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Anmärkning i revisionsberättelsen
Den första lagstiftningen om revision kom år 1886. Sedan dess har revision och revisorer reglerats i lagen i flera avseenden. Revisorns arbetsuppgifter förekommer främst i aktiebolagslagen, vilket reglerar bl.a. revisorns rapportering. En av revisorns viktigaste uppgifter är att upprätta en revisionsberättelse, vilket är den enda offentliga rapporten som en revisor avger. Revisionsberättelsen skal
I betraktarens öga - Lekmannens förhållande till arkeologi i en komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Peru
Knock on (Engineered) Wood: Pathways to Increased Deployment of Cross-Laminated Timber
Significant negative environmental impacts are attributed to the building sector. To complement operational building efficiency, mitigation strategies could further decrease these environmental impacts. One mitigation strategy is increased use of low-carbon and bio based building materials. The objective of this research is to support such sustainable transitions within the complex building sector
Rytmikstart - En kvalitativ studie av instrumentalförberedande rytmikundervisning vid en kommunal musikskola samt en kommunal kulturskola
Detta examensarbete syftar till att kartlägga rytmik som introduktion till instrumentalunder-visningen vid en svensk kommunal musikskola samt en svensk kommunal kulturskola. Studiens frågeställningar söker svar på rytmikintroduktionens innehåll, intentioner, likheter och olikheter med annan rytmikundervisning samt om det verkar finnas några skillnader mellan de elever som erfarit den förberedande
Antoinette Hetzler
Professor emerita Contact details Email: antoinette [dot] hetzler [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Sociology Service point: 31 WebpageAntoinette Hetzlers profile in Lund University research portalSenior ProfessorMain research areasSocial change, social policy and the future of the welfare stateEconomic and Political SociologyWomen’s work and the segregated work forceInsider trading, money la - 2025-03-09
A Small Region in a Global World. Patterns in Scandinavian Film and TV Culture
Struggles over Human Smuggling in Court: Challenging National and European Border Regimes
Processing morphologically conditioned word accents
Svensk senmedeltida påskpredikan: tre exempel
Lagen och Liturgin: Kulturmiljölagstiftningen och Svenska kyrkan
#Slutakidnappavårabarn - En innehållsanalys om hur användare på forumet Flashback kan bidra till desinformation om svenska socialtjänsten
National identity construction from non-alignment to Nato membership
Presentation Managers Forum working from home 210507
PowerPoint-presentation Managers´ Forum: covid19 MAY 2021 Welcome! • Remember to - Put your microphone on mute when you are not talking - Write your name in your window - Put your camera on - Ask any questions in the chat function, we will answer as many as we can in the time allowed. - Take an individual ergonomic break occasionally. - The presentation will be published on the HR webb Participant
Masterht16-application 1
Lund University in brief 2022 Lund University 2022 | EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND COLLABORATION SINCE 1666 A WORLD-CLASS UNIVERSITY To understand, explain and improve Lund University was founded in 1666 and, ever since, has been a centre of culture and learning. One of our strengths is our unique disciplinary range and our ability to generate boundary-crossing collaboration. Student influence, internat - 2025-03-09
Ingrid van Dijk
Associate senior lecturer Contact details Email: ingrid [dot] van_dijk [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 03 46Organisation Department of Economic History Visiting address: Scheelevägen 15 B, Lund Room number: Alfa 1:2014 Service point: 10 WebpageIngrid van Dijks profile in Lund University research portalPersonal website: affiliations Associate professor - 2025-03-09
The Centre for Retail Research at Lund University
Registering your student paper
All student papers for Bachelor and Master’s degrees and for professional qualifications must be registered in the LUP Student Papers database. In some departments it is the student who registers their student paper in the database, while in other departments it is a member of staff who registers the student paper.The student can choose to make their student paper available in full text in the dat - 2025-03-09