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Your search for "swedish" yielded 89860 hits

Managing Change in Corporate Climate Action

In an uncertain and ambiguous world, organizations need to find new ways to manage change and stay in business. Constantly changing environmental policies and corporate climate action puts even more pressure on organizations in change management. It is apparent that corporate climate action shapes the way companies operate a business. Hence, the purpose of the present study is to shed light on man

Medfinansieringsersättning - kommunens respektive exploatörens perspektiv

Investeringar i transportinfrastruktur medför normalt bättre tillgänglighet, bättre läge, eventuellt ökad byggrätt och en ökning av värdet på de fastigheter som är belägna i närheten av den infrastruktur som anläggs. Värdeökningar som uppstår till följd av offentliga investeringar bör genom värdeåterföring ges tillbaka till det offentliga. En värdeåterföringsmetod är medfinansieringsersättning somInvestments in infrastructure normally lead to better accessibility, a better location, increased building rights and an increase in the value of the properties that are located near to the infrastructure. Increases in value that arise as a result of public investments should be returned to the public sector through value capture. A value capture method is co-financing compensation which according

Rösträttsförbehåll i samband med aktieöverlåtelser - En gränsdragning för samspelet mellan aktiebolagsrätten och avtalsrätten

Sverige har både idag och historiskt sett haft en stark aktiebolagsrättslig lagstiftning. Framför allt gagnar denna starka lagstiftning aktieägarens rättigheter i förhållande till aktiebolaget som entitet. Vid sidan av den aktiebolagsrättsliga lagstiftningen ligger avtalsrätten. Där båda områdena faller inom civilrätten, är dessa regelverk nära förankrade med varandra. Aktiebolagsrätten är menad a

Co-Morbidity between Early-Onset Leukemia and Type 1 Diabetes - Suggestive of a Shared Viral Etiology?

Background: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are common early-onset malignancies. Their causes are largely unknown but infectious etiology has been implicated. Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease for which infectious triggers of disease onset have been sought and increasing pointing to enteroviruses. Based on our previous results on co-morbidity betwee

Birth after Caesarean Section

Birth after caesarean section (CS) is an issue of growing importance. As a consequence of increasing CS rates, more women having experienced a prior CS will need counselling about preferred second delivery mode. There are two choices: elective repeat caesarean section (ERCS) or trial of labour (TOL). It is well known, that a TOL ending in an emergency CS carries the largest risks for mother and ch

Photocoagulation of human retinal pigment epithelial cells in vitro: evaluation of necrosis, apoptosis, cell migration, cell proliferation and expression of tissue repairing and cytoprotective genes.

Sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy has been treated with photocoagulation for decades but the mechanisms behind the beneficial clinical effects are poorly understood. One target of irradiation and a potential player in this process is the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Here we establish an in vitro model for photocoagulation of human RPE cells.

Lack of evidence for a role of islet autoimmunity in the aetiology of canine diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common endocrine disorders in dogs and is commonly proposed to be of autoimmune origin. Although the clinical presentation of human type 1 diabetes (T1D) and canine diabetes are similar, the aetiologies may differ. The aim of this study was to investigate if autoimmune aetiology resembling human T1D is as prevalent in dogs as previously reported.

Polymorphisms at the Microseminoprotein-beta Locus Associated with Physiologic Variation in beta-Microseminoprotein and Prostate-Specific Antigen Levels

Background: rs10993994, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at the genetic locus encoding beta-microseminoprotein (beta-MSP), is associated with both prostate cancer risk and levels of blood prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a biomarker used in prostate cancer screening. Therefore, we wished to determine the association between SNPs at MSMB, the gene encoding beta-MSP, and the levels of prostate

Sexual health in Rheumatoid Arthritis - a physiotherapeutic approach

The overall aim of this thesis was to study how persons experience the influence of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) on their sexual health and their experiences of communication about sexual health, in order to improve physiotherapy within the field of rheumatology. Sexual health is an integrated part of life, and persons with Rheumatoid Arthritis, RA, often experience a decreased sexual health, which c

Plasma lipid composition and risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

We tested whether characteristic changes of the plasma lipidome in individuals with comparable total lipids level associate with future cardiovascular disease (CVD) outcome and whether 23 validated gene variants associated with coronary artery disease (CAD) affect CVD associated lipid species.