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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91031 hits
Project Turnstone: Freedom of Movement and Passenger Experiences with Safety and Border Control in the Baltic Sea Area
Projekt Turnstone är ett samverkansprojekt delvis finansierat av Europeiska kommissionen. Projektet är ett initiativ av Stockholmspolisens gränsbevakningsenhet. Syftet med Projekt Turnstone är att minska gränsöverskridande brottslighet, förbättra dagligt samarbete mellan gräns, polis och kustbevakare i Östersjöregionen och förbättra säkerheten för passagerare i Östersjöregionen utan att göra avkalProject Turnstone is a collaborative project funded in part by the European Commission. The project is an initiative by the Stockholm Police. The purpose of the project is to improve day-to-day cooperation between border officers in the Baltic Sea region, decrease trans-boundary criminality, and increase security for passengers in the Baltic Sea area without compromising freedom of movement. Withi
Coronary heart disease incidence and short-term case fatality in relation to socio-economic circumstances - epidemiological and clinical aspects
The aim of this thesis was to study incidence and case-fatality rate (CFR) of myocardial infarction (MI) and ischemic heart disease (IHD), by exploring relations to socioeconomic position (SEP), other cardiovascular risk factors, medical seeking pattern and time trends. Data from the Malmö Myocardial Infarction Register (1986-1995; n=5533), the Malmö 1990 cohort (1990-2003; n=69 223), the Malmö P
Knee extensor strength and body weight in adolescent men and the risk of knee osteoarthritis by middle age
Nordic Noir
Nordic noir is an emerging crime genre that draws on crime fiction, feature film, and television drama. The term Nordic noir is associated with a region (Scandinavia), with a mood (gloomy and bleak), with a look (dark and grim), and with strong characters and a compelling narrative. Such is the popularity of Nordic noir as a brand for crime that it can also, and somewhat confusingly, be associated
Characteristics and prognosis of healthy severe obesity (HSO) subjects - The Malmo Preventive Project
Background: The characteristics and prognosis of healthy obesity (HO) still remain unclear. We aimed to examine the characteristics of healthy severe obesity (HSO), defined by a novel approach, with a focus on self-reported physical activity (PA) and a genetic risk score for type 2 diabetes (GRS DM2). Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was carried out in a subsample of severly obese subjects (BMI
GAD65 antigen therapy in recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus
BACKGROUND: The 65-kD isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) is a major autoantigen in type 1 diabetes. We hypothesized that alum-formulated GAD65 (GAD-alum) can preserve beta-cell function in patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes. METHODS: We studied 334 patients, 10 to 20 years of age, with type 1 diabetes, fasting C-peptide levels of more than 0.3 ng per milliliter (0.1 nmol per li
Test-specific differences in verbal memory assessments used prior to surgery in temporal lobe epilepsy
Challenging the heterogeneity of disease presentation in malignant melanoma—impact on patient treatment
There is an increasing global interest to support research areas that can assist in understanding disease and improving patient care. The National Cancer Institute (NIH) has identified precision medicine-based approaches as key research strategies to expedite advances in cancer research. The Cancer Moonshot program ( is the
Hip fractures – Treatment and functional outcome. The development over 25 years
Use of terbinafine and risk of death in patients with prostate cancer : A population-based cohort study
Terbinafine is used for the treatment of several superficial fungal infections. In silico analyses and animal models suggest that terbinafine might have an anti-tumor effect. We aimed to explore whether subsequent administration of terbinafine might be associated with a lower mortality rate in patients with prostate cancer. We identified patients diagnosed with prostate cancer between July 2005 an
Maternal dietary supplement use and development of islet autoimmunity in the offspring : TEDDY study
Familial risk of cancer : data for clinical counseling and cancer genetics
Negative predictive value and potential cost savings of acute nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging in low risk patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome : A prospective single blinded study
Atopic dermatitis, educational attainment and psychological functioning : a national cohort study
Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) might adversely affect academic performance, possibly through influences on psychological functioning such as stress resilience. Objectives: To investigate the association of atopic dermatitis with stress resilience, cognitive function and educational attainment. Methods: We used data from a national cohort of men who underwent a military conscription examination
“Do you realize what you have done @svtnyheter – public service?” The SKOLKO scandal as media mixing
Southern scandinavian aerosol composition and elemental size distribution characteristics dependence on air-mass history
Circadian onset and prognosis of myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA)
Healthcare, health and inequality in health in the Nordic countries
All five Nordic countries emphasize equal and easy access to healthcare, assuming that increased access to healthcare leads to increased health. It is the purpose of the present study to explore to which extent the populations of these countries have reached good health and a high degree of socio-economic equality in health. Each of the five countries has established extensive public health progra
Structured physiotherapy including a work place intervention for patients with neck and/or back pain in primary care: an economic evaluation
A cluster-randomized controlled trial, WorkUp, was conducted for working-aged patients at risk of sick leave or on short-term sick leave due to acute/subacute neck and/or back pain in Sweden. The purpose of WorkUp was to facilitate participants to stay at work or in case of sick leave, return-to-work. The aim of this study was to study whether the WorkUp trial was cost- effective. Patients in the