. Methods: This study comprised 294 people aged 76–100 years, identified as having chronic pain and requiring assistance with activities of

Early amniocentesis and congenital foot deformities

Objective: Several studies have shown an increased risk of congenital foot derformities after early amniocentesis. These studies have comprised amniocenteses performed before 13 completed gestational weeks. In this study, the risk of foot deformities after amniocentesis performed at 12-14 completed gestational weeks was determined. Methods: 3,469 genetic amniocenteses in singleton pregnancies perf

Molecular methods for identification and characterization of novel papillomaviruses.

Papillomaviruses (PV) are a remarkably heterogeneous family of small DNA viruses that infect a wide variety of vertebrate species and are etiologically linked with the development of various neoplastic changes of the skin and mucosal epithelia. Based on nucleotide similarity, PVs are hierarchically classified into genera, species and types. Novel human PV (HPV) types are given a unique number only

Impact of drying and re-wetting on N, P and K dynamics in a wetland soil

As increased nutrient availability due to drainage is considered a major cause of eutrophication in wetlands rewetting of drained wetlands is recommended as a restoration measure. The effect of soil drying and rewetting on the contribution of various nutrient release or transformation processes to changed nutrient availability for plants is however weakly understood. We measured effects of soil dr

Practice patterns in haemophilia A therapy - global progress towards optimal care

This paper reports the findings of a global survey of practice patterns for the management of patients with haemophilia A. A total of 147 haemophilia treatment centres worldwide responded to the questionnaire, supplying data for 16 115 patients with haemophilia A. From these responses, 38% (range: 25-48%) of patients were under 18 years old. Almost half (47%) of patients were reported to have mild

The strategy of fly-and-forage migration, illustrated for the osprey (Pandion haliaetus)

Migrating birds often alternate between flight steps, when distance is covered and energy consumed, and stopover periods, when energy reserves are restored. An alternative strategy is fly-and-forage migration, useful mainly for birds that hunt or locate their prey in flight, and thus, enables birds to combine foraging with covering migration distance. The favourability of this strategy in comparis

A new scale to assess the therapeutic relationship in community mental health care: STAR

Background. No instrument has been developed specifically for assessing the clinician-patient therapeutic relationship (TR) in community psychiatry. This study aimed to develop a measure of the TR with clinician and patient versions using psychometric principles for test construction. Method. A four-stage prospective study was undertaken, comprising qualitative semi-structured interviews about TRs

Serious, frightening and interesting conditions: differences in values and attitudes between first-year and final-year medical students.

CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: During medical education and training, the values and attitudes of medical students are shaped both by knowledge and by role models. In this study, the aim was to compare the views of first- and final-year students concerning patients with different medical conditions. PARTICIPANTS AND METHOD: In the spring of 1998 all first- and final-year medical students at Göteborg and L

Increased Inflammation in Atherosclerotic Lesions of Diabetic Akita-LDLr(-/-) Mice Compared to Nondiabetic LDLr(-/-) Mice.

Background. Diabetes is associated with increased cardiovascular disease, but the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. One proposed mechanism is that diabetes aggravates atherosclerosis by enhancing plaque inflammation. The Akita mouse has recently been adopted as a relevant model for microvascular complications of diabetes. Here we investigate the development of ath

Electrophysiology of pancreatic beta-cells in intact mouse islets of Langerhans

When exposed to intermediate glucose concentrations (6-16 mol/l), pancreatic beta-cells in intact islets generate bursts of action potentials (superimposed on depolarised plateaux) separated by repolarised electrically silent intervals. First described more than 40 years ago, these oscillations have continued to intrigue beta-cell electrophysiologists. To date, most studies of beta-cell ion channe

Serum calcium and the risk of prostate cancer

Recent studies have suggested an association between high dietary intake of calcium and the risk of prostate cancer. Calcium-rich diet has been suggested to affect the serum levels of Vitamin D, and thereby promote cancer. We conducted the largest study of the association between prediagnostic serum levels of calcium and the risk of prostate cancer. We examined the incidence of prostate cancer in

The water balance of a sub-Arctic town

Urban water balances differ from their rural counterparts due to extreme spatial heterogeneity, water imported from outside catchment boundaries and changed flow paths (e.g., drainage pipes and impervious surfaces). Urban catchments are characterized by increased peak discharges and fast response times, each contributing to specific environmental problems. The water balances of towns in the northe

Conodont dating of the Middle Ordovician breccia cap-rock limestone on Osmussaar Island, northwestern Estonia

Various mechanisms have hitherto been suggested to explain the formation of the Kundan (Middle Ordovician) Osmussaar Breccia in northwestern Estonia. Following the recent discovery of L-chondritic chromite in these peculiar, sand-penetrated strata, it seems plausible that the breccia is impact-related. Herein, the conodont faunas of three thin limestone intervals overlying the breccia at Osmussaar

Measurement properties and hierarchical item structure of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale in Parkinson's disease.

The aim of this work was to evaluate the measurement properties and hierarchical item structure of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Data were taken from a cross-sectional study regarding fatigue and sleep-related aspects of PD. One hundred and eighteen consecutive patients with neurologist-diagnosed PD without significant co-morbidities (54% men; mean a