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Your search for "swedish" yielded 90782 hits

Master in church music organ and keyboard

Master in Church Music, Organ and Keyboard Programme Syllabus 1 GENERAL INFORMATION • Name of programme: Master in Church Music, Organ and Keyboard • Scope of programme in higher education credits: 120 • Cycle: Second • Programme code ? and code for specialisation. • Details of approval of programme: Decision-making body and date. This syllabus is valid from 1 July 2007. 2 PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION Th - 2025-03-09

Master in church music vocal music and choir

Master in Church Music, Vocal Music and Choir Programme Syllabus 1 GENERAL INFORMATION • Name of programme: Master in Church Music, Vocal Music and Choir • Scope of programme in higher education credits: 120 • Cycle: Second • Programme code? and code for specialisation. • Details of approval of programme: Decision-making body and date. This syllabus is valid from 1 July 2007. 2 PROGRAMME DESCRIPTI - 2025-03-09


Lund University 2019 | EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND COLLABORATION SINCE 1666 A WORLD-CLASS UNIVERSITY To understand, explain and improve Lund University was founded in 1666 and, ever since, has been a centre of culture and learning. We are repeatedly ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. One of our strengths is our unique disciplinary range and our ability to generate boundary-crossing collabo - 2025-03-09

Sasa17 4

Brevmall Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Besöksadress Allhelgona kyrkogata 14 M, Telefonväxeln 046-222 00 00 Webbadress http// Genusvetenskapl iga ins t i tu t ionen SASA17 Gender Studies: Scandinavian Model of Equality: Gender, Class, Ethnicity and the Social Welfare State Borchorst, Anette, and Birte Siim (2002): “The women-friendly welfare states revisited”. Nora 10(2) - 2025-03-09

Mass spectometry imaging 2019

Microsoft Word - Mass Spectometry Imaging 2019.docx Mass Spectrometry Imaging Center Lund 1. Short description of the platform Mass Spectrometry Imaging is used to analyze tissues with respect to different markers such as proteins, peptides, and drug compounds, and the corresponding metabolites. The possibility to scan with a fine spatial resolution of less than 10 um may then give an image of the - 2025-03-09

Earwitnesses: The effect of type of voice lineup in identification accuracy and the realism in confidence judgments

This contribution is a partial report from a study of the identification accuracy and realism in the confidence judgments of the correctness in the identification reports in two kinds of target-present voice lineup. 24 men and 54 women were asked to identify a voice that they had heard previously in a dialogue context that simulated the planning of a burglary by two males 22 and 27 years old. The

EU Competences and the Damages Directive: The Continuum Between Minimum and Full Harmonisation

This chapter examines the Damages Directive and the issue of competence allocation between the Union and the Member States, by analysing the degree of comprehensiveness and detail of the Directive as well as future perspectives of full harmonisation on EU level. It is argued that the distinction between minimumand full harmonisation is not particularly helpful. Instead, we suggest an alternative u

Peacemaking through Friendships: Ambivalent Anglican Discourses in Jerusalem 1920-1948

During the British Mandate period in Palestine, Jewish, Muslim and Christian chidren studied together at Anglican missionary schools. This educational project became part of wider efforts made by the Anglican Church to promote peace in Palestine. The article focuses on statements on 'friendship' made by the Anglican bishops in Jerusalem as well as the missionary teachers and how the concept was re

Conditions-for-scholarship holder

Information to PhD students with scholarship Conditions for doctoral studies funded by scholarship Scholarship holder: Date of Birth: Citizenship: Employment vs scholarship The majority of doctoral students at Lund university are employed. By laws and regulations, employees are granted certain social and other benefits that scholarship holders are not entitled to in the same way. Employees get sal - 2025-03-09