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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91120 hits

Proactive Information System Integration: A Concept of IS Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions

This thesis is the result of a case study which has its starting point in the fact that mergers and acquisitions are characterized by a high level of risk and often fail to reach stated goals such as leverage of synergy, many times due to the inability of integrating the concerned organization’s information systems. Existing problem perspectives do not include what could be a factor contributing t

An Investigation into a Grocery Store Loyalty Card and its Accompanying Promotional Benefits Effect on Service Loyalty

The purpose of this study is to investigate a loyalty card and its relation to accompanying promotional benefits, and their linkages to grocery retail service loyalty. Also, the aim sets out to find relationships between demographic variables and proneness towards the promotional benefits, the loyalty card, and loyalty. A quantitative approach has been assumed and empirical data has been collected

Miljöarbete inom den civila luftfarten

The main environmental problem for aviation is the great amount of exhaust gases, mainly nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons - mostly "greenhouse gases" leading to climate changes. I decided to sort out what is being done to decrease these problems and what regulations there are concerning air pollution by the means of searching the internet and using public

Folkbibliotekariens yrkesidentitet : vad den består av och hur den formas

This master's thesis reports on our investigation of how the public librarian's professional identity is formed and what it is formed of. We have considered factors such as: education, competence and daily tasks. In order to fulfil this aim we have used a literature study on concepts such as competence, education, professional identity and profession. We have also carried out an empirical

VD-Avtalet - en studie av rättsläget

Chief executives and other persons in management positions are not applicable to the same protection system as other employees. Lagen om anställlningsskydd is not applicable for example. Instead all terms and conditions are in the employment contract, which get increased importance. The employment contract for a chief executive is comprehensive. This essay focuses on employment protection, wages a

Organisationskultur i en processorganistion

At the beginning of the nineties, a new form of organisation, the process organisation, was about to be born. The features of the process organisation were a flexible organisational that works in a world where the pace of development is increasing all the time. Today there are many organisations that have mapped their processes, but in order to truly become a process organisation, the processes am

Låt inte verksamheten leva på lagen - En fallstudie av implementering av värdegrunder inom Helsingborgs omsorg

Course:Service Management, Master thesis one year, 15 points Title:Don’t let the organization live on the law – A case study about the implementation of value-systems in caring in Helsingborg. Key words:Value-systems, image, quality, communication, organizational culture, motivation, leadership Authours:Slavica Aleksic, Renata Di Lorenzo and Bettina Lundberg Advisors:Jessica Enevold and Pia Valent

Digitala fritidsgårdar

Today lots of old problems connected to juveniles take place on the internet, without any help from adults. The aim of this study was to bring out what young people, 16-18 years old, think about the need of adults on communities which is visited by juveniles, and if there is a difference between how young people behave on communities versus in real life. The method used is three focus group interv