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Your search for "swedish" yielded 91024 hits

Admission to Master’s programmes

Here you will find information about the procedures that apply to admission to Master’s programmes – primarily useful to those of you who work as a programme coordinator or programme director for a Master’s programme Admission to second-cycle programmes in English takes place through a separate round of admissions, with an application deadline of 15 January for the autumn semester and 15 August fo - 2025-03-10

Other courses

Please observe that you must study at least 15 ECTS credits at our department, the Department of Political Science in Lund. This regards only if you are coming within an agreement with our department. Undergraduate courseFor the course ”War and Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” you need 30 ECTS credits in Political Science or Peace and Conflict to be eligible.War and Peace in the Israeli- - 2025-03-10

Intelligence Analysis

About Intelligence AnalysisCertain types of information may be of crucial importance for a government’s successful conduct of international negotiations, when staking out a new course of foreign policy or in combating terrorism, organized crime and the illegal intelligence activities of foreign states. Worldwide, governments invest significant resources to acquire and interpret such information. M - 2025-03-10

Katja Lindqvist

Senior lecturer, associate professor Contact details Email: katja [dot] lindqvist [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 42 35 66 27Organisation Department of Service Studies Room number: E422 WebpageKatja Lindqvists profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Affiliated researcher CIRCLE Associate professor Department of Service StudiesMy research and teaching areas comprise manag - 2025-03-10

Quality assurance in research education

At Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM) The doctoral programmes at LUSEM are regularly evaluated and developed so that the quality of the programmes can be maintained. Peer review is a crucial part of this quality assurance process, and an external peer review committee is appointed for every evaluation.The quality assurance processThe process starts with a self-evaluation ma - 2025-03-10

Practical support and templates

Lund University Commissioned Education (LUCE) want to make it easy and convenient for you who work at a department and want to engage in commissioned education. They welcome all calls, emails and visits and offer you our support all the way. Start-up processLUCE is always the contract party from Lund University when signing contracts with an employer regarding commissioned education. To find out w - 2025-03-10

Qmod 2018 overview program draft zero 0

QMOD 2018: Preliminary Program 23. August 2018, Thursday Room 0: Plenary Session 2 Session Chair: 9:00- 10:00 Philip Holt, Vice President, Travelport, UK ”Lean Leadership Practices: Leading a Lean Transformation” 10:00- 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30- 12:00 Parallel Sessions 2 Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Session 2.1 Session 2.2 Session 2.3 Session 2.4 Session 2.5 Session 2.6 Session - 2025-03-10

Global gender matters final fall 2015

FINAL AND REVISED PROGRAM NOVEMBER 19, 2015 Dept. of Gender Studies, Lund University, Fall 2015 Organizers: Professor Diana Mulinari: Dept. of Gender Studies, Lund University and Professor Helle Rydström: Dept. of Gender Studies, Lund University Venue: Department of Gender Studies, Lund University, Building M1 (former Pedagogen) Global Gender M - 2025-03-10

H16 literature sasa17

Brevmall Postadress Box 117 221 00 Lund Besöksadress Allhelgona kyrkogata 14 M Telefon 046-222 08 01 Webbadress Genusvetenskapl iga ins t i tu t ionen SASA17: Gender Studies: Scandinavian Model of Equality – Gender, Class, Ethnicity and the Social Welfare State, 7,5 hp Literature Fall semester 2016 Fink, Janet & Åsa Lundqvist (eds.) (2010): Changing Relations of Welfare: Family, Ge - 2025-03-10


Brevmall STRATEGY 27 November 2014 Reg. no SAMV 2014/176 Vice-Chancel lor Lund University’s strategy for cooperation with Africa Approved by the vice-chancellor on 27 November 2014 A. Summary Lund University wishes to reinforce its cooperation with African universities. Internationalisation is one of the University’s prioritised strategies and increased cooperation with Africa is in line with this - 2025-03-10

Diabetes and cancer symposium

Diabetes and Cancer symposium The 10th Diabetes and Cancer Research Consortium (DCRC) workshop Symposium The Diabetes and Cancer Link: Lessons learned and current topics Monday 16th September 2019 Jubileumsaulan, Jan Waldenströms gata 1, Malmö PROGRAM 08.00-08.30 Registration and coffee 08.30-08.40 Welcome Isabel Drake 08.40-09.00 EASD Diabetes and Cancer Study Group / Diabetes and Cancer Research - 2025-03-10

Handbook for inbound students

Handbook for visiting students FACULTY OF MEDICINE, LUND UNIVERSITY Text: International Office, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, 201808 Photos: Front cover, top picture and bottom picture right Kennet Ruona, bottom picture left Håkan Röjder Page 2 Mikeal Risedal. Page 4 Kennet Ruona. Page 6 top picture left Apelöga, top picture right Charlotte Carlberg Bärg, bottom picture Kennet Ruona. Page - 2025-03-10