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Your search for "swedish" yielded 89939 hits

Floodwater harvesting for artificial recharge of groundwater - estimation and prediction for arid Iran

Groundwater depletion in arid and semiarid areas is of increasing concern. Increasing water demand due to increasing population and climate change impacts have intensified the water shortage problems and put further stress especially on groundwater. Water harvesting techniques have been traditional solutions to water scarcity problems in the arid and semiarid Middle East for thousands of years. Th

Organization of Nanoparticles in Solution-A TEM Study

A new approach to the study of nanoparticle systems has been introduced. Nanoparticle systems in aqueous and organic solutions have been synthesized and studied by transmission electron microscopy. These systems include nanoparticles of gold, silver, palladium, ruthenium, and platinum which have been stabilized using various ligands. The particles were initially studied as deposited samples on ca

Sampling and Selective Detection of Peptides and Proteins Emphazing Microdialysis,Bio-recognition Assays and MALDI-TOF MS

The use of microdialysis sampling and flow immunochemical detection as well as MALDI-TOF MS for peptide and protein analysis is described. Sampling of peptides and smaller proteins was investigated with different membranes. Cyclodextrines additives and an on-line push-pull microdialysis sampling method was used with the result of a higher sampling efficiency compared to conventional microdialysis

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Questo lavoro è dedicato alla traduzione del romanzo Gomorra di Roberto Saviano, tradotto nello svedese da Barbro Andersson. Da un lato, si analizza la traduzione di vari fenomeni grammaticali, come le parafrasi, le frasi condensate, le frasi ellittiche e l’uso del gerundio. Dall’altro, si indaga su come cambino in svedese varie locuzioni e casi di linguaggio figurato. This essay contains an a

"...tradition, tenniskungen, världsspelare och vackra människor" -Imagens påverkan av en ökad kommersialisering

Syfte:Studiens syfte består i att belysa hur företagen som sponsrar ett idrottsevenemang anser att deras image kan påverkas och förändras via den ökade kommersialiseringen av idrotten. Metod:Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod och det empiriska materialet samlades in via kvalitativa enkäter. Arbetets utgörs av en blandning mellan induktiv och deduktiv ansats. Teoretiska perspektiv:De huvudsaklig

Kultur, makt och begreppet stat i förhandlingssituationer: en fallstudie av den norsk-svenska renbeteskonventionen

This paper develops a theory for understanding negotiation situations involving states and indigenous peoples. Using relevant constructivist theory as a starting point, the paper develops a theory about understanding the relationship between power and culture implicit in the concept of the state. This relationship is examined in negotiations situations involving states and indigenous peoples. Stat

Kvinnor som offer . En kritisk studie av svensk dagspress och dess framställning av Kongos kvinnor

Sexual violence is a widespread and severe problem in the Democratic Republic of Congo and hits thousands of civilians each year. In Congo sexual violence is a weapon of war and the women are the most affected. The last few years the sexual violence in Congo has received increased attention from international organizations, as the United Nations and non-governmental organizations, and also from th

Fire safety on board submarines – crew interventions

This work investigates crew opinions about manual intervention on board submarines and planned new solutions on the new submarine, the A26. The planned solutions include an unmanned aft and the installation of water mist instead of Halon 1301 as fire suppression system. Literature, survey and interviews were used to gather information. The crew routines and previous fire incidents were determined.


Instructions for applicants to the Bachelor’s Programme in Fine Arts, 180 ECTS credits 2016/2017 Deadline for applications 23 February 2016 Deadlines and general information Applications to the Bachelor´s Programme in Fine Arts at Malmö Art Academy take place in two steps. First on and then in the Malmö Art Academy application portal where work samples can be uploaded. You - 2025-03-19

Term 3 2019

Term_3_2019.pdf GRADUATE SCHOOL, FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, LUND UNIVERSITY STUDENT INFO Student information about elective courses Autumn 2019 
 Version 2.0 – February 2019 Electives Courses in the Social Sciences at Lund University 1 Elective Courses What are electives? Electives are the 30 credits worth of courses that you take in your third term here at Graduate School, those which will event - 2025-03-19

Orientation weeks VT21 Final

Orientation weeks 2021 SCHEDULE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 2 TIMETABLE FOR THE ORIENTATION WEEKS SPRING 2021 3TIMETABLE FOR THE ORIENTATION WEEKS SPRING 2021 ORIENTATION WEEKS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SPRING 2021 We are delighted that you are able to join us for the Spring 2021 Orientation weeks for international students at Lund University. The Orientation programme is a combination of practica - 2025-03-19

2020 lumes thesis schedule 25-26 may version 14 may

LUMES 2018-2020 Thesis Seminar Schedule MAY 2020 2020 LUMES THESIS SCHEDULE – VIA ZOOM CHECK LINK & PASSWORD FOR EACH EXAMINER: CANVAS FRIDAY 22 MAY 2020 MONDAY 25 May 2020 DAY LINK AMANDA WILL SEND OUT ZOOM LINK VIA CANVAS ON FRIDAY 22 MAY 2020 MONDAY Venue Examiner Respondent Thesis Title Discussants Supervisor 8.00-8.45 ZOOM Anne Jerneck Hiroka Ka Ho TAIWAN Will Plastic Ever Go Away? An analysi - 2025-03-19