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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90999 hits

Sorting and processing of neutrophil granule proteins

The neutrophil granulocytes have a critical role in innate immunity in particular through phagocytosis of microorganisms. Their cytoplasmic granule subsets store digestive enzymes and antibiotic proteins that are released during this event. During the passage in the secretory pathway the granule proteins are retrieved from constitutive secretion to become sorted for storage. The aim of this thesis

Reading achievement : Its relation to home literacy, self-regulation, academic self-concept, and goal orientation in children and adolescents

The studies in this doctoral thesis investigated how home literacy, self regulation, academic self-concept, and goal orientation influence reading ability. Study 1 investigated the effect of family-based prerequisites, reading attitude, and self-regulated learning on reading ability. Students (n= 4,018) in the eighth grade answered the IEA reading literacy test and the SRLQ. Structural Equation Mo

I viljan att göra det normala : En kritisk studie av genusperspektivet i missbrukarvården

The aim of this dissertation is to use intersectional analysis to investigate how gender is made in drug abuse treatment and to examine how the formation of gender interplays with the formation of sexuality, class and ethnicity. Central questions are: What gender(s) are to be shaped in druge abuse treatment? What happens to a gender perspective with emancipatory ambitions when it is incorporated i

On the Role of the Tumor Suppressor p53 in Leukemic Cell Differentiation

Leukemic cells suffer from an impaired ability to differentiate due to inherited or acquired genetic lesions. These genetic changes can sometimes be bypassed with various compounds both in vitro, and, more rarely, in vivo, thus inducing terminal differentiation of the leukemic cells. Differentiation of both leukemic and normal hematopoietic cells is believed to be intimately coupled to cell cycle

Design as an integrating factor in an international cross‐disciplinary innovation course

Today, innovation is a key word for many universities, as it constitutes an important part of most universities’ public and scientific interaction with society. Many universities are striving to increase the number of innovations spun out. At many universities, innovations are thought of as being sprung from research projects and generated by researchers. However, Sandström (2014) claims that whil

Molecular Genetic Studies of the Blood Group ABO Locus in Man

The ABO blood group system is undoubtedly the most important genetic and phenotypic marker in clinical transfusion medicine. The A and B determinants are immunodominant, terminally located carbohydrate residues of glycoconjugates on erythrocytes and other cell surfaces. The enzymes responsible for assembly of these structures are glycosyltransferases encoded by the ABO genes on chromosome nine. T

C4b-binding protein : studies on its interactions with C4b, protein S and serum amyloid P component

C4b-binding protein (C4BP) is an acute-phase plasma glycoprotein which regulates the complement system through its affinity for C4b. In addition, C4BP binds to the anticoagulant protein S and to serum amyloid P component (SAP). Protein S is a vitamin K-dependent protein which looses its anticoagulant properties when binding to C4BP. C4BP is composed of two types of subunits, the a-chain and the b-

Hypertension, blood pressure, cognition and cerebral blood flow in the cohort of "Men born 1914"

"Men born 1914" is a population based cohort study of the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease. Five hundred men, born 1914, were examined at the age of 68 and 185 of them were re-examined at 81 years of age. Examination included a medical and a psychological investigation, ultrasonographic measurement of carotid arteries, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, regional cerebral blood flo

Propofol infusion rate does not affect local pain on injection.

BACKGROUND: Local pain at the site of an i.v. injection of propofol is a well-known problem, particularly in infants. This randomised investigator-blinded crossover study was designed to assess the effect of the i.v. bolus infusion rate on propofol-induced pain at the site of injection. METHODS: Thirty unpremedicated patients scheduled for ear-nose-throat or plastic surgery at Malmö University Hos

Risk of cancer in patients with medically diagnosed hay fever or allergic rhinitis.

Data on allergic conditions as risk or protective factors for cancer are controversial probably because most studies have used self-reported data on mixed groups of allergies in a case-control setting. We define cancer risks in medically diagnosed hay fever/allergic rhinitis patients in a nationwide cohort study. A total of 138,723 hay fever/allergic rhinitis patients were identified from three Sw

A nationwide cohort study of the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in coeliac disease.

Objective. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) continues to be an important cause of morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs in the western world. Although smoking is an important trigger of COPD, other factors such as chronic inflammation and malnutrition are known to influence its development. Because coeliac disease (CD) is characterized both by dysregulated inflammation and malnutri

Tidiga nordiska prepositioner. Härkomst och uppkomst.

Prepositions already formed a grammatical category in the Common German language. New Scandinavian pepositions were established during the preliterary and the early literary periods. In this paper it is demonstraed that most of them were grammaticalizations of prepositional phrases or adverbs linked to a noun by an established preposition. The genesis of these new prepositions is investigated sema

Molecular Mechanism of Growth Hormone - Involvement of Janus Kinase 2, Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 and -2 and Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase In the Acute Insulin-Like Effects of Growth Hormone In Primary Rat Adipocytes

Originally studying the molecular mechanisms for the insulin-like effects of growth hormone (GH), lipogenesis and antilipolysis, in isolated rat adipocytes we found that the GH receptor (GHR) was tyrosine phosphorylated in response to GH in cells that were responsive to these effects. Then, as Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) was described as a GH-stimulated and GHR-associated tyrosine kinase, we found that