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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90782 hits


Instruktioner till mall kursplaner Page 1 of 4 Faculty Office Date 31 January 2022 Instructions for templates for third cycle courses As far as possible, course syllabi are to be general in their design. Specific details such as the names of teaching staff and titles of particular required reading are not to be provided. Likewise, no dates or timetable details etc. are to be specified in the sylla - 2025-03-09

Application Pontus Roos minne22

Microsoft Word - Applicatino for research grant - Stiftelsen till Pontus Roos minne.pdf.docx 1 (4) Application for research grant Stiftelsen till Pontus Roos minne Recipients must be doctoral students, or alternatively younger doctoral researchers, in the subject of economics at Lund University. The recipient must be a person who is writing their dissertation, or doing research, in the field of ap - 2025-03-09


Rapid changes in bird community composition at multiple temporal and spatial scales in response to recent climate change 313 Rapid changes in bird community composition at multiple temporal and spatial scales in response to recent climate change Å ke Lindstr ö m , Martin Green , G ö ran Paulson , Henrik G. Smith and Vincent Devictor Å . Lindstr ö m (, M. Green and H. G. Sm - 2025-03-09


Delegated  decisions,  Enclosure  2     Travel  Grants         Applicant Amount (SEK) Kind of activity Approved by Group affiliation Date of approval Martina  Svensson   5  070   ENCODS  2016;  European   Neuroscience  Conference  for   Doctoral  Students,  June  29-­‐ July  1,  2016,  Helsingör,   Denmark   Gunnar   Gouras   Tomas   Deierborg   2016-­‐06-­‐02   Per  Ludvik  Brattås   7  000   EMB - 2025-03-09

Hur skiljer sig synen på flyktingar i svenska nyhetstidningar mellan åren 2015-2016 och 2022-2023? En kritisk diskursanalys av hur flyktingar diskuteras i media beroende på deras ursprung

Som ett resultat av den ryska invasionen av Ukraina har miljontals människor flytt till andra europeiska länder, varpå en andel tog sig till Sverige. Under 2015 tog Sverige också emot många flyktingar, varav majoriteten var från Syrien och Afghanistan. Media rapporterar ofta om ukrainska flyktingar och därför syftar denna uppsats till att jämföra och analysera hur diskurserna för de ukrainska och

Det etiska projektet och det estetiska. Tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv på Lars Ahlins författarskap.

As my title indicates, this dissertation is oriented towards two academic subjects: Ethics and Literature. Of late, the borderland between these two disciplines has attracted international scholarly attention. Within ethics, literary works are becoming a primary material; conversely, the study of literature has taken on ethical issues. As a result, the potentially referential character of fiction

Oki-publikationer service management no 1 april 2011

RESEARCH IN SERVICE STUDIES LUND UNIVERSITY, Campus Helsingborg Working paper No 1, April 2011 The Department of Service Management From “A farewell to landfill” to “A farewell to wastefulness” – Societal narratives, socio-materiality and organizations Hervé Corvellec & Johan Hultman From “A farewell to landfill” to “A farewell to wastefulness” – Societal narratives, socio-materiality and organiza - 2025-03-09

KONT05 Analysis of your own work eng

Kursguide - Course Syllabus Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Department Board of Malmö Art Academy on 2008-04- 29 to be valid from 2008-01-08. General Information Lund University, Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Malmö Art Academy. Optional course for the MFA in Fine Art (KAFKO) and the MFA in Fine Art Artistic Research programme (KAFPS). Language of instruction: English Learni - 2025-03-09