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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90269 hits

Mamma, mamma, barn - En rättshistorisk analys av samkönade par och föräldraskap i Sverige

Sedan 2003 har samkönade par i Sverige kunnat prövas som adoptivföräldrar och därmed bli juridiska föräldrar. Det var dock kontroversiellt och många av remissinstanserna och talarna i riksdagen var kritiska. De framhöll att för lite forskningsunderlag presenterats, att alla barn behöver en mamma och en pappa samt att olikkönade par kanske skulle få svårare att adoptera då andra länder skulle se og

Familial associations of rheumatoid arthritis with autoimmune diseases and related conditions

OBJECTIVE: In the era of genome-wide association studies, familial risks are used to estimate disease heritability and the likelihood of candidate-gene identification. This study was undertaken to estimate associations of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with any of 33 autoimmune diseases and related conditions among parents and offspring, singleton siblings, twins, and spouses.METHODS: The Multigenerati

Accelerating the Transition towards Solid-state Lighting: Challenges for the Public Sector to Deploy Solid-state Lighting

The market uptake of solid-state lighting (SSL) is slow, even though it has many advantages and could deliver a variety of benefits to the society. The public sector is a large actor in the lighting market and could play an important role in accelerating SSL market penetration. Nevertheless, it faces many challenges to adopt SSL. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to provide a better

Mortality among individuals with substance use disorder—does violent criminal behavior have an impact?

Introduction: Understanding violent criminality and its impact on health and eventually the risk of premature mortality is important for efficient future interventions. This study aimed to explore the effect violent criminality had on premature mortality (i.e., death before the age of 65) among individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs). Methods: The cohort was created by identifying all Swed

Variation in Host Use at Individual and Population Levels in Green Tortoise Beetles (Cassida viridis) and Conservation Insights for Threatened Cassida Species

Phytophagous insects, comprising over half a million species, depend on plants for survival and are broadly categorised as specialists or generalists based on the range of host plants they exploit. Host plant selection is shaped by environmental factors, such as local plant availability, and ecological pressures, including competition and predation. While patterns of specialisation and generalisat