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Räckvidden av skiljeavtal - En studie av skiljeavtals omfattningsbestämning efter NJA 2023 s. 437 "Husqvarnas skiljeavtal"

Skiljeförfarande är i svensk rätt jämställt med tvistlösning i allmän domstol beträffande dispositiva tvistemål. Grunden för tvistlösning genom skiljeförfarande, är ett skiljeavtal mellan parterna. Huruvida en uppkommen tvist ska lösas genom skiljeförfarande – när det finns ett skiljeavtal parterna emellan – är avhängigt skiljeavtalets (objektiva) omfattning. Skiljenämnden saknar behörighet att av

Mortality among individuals with substance use disorder—does violent criminal behavior have an impact?

Introduction: Understanding violent criminality and its impact on health and eventually the risk of premature mortality is important for efficient future interventions. This study aimed to explore the effect violent criminality had on premature mortality (i.e., death before the age of 65) among individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs). Methods: The cohort was created by identifying all Swed

Variation in Host Use at Individual and Population Levels in Green Tortoise Beetles (Cassida viridis) and Conservation Insights for Threatened Cassida Species

Phytophagous insects, comprising over half a million species, depend on plants for survival and are broadly categorised as specialists or generalists based on the range of host plants they exploit. Host plant selection is shaped by environmental factors, such as local plant availability, and ecological pressures, including competition and predation. While patterns of specialisation and generalisat

Promotion of Cervical Screening among Long-term Non-attendees by Human Papillomavirus Self-sampling

Cervical cancer is preventable through gynecological screening. To promote participation among non-attending women, self-collected vaginal samples for detection of high-risk human papillomavirus (hr-HPV) is an option. The aims of this study were to investigate the response of self-collected vaginal samples for hr-HPV testing among long-term non-attendees, to explore the attendance at follow-up amo

Differences in antipsychotic treatment between depressive patients with and without a suicide attempt

Background: Depressed suicide attempters are, according to some earlier studies, treated more often with antipsychotics than depressive non-suicide attempters. Cluster B personality disorders, especially borderline personality disorder, are associated with a high suicide risk, and antipsychotics are commonly used for the reduction of symptoms. However, no previous study has taken comorbid personal

The association between plasma metabolites and future risk of all-cause mortality

Background: Metabolite profiles provide snapshots of the overall effect of numerous exposures accumulated over life courses, which may lead to health outcomes in the future. Objective: We hypothesized that the risk of all-cause mortality is linked to alterations in metabolism earlier in life, which are reflected in plasma metabolite profiles. We aimed to identify plasma metabolites associated with