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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90832 hits


Data Management Plan A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a document that describes the life cycle of research data from collection through the analyses and reporting to the archiving of data. Writing a DMP at the start of the project can be helpful in the planning and execution of the research. A DMP can save time and resources in the long run, enhance data security and minimize the risk of data loss, - 2025-03-10

Håkan Hydén

Professor emeritus Kontaktinformation E-post: hakan [dot] hyden [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se Mobil: +46 70 530 64 30Organisation Rättssociologiska institutionen Hämtställe: 31 WebbplatsHåkan Hydéns profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Forskare Affärsrättsligt centrum vid Lunds Universitet, ACLUChefredaktör för Frontiers in Sociology of Law ForskningsområdenRättssociologi som N - 2025-03-11

Genome Divergence in Progress - a population genetic analysis of the allopolyploid Arabidopsis suecica and its maternal parent A. thaliana

The evolutionary history of the allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica and its maternal parent Arabidopsis thaliana is analyzed in the thesis in terms of genetic variation in the natural populations of the two species. The earliest phase of the speciation event in which the genomes of A. thaliana and A. suecica are in the process of diverging was investigated using population genetic methods. Evolutio

Protein Complexity via Non-Native States: Binding, Stability, and Structural Studies of Calbindin D9k and HAMLET (Human alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumor cells).

Using optical spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and differential scanning Calorimetry (DSC), I have studied two different calcium binding proteins that can form kinetically trapped altered states. Calcium is very important in numerous biological processes such as blood coagulation, signal transduction, muscle contraction and bone formation. Calcium binding to proteins regulates these


EngCompArrComp Composition, Arranging/Composition programmes 1 Course Details 1. Course code: MUUA23 2. Course title: Composition, Composition 3. Cycle: First 4. Higher education credits: 78 5. Syllabus approved by the Education Committee of th Performance and Church Music Department 11 December 2006. This syllabus is valid from 1 July 2007. 2 General Information 1. Field: Music 2. Subject: Compos - 2025-03-11


EngPianoVocalGuitarRecHarp Performance programmes Piano, Harp, Vocal, Guitar, Recorder, Harpsichord Instrumental Performance Studies, Piano 1 Course Details 1. Course code: MUUA26 2. Course title: Instrumental Performance Studies, Piano 3. Cycle: First 4. Higher education credits: 96 5. Syllabus approved by the Education Committee of the Performance and Church Music Department 11 December 2006. Th - 2025-03-11

Geom07 english

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Study programmes board, Faculty of Science on 2013- 01-17 to be valid from 2013-01-18, spring semester 2013. General Information The course is an elective course for second-cycle studies for a Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) in geology. The course is given in English. Learning outcomes The aim of the - 2025-03-11