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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90182 hits

Body size mediates latitudinal population differences in the response to chytrid fungus infection in two amphibians

Factors behind intraspecific variation in sensitivity to pathogens remain poorly understood. We investigated how geographical origin in two North European amphibians affects tolerance to infection by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), a generalist pathogen which has caused amphibian population declines worldwide. We exposed newly metamorphosed individuals of moor frog Rana arv

Initial Case Study Findings for Requirements on Work-Related Health Aspects

Most work implies the use of digital systems and tools, thus, digital technology plays a vital role in modern work environments. Even so, ergonomics and usability of IT systems and digital tools used at work are often weak, which causes work-related health problems including physical, visual, cognitive, and stress-related issues. We pose that one important reason for these types of issues is the l

The ‘Z-Free’ Home : A Circular Thinking and Eco-Cycle Design Practice

In recent years, the need for affordable sustainable housing has increased. At the same time, there has been a gradual rising interest in compact living. With the mounting impacts of climate change, a new way of thinking is needed to develop more resilient and climate responsive ways of living that are compact, affordable, and climate-conscious. In response to this need, the idea of a ‘Z-Free Home

Myocardial injury defined as elevated high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T is associated with higher mortality in patients seeking care at emergency departments with acute dyspnea

Background: Elevated levels of cardiac troponin T has been observed in patients seeking care at the emergency department (ED) presenting with chest pain but without myocardial infarction (MI). The clinical importance of this observation remains, however, still unclear. Our main aim was to study the role of cardiac troponin T in patients admitted to the emergency department with acute dyspnea, a gr

Behandlares, handledares och utbildares upplevelser av arbete med Emotion Regulation Group Therapy ur ett implementeringsperspektiv

Huruvida en metod används och sprids i rutinmässig vård beror inte enbart på behandlingseffekt utan även på effektiviteten i implementeringen. Den manualbaserade gruppbehandlingen Emotion Regulation Group Therapy (ERGT) har ännu inte undersökts utifrån dess implementeringsprocess. Syftet med denna studie var att utforska ERGT i Sverige idag ur ett implementeringsperspektiv och att därigenom bidra

En kvantitativ studie om dagens tillgänglighet av droger samt risk-/ och skyddsfaktorer

The purpose of this study was to examine drug availability and social risk- and safety factors regarding adolescents' drug use. The method used for this study was a survey, with 140 students from Helsingborg's high schools as respondents, allowing a quantitative analysis. The theory used in this study was Albert Bandura's social learning theory. Previous research shows that there are s

Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction in post-COVID-19 syndrome : a major health-care burden

Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction (CVAD) is a malfunction of the cardiovascular system caused by deranged autonomic control of circulatory homeostasis. CVAD is an important component of post-COVID-19 syndrome, also termed long COVID, and might affect one-third of highly symptomatic patients with COVID-19. The effects of CVAD can be seen at both the whole-body level, with impairment of heart rat

Identifying proactive and reactive policy entrepreneurs in collaborative networks in flood risk management

A policy entrepreneur is a distinct political actor aiming to affect change. The theoretical narrative regarding policy entrepreneurs is underpinned by their commitment to a policy solution, the multi-dimensional strategies they use to promote that solution, and a suite of attributes and skills facilitating their actions. Policy entrepreneurs reveal themselves through their attempts to transform p

Carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from mounds of African fungus-growing termites

Termites play an essential role in decomposing dead plant material in tropical ecosystems and are thus major sources of gaseous C emissions in many environments. In African savannas, fungus-growing termites are among the ecologically most influential termite species. We studied the gas exchange from mounds of two closely related fungus-growing species (Macrotermes subhyalinus and M. michaelseni, r

Tillhörighet och legitim föreningsfrihet förväxlat med kriminalitet - En kritisk granskning av kriminaliserandet av deltagandet i kriminella nätverk - såväl ur ett föreningsperspektiv som ett straffrättsligt

Gängkriminaliteten har under de senaste åren tagit större plats i samhällsdebatten och straffrättsliga åtgärder för att kontrollera utvecklingen av de kriminella nätverken har blivit särskilt uppmärksammade. I rättspolitiken har just kriminaliseringen setts som ett effektivt medel för kontroll. Många av de förslag till kriminalisering den nya regeringen lagt fram i Tidöavtalet är betydligt mer ingIn recent years, gang-related crime has played a bigger role in the public debate, and criminal justice measures to control the development of the criminal networks have received particular attention. In legal policy, criminalization is seen as an effective mean of control. Many of the suggestions for criminalization forwarded by the new government in the Tidö Agreement are significantly more intr

Detecting potential outliers in longitudinal data with time-dependent covariates

Background: Outliers can influence regression model parameters and change the direction of the estimated effect, over-estimating or under-estimating the strength of the association between a response variable and an exposure of interest. Identifying visit-level outliers from longitudinal data with continuous time-dependent covariates is important when the distribution of such variable is highly sk

Preoperative Electrophysiology in Patients With Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at the Elbow-Prediction of Surgical Outcome and Influence of Age, Sex and Diabetes

The impact of preoperative electrophysiology on outcome of surgical treatment in ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow (UNE) is not clarified. Our aim was to evaluate influence of preoperative electrophysiologic grading on outcome and analyse how age, sex, and in particular diabetes affect such grading. Electrophysiologic protocols for 406 UNE cases, surgically treated at two hand surgery units repo

A Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Mobile Stroke Unit Deployment

A mobile stroke unit (MSU) is an advanced ambulance equipped with specialized technology and trained healthcare personnel to provide on-site diagnosis and treatment for stroke patients. Providing efficient access to healthcare (in a viable way) requires optimizing the placement of MSUs. In this study, we propose a time-efficient method based on a genetic algorithm (GA) to find the most suitable am

Gut microbiota composition is altered in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and post-acute COVID-19 syndrome

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) reflects an autonomic dysfunction, which can occur as a complication to COVID-19. Our aim was to examine gastrointestinal symptoms and gut microbiota composition in patients with POTS and post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS), compared with controls. POTS patients (n = 27), PACS patients (n = 32) and controls (n = 39) delivered fecal samples and compl

Men with depression and/or anxiety and their experience of occupational balance

Bakgrund: Inom arbetsterapi används begreppen aktivitetsbalans och aktivitetsobalans. Det finns ett samband mellan psykisk ohälsa och upplevelsen av aktivitetsbalans, men få studier är utförda på män. Vid psykisk ohälsa kan aktivitetsobalans uppstå vilket kan påverka personens vardag, aktiviteter och hälsa negativt. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur män i Sverige med depression Background: Occupational therapy describes the concept of occupational balance and imbalance. There is a connection between mental illness and the experience of occupational imbalance, but few studies explored the experiences of men. Mental illness can cause occupational imbalance and could impact the individual's activities in daily life and health negatively. Aim: The aim of this study is t

Mapping two centuries of forest governance in Nordic countries : An open access database

Forest ecosystems play a crucial role in the production and protection of economic, social, and environmental values. To understand current challenges and trajectories shaping future strategies within the Nordic forest sector, it is important to map and trace past and present policy and governance developments. The core contribution of this short communication is to present an open-access database

Women's experiences of being assisted by two midwives during the active second stage of labour : Secondary outcomes from the Oneplus trial

Background: ‘Collegial Midwifery Assistance’ (CMA) is a clinical practice aiming to reduce severe perineal trauma (SPT) during childbirth. This practice involves two midwives being present during the active second stage of labour rather than one, which is the case in standard care. The effectiveness of CMA was evaluated in the Oneplus trial and a 30% reduction in SPT was shown. Aim: The aim was to