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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90901 hits
Genetic variation in ALCAM and other chromosomal instability genes in breast cancer survival
Chromosomal instability is a hallmark of many cancers and it has a potential to predict clinical outcome of a cancer patient. We hypothesized that genes whose expression status differs between chromosomal stable and unstable breast tumors represent target genes for the identification of genetic variants predicting breast cancer (BC) risk, disease progression, and survival. We used a published list
Risk profiles for aortic dissection and ruptured or surgically treated aneurysms: a prospective cohort study.
Community screening to guide preventive interventions for acute aortic disease has been recommended in high-risk individuals. We sought to prospectively assess risk factors in the general population for aortic dissection (AD) and severe aneurysmal disease in the thoracic and abdominal aorta.
Radiological imaging of the neck for initial decision-making in oral squamous cell carcinomas-A questionnaire survey in the Nordic countries
Background. Fast and accurate work-up is crucial to ensure the best possible treatment and prognosis for patients with head and neck cancer. The presence or absence of neck lymph node metastases is important for the prognosis and the choice of treatment. Clinical lymph node (N)-staging is done by palpation and diagnostic imaging of the neck. We investigated the current practice of the initial radi
Detection of Internal Erosion and Seepage Evaluation Using Resistivity Monitoring
The resistivity method is well suited for dam monitoring as it is non-destructive and easily adapted for long-term monitoring. Measurements detect changes of material properties as well as anomalous variations, which may relate to internal erosion and seepage. However, applying the resistivity method on embankment dams can be challenging. This paper contends with practical use of the resistivity m
Energitillförselmodeller för övergång till förnybar och närgenererad energi: en studie över Tjörns kommuns möjlighet att göra en energiomställning
An energy system that relies on fossil fuel is not sustainable. Emissions, such as carbon dioxide, nitric oxide and corpuscles, affect the climate and pollute the air. Furthermore, the supply of oil, coal and natural gas is located a few places worldwide, which can give rise to geopolitical conflicts for access to these areas. This is not a local issue for Tjörn, nor even a national issue for Swed
What can we learn from consumer reports on psychiatric adverse drug reactions with antidepressant medication? : Experiences from reports to a consumer association
I vant to be let alone - the construction of glamour
It is not too far fetched to claim that celebrity is a phenomenon that is difficult to define. It is hard to maintain rigid hierarchies between the components that make up celebrity. One of them can be described as glamour. In the paper I examine ways to understand glamour as an intrinsic part of the symbolic construction of celebrity. It has been used as a inherent quality in the person (Gould, 2
Proactive identification of work and situational factors that can affect safety in air traffic control.
In an organization where the safety level is high and incidents and serious accidents are very rare, a steady erosion of safety awareness and protective measures can occur, especially when productive demands rise. Thus, it is important to continuously identify and monitor aspects in the organization that can affect work performance and safety. In an ongoing joint research project between the LFV G
Cabotagestudien - A study on trucking deregulation and cabotage in Scandinavia and beyond
An open European market for goods and services, including transport services, stimulates trade, global competitiveness and economic growth. At the same time, concerns about domestic job security, regulation compliance and the environment have sparked a debate. This report should be considered one of the first modest contributions to the mainly unexplored area of European freight deregulation. Our
Kropp, själ och läkekonst. Kulturhistorisk tolkning av medicinska föremål från Vreta kloster.
Vileförklaringen och dess innehåll: Om avtalsrättslig begreppsbildning och systematik; (Declaration of legal intent and it's content: A study of concept formation and systematics in contract law.
Fruar och mamseller. Kvinnor inom sydsvensk borgerlighet 1790-1870
Arguments for a narrow species concept in Rubus sect. Corylifolii
A family history of diabetes determines poorer glycaemic control and younger age of diabetes onset in immigrants from the Middle East compared with native Swedes.
Immigrant populations from the Middle East develop diabetes earlier than indigenous European populations; however, the underlying etiology is poorly understood. This study looked at the risk factors associated with early diabetes onset and, in non-diabetics, glycaemic control in immigrants from Iraq compared with native Swedes.
Topical dsRNA challenges may induce overexpression of airway antiviral cytokines in symptomatic allergic disease. A pilot in vivo study in nasal airways.
Airway challenge with dsRNA is of interest since this agent acts on TLR3 and mimics rhinoviral (RV) infection-induced interferons/cytokines. Contrasting frequent employment of dsRNA in epithelial cell cultures there is no information on effects of dsRNA administered to human airways in vivo. Here we explore effects of nasal dsRNA challenges in subjects with seasonal allergic rhinitis inside and ou
Hospital Admissions for Ischemic Stroke: Does Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution Interact with Major Risk Factors?
Nitrogen retention versus methane emission: Environmental benefits and risks of large-scale wetland creation
Coastal eutrophication by nutrient fluxes from agricultural land to marine recipients is presently com- bated by measures such as the implementation of watershed-scale wetland creation programs aimed at nitrogen removal. Such created agricultural wetlands – termed ‘nitrogen farming wetlands’ (NFWs) – receive nitrogen (N) loads predominantly as nitrate, facilitating N removal by denitrification. Ho