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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90690 hits

The Impact of COVID-19 on Parkinson's Disease : A Case-Controlled Registry and Questionnaire Study on Clinical Markers and Patients' Perceptions

Introduction. Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease with motor and nonmotor symptoms. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Objectives. To explore how COVID-19 affects motor, nonmotor, and general health aspects of PD and to map how PD patients perceive their change in symptoms since fa

MAR-drömmen administrativa sanktioner - En undersökning av administrativa sanktioners ändamålsenlighet vid marknadsmanipulationer

Under 2022 hade värdepappersinstitutet Avanza över 1.7 miljoner kunder, och ökade antalet kunde med 100 000 det året. För att försäkra sig om att alla aktörer som handlar med finansiella instrument vill fortsätta handla på marknaden, krävs det att de har förtroende för marknaden. För att aktörerna ska ha förtroende för marknaden är det viktigt alla har tillgång till korrekt information så att de iIn 2022, the securities institute Avanza had over 1.7 million customers, which was an increase by over 100,000 customers that year. To ensure that all actors who trade with financial instruments want to continue to trade, it is crucial that they have confidence in the market. For the parties to have confidence in the market, it is important that everyone have access to correct information so that

Combined solar and membrane drying technologies for sustainable fruit preservation in low-income countries – prototype development, modelling, and testing

This investigation consisted of developing and evaluating solar dryers together with semi-permeable membrane pouches for drying juicy fruits in low-income tropical countries. Two design iterations were carried out including prototype modelling and testing. The latest developed solar dryers were a passive and an active solar dryer. Modelling was initially carried out mathematically using an equatio

Relationship between Eczema and Self-reported Difficulties Keeping up with School Education : A Cross-sectional Study

Eczema is a common chronic disease that affects both children and adults, and may have an adverse impact on school performance, as it is characteristically pruri-tic, and hence may lead to poor concentration and ina-dequate sleep. The aim of this study was to elucidate the relationship between eczema and self-reported difficulties keeping up with school education. The study was based on cross-sect

Adipocyte traits limiting cellular insulin responsiveness and glucose transport

Adipocyte dysfunction is a hallmark of systemic insulin resistance. Insulin-responsive glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) is downregulated in the insulin resistant state, and cellular insulin responsiveness varies depending on fat-depot origin and degree of adipose expansion. Here, we have resolved factors limiting cellular insulin responsiveness, by examining adipocyte function and traits related to g

Incidence of intracranial hemorrhagic complications after anterior circulation endovascular thrombectomy in relation to occlusion site : a nationwide observational register study

BACKGROUND: Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is a potentially severe complication of endovascular thrombectomy (EVT). However, the relationship between the incidence and severity of ICH and vascular occlusion location is not well described.OBJECTIVE: To present a comprehensive analysis of subtypes of ICHs and their relationship to the occlusion site following EVT in the anterior circulation.METHODS:

Implementation of precision medicine in healthcare—A European perspective

The technical development of high-throughput sequencing technologies and the parallel development of targeted therapies in the last decade have enabled a transition from traditional medicine to personalized treatment and care. In this way, by using comprehensive genomic testing, more effective treatments with fewer side effects are provided to each patient—that is, precision or personalized medici

När tiden är essensen - En studie av upphandling vid synnerlig brådska

Huvudregeln i upphandlingsrätt är att upphandlingar ska annonseras. Detta grundar sig i principerna om att upphandlingar ska vara öppna för alla leverantörer att söka för att principerna om fri konkurrens och fri rörlighet av varor och tjänster i den inre marknaden ska säkerställas. Emellertid finns det undantag från denna huvudregel. Vid synnerlig brådska finns det möjlighet att frångå annonserinThe exception for extraordinary urgency is primarily evident through the strict interpretation by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). It's so strict that it has never been invoked in any of the Court's cases. The fundamental rule in procurement law mandates that tenders must be ad-vertised. This is rooted in the principles of open access for all suppliers with the intent to ensure free c

Overuse of the psychoactive analgesics’ opioids and gabapentinoid drugs in patients having surgery for nerve entrapment disorders

Knowledge about risks for overuse of psychoactive analgesics in patients having primary surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) or ulnar nerve entrapment (UNE), or both, is limited. We investigated if patients with those nerve entrapment disorders have a higher risk of overuse of psychoactive analgesics (i.e., opioids and gabapentinoid drugs) before, after, and both before and after surgery than

Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior Disorders in Children and Adolescents : Clinical Characteristics and Treatment Outcomes in a Naturalistic Setting

Body-focused repetitive behavior disorders, including trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) and excoriation (skin picking) disorder, typically emerge in early adolescence, but little is known about the clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of these disorders in young people, particularly in real-world clinical settings. Participants were 63 children and adolescents (51 girls; age rang

Det hälsofrämjande folkbiblioteket : en fallstudie av Göteborgs bibliotek och kulturhus hälsofrämjande arbete inom området psykisk hälsa

In 2021, the public libraries and cultural centers of Gothenburg received initiated a project named “The Healing Force of Literature” (Litteraturens läkande kraft), aimed at promoting mental health among young adults through library programming. It included educating library workers on the topic of mental health, as well as methods of bibliotherapy and shared reading. Such health promotional activ

Allelopathic Interactions between Cyanobacteria and Dinoflagellates - Rapid Naiadinium polonicum decline in co-culture with Microcystis sp.

The frequency of harmful algal blooms is increasing steadily, and every summer there are phycotoxins compromising the quality of freshwater ecosystems. Although this is of rising concern, the mechanisms behind harmful algal blooms are not yet fully understood. Cyanobacteria are the usual culprits, while freshwater dinoflagellates have generally been considered non-toxic, though toxic blooms of fre

Stay away from math? Data literacy and math anxiety in seventh-grade students

The term data literacy has been defined as “the ability to collect, manage, evaluate, and apply data, in a critical manner” and the concept speaks for an important skill in today’s information-rich digital landscape. The educational system is a key factor in supporting students in their quest of strengthening this ability. The following thesis aims to investigate how student performance related to

Microbially Produced Imidazole Propionate Is Associated With Heart Failure and Mortality

Background: Over the past years, it has become clear that the microbial ecosystem in the gut has a profound capacity to interact with the host through the production of a wide range of bioactive metabolites. The microbially produced metabolite imidazole propionate (ImP) is clinically and mechanistically linked with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, but it is unclear how ImP is associated wit

Comparison of two drug-eluting balloons: a report from the SCAAR registry.

Aims: Recently, drug-eluting balloons have received a guideline class IIa recommendation in the treatment of in-stent restenosis after bare metal stent implantation. It is not known if different balloons perform equally. Using a large real world registry, restenosis frequency was reported for two drug-eluting balloons. Methods and results: From April 2009 until September 2011, 1,129 patients w

The (in)famous GWAS P-value threshold revisited and updated for low-frequency variants.

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have long relied on proposed statistical significance thresholds to be able to differentiate true positives from false positives. Although the genome-wide significance P-value threshold of 5 × 10(-8) has become a standard for common-variant GWAS, it has not been updated to cope with the lower allele frequency spectrum used in many recent array-based GWAS stud

Stable refraction and visual acuity in diabetic patients with variable glucose levels under routine care.

Abstract. Purpose: To investigate how refraction and visual acuity may vary in patients with diabetes under routine care. Methods: Fifty-three eyes of 53 patients with various degrees of diabetic retinopathy were examined prospectively on four different occasions within a month. Refraction, best-corrected visual acuity (expressed as logMAR score) and blood glucose were measured on each occasion. I