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Your search for "swedish" yielded 89861 hits


SGR015F Research Ethics, 3 credits, third cycle Page 1 of 3 SYLLABUS Reg. No. U 2020/527 2020-05-27 SGR015F Research Ethics, 3 credits, third cycle The course was adopted by the Board of the Lund University Faculty of Social Sciences 11 June 2020, and the syllabus was approved by the Research Studies Council 27 May 2020. The syllabus is valid from the autumn semester 2020. A. General information T - 2025-03-17


Centre for Retail Research at Lund University ANNUAL REPORT | 2015 2 ANNUAL REPORT CENTRE FOR RETAIL RESEARCH AT LUND UNIVERSITY 2015 3 ANNUAL REPORT CENTRE FOR RETAIL RESEARCH AT LUND UNIVERSITY 2015 Introduction Centre for Retail Research – the second year Yet another year of activities at the Centre for Retail Research is marked with this second annual report. During the past year we have striv - 2025-03-17


Centre for Retail Research at Lund University ANNUAL REPORT | 2019 2 ANNUAL REPORT CENTRE FOR RETAIL RESEARCH AT LUND UNIVERSITY 2019 Anders Dahlvig’s inaugural lecture as honorary doctor at Lund University in May 2019. 3 ANNUAL REPORT CENTRE FOR RETAIL RESEARCH AT LUND UNIVERSITY 2019 Introduction Centre for Retail Research – the sixth year The Centre for Retail Research has now been in existence - 2025-03-17

Teaching rinne

teaching_rinne Teaching, Janne Rinne November 5, 2020 1 Teaching and educational experience Ph.D. thesis supervision (9) Student Graduation Field University Supervisors Matti Räsänen 2020 Physics University of Helsinki Kulmala, Rinne, Pellikka Anna-Maria Virkkala 2020 Geography University of Helsinki Luoto, Lehtonen, Rinne Pekka Rantala 2016 Meteorology University of Helsinki Rinne, Taipale Maija - 2025-03-17

Poster - Perfusion monitoring of rotation flaps in the periocular area

Horizontal conference poster template Introduction After tumor excision in the periocular area, rotation flaps are often used for reconstruction. The aim of this study was to assess the effects on perfusion in glabellar flaps, upper eyelid skin flaps, and lower eyelid full-thickness flaps. Materials and methods Perfusion was monitored using laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) in patients undergo - 2025-03-17

Kp ksmc52 rev190320

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies on 2017-09-15 and was last revised on 2019-03-20. The revised syllabus applies from 2019-08-01, autumn semester 2019. General Information The course is a compulsory component of all specialisations of the Bachelor of Science programme in Servi - 2025-03-17


Luun UNrvERSrry School of Economics and Management Lund February L6,202L LUSEM response to the evaluation of the PhD program in Informatics The PhD program in Informatics underwent an evaluation by an external peer-review panel duringfal|'2020.It was based on a program self-evaluation report and interviews with the program management as well as a few selected teachers/supervisors and doctoral stud - 2025-03-17

BIMM26 Course syllabus

BIMM26 Biomedicine: Molecular and Experimental Neurobiology Lund University Faculty of Medicine BIMM26, Biomedicine: Molecular and Experimental Neurobiology, 7.5 credits Biomedicin: Molekylär och experimentell neurobiologi, 7,5 högskolepoäng Second Cycle / Avancerad nivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by The Master's Programmes Board on 2023-05-23 to be valid from 2023-05-30, spring - 2025-03-17

Kp SMMX31 eng HT23 221212

SMMX31 Consumer Culture Lund University Faculty of Social Sciences SMMX31, Consumer Culture, 7.5 credits Konsumtionskultur, 7,5 högskolepoäng Second Cycle / Avancerad nivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies on 2021-02-17 and was last revised on 2022-12-12. The revised syllabus applies from 2023-08-28, autumn semest - 2025-03-17

Kp SEMA52 eng HT23

SEMA52 Service Work Lund University Faculty of Social Sciences SEMA52, Service Work, 7.5 credits Service Work, 7,5 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Studies on 2023-03-01 to be valid from 2023-08-28, autumn semester 2023. General Information The course is offered as a stand-alone course. The course is offer - 2025-03-17

Kp SEMA54 eng HT23 230301

SEMA54 Sustainable Services Lund University Faculty of Social Sciences SEMA54, Sustainable Services, 7.5 credits Sustainable Services, 7,5 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Studies on 2023-03-01 to be valid from 2023-11-29, autumn semester 2023. General Information The course is offered as a stand-alone cou - 2025-03-17


JGSA01 European Business Law - Understanding the Fundamentals Lund University Faculty of Law JGSA01, European Business Law - Understanding the Fundamentals, 5 credits Europeisk affärsrätt - Förstå grunderna, 5 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Faculty of Law Board of education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels on 2023-03-17 to be valid fr - 2025-03-17


JGSA03 European Business Law - Competing in Europe Lund University Faculty of Law JGSA03, European Business Law - Competing in Europe, 5 credits Europeisk affärsrätt - Konkurrera i Europa, 5 högskolepoäng First Cycle / Grundnivå Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Faculty of Law Board of education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels on 2023-03-17 to be valid from 2023-03-17, spri - 2025-03-17