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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90907 hits

Invading Herbivory. Effects of the Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata) in Asian Wetlands.

The South American golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) was intentionally introduced to aquacultures in South East Asia to produce snails for human consumption, but the aquatic snails soon escaped and started to consume large amounts of rice seedlings. The aim of this thesis was to quantify the effects of this invasive herbivore on aquatic plants in natural wetlands since previous research h

Erland Nordenskiöld - En antropologisk biografi

Baron Erland Nordenskiöld was born on July 19th, 1877. As a son of the great explorer Adolf Nordenskiöld he was predestined to follow the road of scientific pursuit. Moving from the field of the natural sciences to anthropology, Nordenskiöld took the chair as professor of "general and comparative ethnography" in the early 1920's. This position at the University of Gothenburg marked the beginning o

Pain, power and patience - A narrative study of general practitioners' relations with chronic pain patients

Background: Chronic pain patients are common in general practice. In this study "chronic pain" is defined as diffuse musculoskeletal pain not due to inflammatory diseases or cancer. Effective patient-physician relations improve treatment results. The relationship between doctors and chronic pain patients is often dysfunctional. Consultation training for physicians and medical students can improve

Vattenomsättning i några svenska städer

Den inre och yttre vattenomsättningen i sex svenska städer har studerats.Dagvatten från hårda ytor till kombinerade system har beräknats liksomdränering av mark och grundvatten till detta system. Diffus avrinningutanför spill- och dagvattensystem har också beräknats. Inläckage tillspillvattensystem är ganska lika i de sex städerna. Det diffusa flödet tillrecipienter beror på klimatfaktorer.

Characterization of the perturbed differentiation in neuroblastoma, aided by the analysis of normal sympathetic nervous system development

Neuroblastoma is a pediatric tumor derived from cells in the sympathetic nervous system. In an attempt to explain the heterogeneous clinical behavior of neuroblastoma tumors, neuroblastomas have been characterized with regard to their degree of sympathetic differentiation. Their expression of genes and proteins that regulate normal sympathetic development and cell cycle/cell death regulators was a

Studies of Mucociliary Activity and Blood Flow in the Upper Airways, with Special Reference to Endothelins and Nitric Oxide

The aim with this thesis was to investigate effects of vasoactive mediators on mucociliary activity and blood flow in rabbit and human experimental models. Mucociliary activity in vivo and ciliary beat frequency (CBF) in vitro were measured with photoelectric techniques. Blood flow was measured with laser Doppler flowmetry. Substance P (SP) and methacholine increased human nasal blood flow. Pretre

Isocaloric substitution of carbohydrates with protein: the association with weight change and mortality among patients with type 2 diabetes.

The health impact of dietary replacement of carbohydrates with protein for patients with type 2 diabetes is still debated. This study aimed to investigate the association between dietary substitution of carbohydrates with (animal and plant) protein and 5-year weight change, and all-cause and cardiovascular (CVD) mortality risk in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Hypertension, blood pressure, cognition and cerebral blood flow in the cohort of "Men born 1914"

"Men born 1914" is a population based cohort study of the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease. Five hundred men, born 1914, were examined at the age of 68 and 185 of them were re-examined at 81 years of age. Examination included a medical and a psychological investigation, ultrasonographic measurement of carotid arteries, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, regional cerebral blood flo