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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91018 hits

Kamus blfl eng

Programme Syllabus 1. IDENTIFICATION • Name of programme: Master’s Programme in Music, Recorder • Scope of programme in higher education credits: 120 • Cycle: Second • Programme code: KAMUS. Specialisation: BLFL. 2. DETAILS OF APPROVAL Syllabus approved by the Board of the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts 18 October 2017. This syllabus is valid from the autumn semester 2017. 3. PROGRAMME DESCRI - 2025-03-12

The protein shifts 2018-2019

Microsoft Word - The Protein Shifts 2018-2019.docx The Protein Shifts Knowledge gaps, obstacles and opportunities Both food and food production have a direct and resounding impact on human health, the planet's well-being, and economic development. One of the general global concerns and discussions is the increase of greenhouse gases, of which the agro-food system is estimated to account for about - 2025-03-12

Kp smmr31 eng

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by the board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies on 2017-04-26 to be valid from 2017-06-01, autumn semester 2017. General Information The course may not be included in a main field of study. It is included in semester 3 of the Master of Science programme in Service Management. Language of instruct - 2025-03-12

Geon05 syllabus english 2016-05-03

Kursguide - Course Syllabus Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Study programmes board, Faculty of Science on 2016- 04-04 to be valid from 2016-07-01, autumn semester 2016. General Information The course is an elective second cycle course for a degree of Master of Science (120 credits) in Geology. Language of instruction: English Learning outcomes The general aim of the course is to p - 2025-03-12

Invitationurbanvisionschallengesnov4 final

Lund University Urban Arena and K2, the National Knowledge Centre for Public Transport, are organising a seminar on the topic of ”Urban Visions and Challenges – Integrating (public) transport more effectively”. The event features a range of eminent speakers from academia, as well as experts in Public Transport. They will provide the audience with a series of interesting and thought-provoking prese - 2025-03-12

Litteraturlista MVEN27 VT21 PDF

Litteraturlista MVEN27 VT21 Kursansvarig: Johanna Alkan Olsson All litteratur är tillgänglig online via LUs databaser. Litteraturlistan består av obligatorisk läsning och frivillig läsning. Litteratur tillkomma i relation till uppgifter framförallt i relation till individuell litteraturöversikt och grupparbete Obligatorisk läsning (Böcker, rapporter och artiklar i bokstavsordning Biesbroek, G. R., - 2025-03-12

Litteraturlista MVEN27 VT22 2

Litteraturlista MVEN27 VT22 Litteraturlista MVEN27 VT22 All litteratur är tillgänglig online via LUs databaser. Litteraturlistan består av obligatorisk läsning och frivillig läsning. Litteratur tillkomma i relation till uppgifter framför allt i relation till individuell litteraturöversikt och grupparbete Obligatorisk läsning (Böcker, rapporter och artiklar i bokstavsordning Biesbroek, G. R., Swart - 2025-03-12

Oki-lock in wp

Sc h o o l o f P u b lic A d m in is tr at io n W o rk in g P ap er s Se ri es 2013:22 Hervé Corvellec María José Zapata Campos Patrik Zapata Infrastructures, Lock-in, and Sustainable Urban Development – The Case of Waste Incineration in the Göteborg Metropolitan Areas Contributions published in SPA Working Paper Series are scientific reports produced by researchers at the School of Public Adminis - 2025-03-12

Litteraturlista MVEN27 VT22 1

Litteraturlista MVEN27 VT21 All litteratur är tillgänglig online via LUs databaser. Litteraturlistan består av obligatorisk läsning och frivillig läsning. Litteratur tillkomma i relation till uppgifter framför allt i relation till individuell litteraturöversikt och grupparbete Obligatorisk läsning (Böcker, rapporter och artiklar i bokstavsordning Biesbroek, G. R., Swart, R. J., van der Knaap W.G.M - 2025-03-12

LU CEC 2018 16-9 - 2023

PowerPoint-presentation Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, CEC The Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, CEC, is a combined physical and virtual centre at Lund University. CEC conducts research, education and communication on environmental sciences and climate research. Our work is interdisciplinary, which permeates both education and research activities. CEC plays a key role in - 2025-03-12

Sharing Data

How can you share or reuse your data, and with whom? Sharing data There are a number of different ways and different services that can be used to share data. Which service is most suitable depends on what kind of data you have, and how you want to make the data available. Some services to consider: subject-specific services, such as the Corpus server at the Humanities Lab, look for more repositori - 2025-03-11


The workshop will be held virtually from Lund Observatory. Zoom link: Slack workspace: If you are registered, you have received the password for this Zoom meeting by email. In case of any troubles, please contact Diane Feuillet or Gregor Traven. You can also join the - 2025-03-11