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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91055 hits

Study and work environment

It is important for Lund University that its students have a good work environment for their studies. Read more here about what the student work environment entails in different situations and who is responsible for ensuring its proper functioning. The concepts of study environment and student work environment are used synonymously in many contexts. At Lund University we speak of the work environm - 2025-03-05


We conduct pioneering neuroscientific research. Through experimental, clinical and point-of-care research, our researchers are making discoveries that are being used to treat various brain disorders. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are examples of neurodegenerative disorders in which large groups of nerve cells in the brain are destroyed, leading to reduced motor and cognitive abilities. Current medic - 2025-03-06

Enclosure instructions

When applying to Lund University as an exchange student, it is important that you submit the correct supporting documents with your application, otherwise, your application will take longer to process. Please note that there are documents that all students are required to submit as well as Faculty-specific requirements. The file format should be .pdf or .doc/.docx, please do not upload .pages file - 2025-03-05

The Academic Support Centre

Welcome to the Academic Support Centre (ASC)! We can give you tips and advice about how to improve your study skills and your academic writing or reading. The Academic Support Centre can support Bachelor's and Master's level students when it comes to study skills and writing academic texts. You can come to us for help in finding efficient ways of working on assignments, essays and take-home exams. - 2025-03-05

Transcript of records from Ladok

View details of your studies in Ladok Ladok is a national student record system. In Ladok you can register for courses and view your grades and your study results. You can also generate an official transcript of records. If you are a current student at Lund University, you can view your academic details and results in Ladok and you can use the system to generate and print out a transcript of recor - 2025-03-05

What Teresa says about the Master's in Machine Learning, Systems and Control

Teresa from GermanyWhat is your background?"I am from Germany originally. I studied biomedical engineering for my Bachelor’s at the University of Stuttgart. Then I came to Lund for my Master's in Machine Learning and Control."How do you like the programme so far?"The courses are all very good and the programme is great. It has been very practical so far with many hands-on assignments like actual p - 2025-03-06

What Maochao says about the Master's in Biotechnology

Maochao - Alumnus of the programmeWhat year did you graduate?"I graduated in 2021."What is your current job and where is it located?"I’m working in a pharmaceutical company focusing on the development and industrialisation of innovative monoclonal antibody drugs and other therapeutic protein drugs. It is located in Chengdu, a metropolitan city that is the hub of Southwest China. My work is about t - 2025-03-06

Global collaboration

Lund University collaborates and cooperates with top universities all over the world through international networks, programmes and platforms. Below we present some of our larger, university-wide collaborations. Universitas 21 (U21)Universitas 21 is a global network consisting of 29 research-intensive, comprehensive and outstanding universities in 19 countries.The aim of the network is to provide - 2025-03-06

What Ruben says about the Master's in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation

Ruben from GermanyWho are you and when did you graduate? "My name is Ruben and I graduated from the Master’s programme in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation (DRMCCA) in June 2020. In terms of previous experiences, I have a Bachelor’s degree in International Emergency and Disaster Relief from Akkon University in Berlin. I have also done an internship in Dakar at the UN World Foo - 2025-03-06

Exchange studies

Who can come to Lund University as an exchange student?To come to Lund University as an exchange student, your home university must have a formal agreement for exchange studies with Lund University.  This can either be a specific faculty agreement (or even a specific department agreement) or it can be a university-wide agreement.Check with the International Office at your university (either the ce - 2025-03-06

What Mathias says about the Master's in Medical Science, Audiology

Mathias Næss from Norway Why did you choose this programme?“This programme is the only master’s programme I could take that focuses on my field – audiology. I heard wonderful things about Lund, and my colleagues have studied here and recommended it highly.” Has the programme lived up to your expectations so far? “Yes, I haven’t had any surprises yet. It’s at the level I was prepared for.” What is - 2025-03-05

Assistant assignment agreement

Terms of the assistant assignmentThe assignment as an assistant to a student deemed eligible for learning support stretches from the start date until the end of the semester. The nature of the assistant assignment depends on the student's need for support and is discussed in consultation with the accessibility officer and, if necessary, staff at the relevant department.During the semester, assista - 2025-03-06

Application checklist

Applying for Master's or Bachelor's degree programmes or courses? Each year there are students who miss an important step or official application rule, which disqualifies their application for consideration. Make sure your application is complete and correct so you can be evaluated and considered for selection! Follow our instructions carefully to o ensure that your application is complete and acc - 2025-03-06

What Likki-Lee says about the Master's in Asian Studies

 Likki-Lee from GermanyWhy did you decide to take your Master's at Lund University?"It was actually the programme that drew my attention to Lund University. I was looking for an authentically international Master’s programme in Asian Studies which had an interdisciplinary structure and an established network of partner institutions in Asia. After finding all these attributes here in Lund, I learne - 2025-03-06