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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90903 hits

Epigenetic alterations in human liver from subjects with type 2 diabetes in parallel with reduced folate levels.

Epigenetic variation may contribute to the development of complex metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes (T2D). Hepatic insulin resistance is a hallmark of T2D. However, it remains unknown if epigenetic alterations take place in the liver from diabetic subjects. Therefore, we investigated the genome-wide DNA methylation pattern in the liver from subjects with T2D and non-diabetic controls and

Collagen and related extracellular matrix proteins in atherosclerotic plaque development.

The structure, composition and turnover of the extracellular matrix (ECM) as well as cell-matrix interactions are crucial in the developing atherosclerotic plaque. There is a need for further insight into specific proteins in the ECM and their functions in the developing plaque, and during the last few years a number of publications have highlighted this very important field of research. These nov

Gene-Lifestyle Interaction and Type 2 Diabetes: The EPIC InterAct Case-Cohort Study.

Understanding of the genetic basis of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has progressed rapidly, but the interactions between common genetic variants and lifestyle risk factors have not been systematically investigated in studies with adequate statistical power. Therefore, we aimed to quantify the combined effects of genetic and lifestyle factors on risk of T2D in order to inform strategies for prevention.

The role of genetic variation and DNA methylation in human glucose metabolism and type 2 diabetes

The incidence of diabetes is increasing worldwide, with the most prevalent form being type 2 diabetes. Two fundamental processes contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes: insulin resistance in target organs and insufficient insulin secretion from the pancreatic beta-cells. The aim of this thesis was to explore the role of DNA methylation and common genetic variation on glucose metabolism a

Investigating practice variation in a changing primary care. A multilevel perspective on The Skaraborg Primary Care Database

Background and Aims: Differences in the clinical care of patients have been explained through the concept of practice variation, that is, the occurrence of established local medical procedures that varies between geographic areas. The primary measures introduced to eliminate undesirable differences in medical care are the introduction of medical guidelines and economical incentives that rewards th

Identification of novel genes for glucose metabolism based upon expression pattern in human islets and effect on insulin secretion and glycemia.

Normal glucose homeostasis is characterized by appropriate insulin secretion and low HbA1c. Gene expression signatures associated with these two phenotypes could be essential for islet function and patho-physiology of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Herein, we employed a novel approach to identify candidate genes involved in T2D by correlating islet microarray gene expression data (78 donors) with insulin

Red cell distribution width, haemoglobin A1c and incidence of diabetes mellitus.

Hyperglycaemia has multiple effects on the red blood cell (RBC), including glycation of haemoglobin, reduced deformability and reduced lifespan. Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a measure of the heterogeneity of erythrocyte volumes. The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between RDW and glucose, haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM).

Islet cell antibodies (ICA) identify autoimmunity in children with new onset diabetes mellitus negative for other islet cell antibodies.

The aim of this study was to explore whether islet cell antibodies (ICA) could be identified in children with newly onset diabetes mellitus but negative for autoantibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase (GADA), islet antigen-2 (IA-2A), insulin (IAA), or any of the three variants with arginine (R), tryptophan (W), or glutamine (Q) at position 325 of the zinc transporter 8 (ZnT8A).

Changes in glucose-elicited blood metabolite responses following weight loss and long term weight maintenance in obese individuals with impaired glucose tolerance.

Weight loss improves insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in obese subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), but the long term dynamic effects on blood metabolites other than glucose during an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), are largely unknown. Here, we studied changes in OGTT-elicited metabolite patterns in obese subjects during a diet-induced weight loss study.