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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91037 hits

Röster från frontlinjen. Språkstödjares arbetserfarenheter i ett rasifierat Sverige

This study investigates the working life of people with immigrant backgrounds who work as language supporters to help the integration of refugees in a municipality in Sweden. Five language supporters were interviewed about their working experience in the municipality. Applying Joan Acker’s concept of inequality regime and Anders Neergaards’s concept of included subordination, the results of the st

Bargaining and Communication in Games

Chapter 2 investigates an infinitely repeated Bertrand duopoly where firms with different discount factors bargain over which collusive price and market share to implement. The bargaining is modelled as a strategic game and the main results of the paper is that it shows existence of a unique subgame perfect equilibrium and that the least patient firm's equilibrium market share is not monotone in i

Characterization and Enhancement of Antenna System Performance in Compact MIMO Terminals

Co-band multiple-antenna implementation in compact user terminals is necessary for harvesting the full potential of diversity and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology in cellular communication systems. The recent worldwide deployment of Long Term Evolution (LTE), which requires the use of MIMO technology in the downlink, adds to the urgency of achieving both practical and optimal multi

Probing Proton Translocation in Influenza A/M2 Proteoliposomes - A systematic Approach to Membrane-Protein Reconstitutions

An improved method for reconstituting membrane proteins into artificial liposomes for quantitative functional analysis is presented. A number of key parameters for reconstitution by detergent removal are assessed in this thesis: The lipid-to-protein ratio, the detergent-to-lipid ratio and the lipid and cholesterol composition. New porphyrin-based pH-probes are evaluated. Based on this systematic,

Influence of water conditions on growth and mineral nutrient uptake of native plants on clacareous soil

The studies presented in Papers I to IV illustrate the importance of soil moisture in soil solution chemistry and response of native plants to the changes induced by change in moisture regime. With the help of glasshouse experiments I tried to study the influence of different treatments of soil moisture conditions on the mineral uptake by native plants of calcareous soil. I also tried to find the

Grundskollärares tankar om kompetensutveckling (Compulsory school teachers' thoughts about competence development)

The development in society and school activities that have taken place during the past twenty years, form the background to the problem in this thesis. Liberal democratisation in the society as a whole and the global explosion of knowledge have made it necessary for teachers continuously to develop new knowledge. The over all aim of the thesis concerned the development of knowledge of variations

Molecular Recognition in Antibody Engineering. Studies on recombinant and phage displayed antibodies

In vitro generation of antibody fragments of desired specificity and affinity plays an important role since it permits the generation of reagents which may be valuable for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Furthermore, the kinetic parameters for an antibody-antigen interaction, rather than the affinity, has shown to correlate with biological functions like virus neutralization. This points

Straffansvar och modern brottslighet. En idékritisk studie av straffansvar för juridiska personer.

This thesis seeks to explore critically the idea of corporate criminal responsibility. The criminal responsibility of corporations is constructed as a criminal responsibility of legal persons. As an expression of criminal policy, criminal responsibility of corporations is often understood as a response to harms and risks stemming from the economic and industrial sectors of society. The central the

Biophysical modelling in diffusion MRI: The role of tissue microstructure and water exchange

Diffusion MRI is widely used to study brain structure in vivo. While this technique is often applied to investigations of brain connectivity, it can also be used to infer specific information about the tissue microstructure; for example, to estimate the axon diameter. In the present work, the role of tissue microstructure and water exchange in biophysical models employed in diffusion MRI was inves

The mechanisms controlling heat and mass transfer on frying of beefburgers

The aim of the present work was to gain better understanding of the mechanisms controlling heat and mass transfer during thermal processing of beefburgers. The effects of different factors such as the chemical composition and comminution of the meat raw material, the pan temperature and the meat patty diameter on the characteristics of heat and mass transfer were studied. The evolution of the char

Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Cluster-Based Catalysts for Asymmetric Reactions

Synthesis and characterization of new transition metal carbonyl clusters has been undertaken, and evaluation of the new clusters to act as catalysts/catalysts precursor in asymmetric reactions has been carried out. The catalytic hydrogenation of tiglic acid under relatively mild conditions, using diastereomeric clusters of the general formula [(µ-H)2Ru3(µ3-S)(CO)7(µ-1,2-L)] (L= chiral diphosphine

Morphology and Properties of Polymer Blends -Polypropylene and a Thermoplastic Elastomer -Polypropylene/Polyamide (1/1) and a Modified Thermoplastic Elastomer

The search for polymeric materials with new property profiles has stimulated a great interest into polymer blends and reactive processing. During recent years many new blends have reached the market. Although some of these are homogeneous mixtures of polymers, most commercial blends are composed of immiscible polymers, and contain two or more polymeric phases. The properties of such blends depend

Study of Two-Photon processes at low Q2 using the VSAT calorimeter in the DELPHI experiment

The study is based on data collected at the LEP II accelerator during the second period of the Large Electron-Positron collider operations (1996-2000). During that time the DELPHI (DEtector with Lepton, Photon and Hadron Identification) experiment collected about 90 Gb of data on tape corresponding to 687-691 pb-1 of luminosity. The data obtained by the VSAT (Very Small Angle Tagger) electromagne

Competing on Manufacturing How combinations of resources can be a source of competitive advantage

The most central question in the strategic management literature is why some firms are more successful than others, often expressed as an aim to understand sources of competitive advantage. In this thesis, an empirical observation is made that a number of manufacturing plants belonging to the same firm show sustainable differences in financial success, and the question is why. The main theoretical

Gränsöverskridande styrning : om krav på ekonomisk styrning i social verksamhet inriktad mot barn och ungdomar

The aim of this study is to contribute to an increased understanding of the demands that the operation’s character places on management control. The study’s point of departure is the assumption that management control must be adapted to the operation’s character in order to be able to support strategy implementation and the achievement of objectives (contingency theory). The study deals with the d

Filtering and Wavelet Regression Methods with Application to Exercise ECG

The analysis of the recorded electrical activity of the heart during an exercise test is a valuable method for investigating a patient's circulatory and respiratory system. But the disturbances that occurr during a test often make it difficult to interpret the signal in order to detect changes evoked by the increased workload and related to for instance coronary artery diseases. Suppression of dis

The Egyptianizing, male, limestone statuary from Cyprus : a study of a cross-cultural, Eastern Mediterranean votive type

This thesis is a study of a particular limestone votive statuary type which was dedicated in the sanctuaries on Cyprus during the entire 6th century B.C. Common to the group of figures is that they are wearing a Cypriote version of an Egyptian-type outfit, including characteristic Egyptian royal headgear and jewelry. In order to be able to answer questions on the origin of the Egyptianizing iconog