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Your search for "swedish" yielded 24134 hits

Bird parents that receive help live longer

By jan [dot] olsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - published 9 March 2021 A long-tailed tit. Photo: Wikimedia Long life is common among bird parents that get help with childcare. This finding comes from researchers at the universities of Lund and Oxford who reviewed data from more than 9,000 studies. Being a parent can be tough. In general, animals that care for many offspring die youn - 2025-03-09

What happens when plants have stress reactions to touch?

By johan [dot] joelsson [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 24 May 2022 Olivier Van Aken and Essam Darwish. Photo: Johan Joelsson. A 30-year-old genetic mystery has been solved. It has previously been established that touch can trigger stress reactions in plants. However, the molecular models for explaining this process have been quite spartan so far. Now researchers at Lun - 2025-03-09

Size of insects are shaped by temperature and predators

By anders [dot] ortegren [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Örtegren) - published 10 February 2023 Many bird species in the tropics catch and eat damselflies and dragonflies. Here is a Rufous-tailed Jacamar that has caught a large dragonfly in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Photo: Erik Svensson. The size of dragonflies and damselflies varies around the globe. These insects are generally larger in - 2025-03-09

Emilia Viklund winner of the poster competition during the SWEAH Milestone Conference

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 21 October 2021 Emilia Wiklund´s poster presents older people's experiences of having been involved in a co-creative process and also an innovation project. Emilia Viklund is a SWEAH-affiliated doctoral student in health sciences at the Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies, Åbo Akademi University. In her research, - 2025-03-09

The prize for promising researchers in gerontology 2022 is awarded to Ida Karlsson, SWEAH supervisor

By maria [dot] lofstedt [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Löfstedt) - published 19 April 2022 Photo: Gunilla Sonnebring Ida Karlsson's connection to the graduate school SWEAH is strong. She is the main supervisor of Peggy Ler, SWEAH doctoral student. She has also taken the postdoctoral course "From junior to senior researcher in research on aging and health" and participated in SWEAH's mentoring p - 2025-03-09

Successful experiment with microwaves could result in better quantum computers

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Johan Joelsson) - published 8 September 2021 Physics researchers Peter Samuelsson, on the left, and Ville Maisi show the small brass component that contains connectors, microwave circuits and nanowires. Photo: Simon Wosny In a pioneering nano experiment, a research team in Lund has successfully constructed a new and very efficient microwave photon detector - 2025-03-09

Season greetings AI Lund

Published 20 December 2022 As the holiday season approaches, we would like to extend our warmest wishes to you all.    After last year’s restrictive situation we are so happy to have been able to meet in person during 2022. Even so there are lessons to be learned and we are therefore staying partly with digital formats that work well. Here are some highlights from the past year: AI related Degree - 2025-03-09

Global climate dialogues to boost climate work

By stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Stina Johannesson) - published 25 November 2020 Forest in Morzine, France. Photo by Guy Bowden on Unsplash. The climate crisis has received less media coverage during the corona pandemic despite that many think the climate challenges demand equally urgent attention. During the coming two weeks the United Nations gather the world in the Climate - 2025-03-09

New project to explore alternative pathways for refugees to enter Europe

By ellen [dot] albertsdottir [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Ellen Albertsdóttir) - published 26 May 2023 A new research project examines safe and legal routes to Europe for refugees. Photo: Unsplash The Syrian "refugee crisis" in Europe and the war in Ukraine have highlighted the limitations of traditional asylum systems. It has also highlighted the potential of alternative approaches, such as tempor - 2025-03-09

Andreas Bergh on media choices for research communication

Published 23 October 2024 Photo of Andreas Bergh by Louise Larsson An economist as a comic book character, podcaster, or cultural commentator? Andreas Bergh from LUSEM has chosen all three (and a bit more) as he, alongside his lectures on microeconomics and the welfare state, curiously explores various ways to reach the public. Here, he shares his best tips on where and why. Comics – because it’s - 2025-03-09

5 tips for making your course in Canvas more accessible

Published 15 April 2021 Foto: Nick Fewings på Unsplash As a teaching staff member working in Canvas, you are responsible for ensuring that the content you share with your students is adapted for accessibility. In this article, you will find tips from The Project group for web accessibility on what to bear in mind for all types of information published online and on digital platforms. You will also - 2025-03-09

Still hope for GAD diabetes vaccine

Published 21 June 2011 Despite the disappointing results in trying to treat children suffering from type 1 diabetes with the GAD vaccine, the treatment has not been written off entirely. DIAPREV-IT, the study in which healthy high-risk children are vaccinated, is continuing as planned, and now with more money behind it. "I am still hopeful that the GAC vaccine will work", says Helena Elding Larsso - 2025-03-09

Permafrost soils warming at a global scale

Published 24 January 2019 Researcher Margareta Johansson, Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, har been part of the global permafrost monotoring research. A pioneering permafrost study has just been released in the online journal Nature Communications, showing that in all permafrost regions, soil temperatures rose by an average of 0,3 degrees Celsius between 2007 and 2016. Margareta J - 2025-03-09

Meet guest researcher Sierd de Vries

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] pi [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 5 January 2024 Sierd de Vries is an associate professor at the department of Hydraulic Engineering at Delft University (Netherlands), and will be working as a guest researcher with the Theme Coastal Perspectives. What is your background and research interests?I work on the creation of sustainable coastal landsca - 2025-03-09